

Valued Senior Member
Are there any current religions, except Christianity, which is based upon human deification? The ancient Greeks and Romans did it and I presume that's where Christians got the idea.
There are places in Papua New Guinea where Prince Philip is regarded as a kind of god.
It seems that many of the deities in mythology were the products of euhemerism/deification.

and, most likely, a damned sloppy use of the language
perhaps that is what we have with Odin's great grey horse Sleipnir.
"that horse was so fast it was like he had 8(or 6) legs"
and eventually we have a six/or eight legged horse---
(of course Sleipnir's mother was Loki- a shapeshifter---so, who knows?)
Are there any current religions, except Christianity, which is based upon human deification?
that really depends on your definition of human deification (or Apotheosis)

there are some that consider Buddha deified, and there are always cults to consider (Sun Myung Moon immediately comes to mind here)

Here is an article that is related to the topic: "Psychology of attraction to religious deities and super-heroes"

the study is linked, or you can go here:

Yes and no. It's complicated.
You ain't kidding!
Are there any current religions, except Christianity, which is based upon human deification? The ancient Greeks and Romans did it and I presume that's where Christians got the idea.

The angle on philosophy that near death experiencers come back with adds a whole new level to the idea of us being made in the image of YHWH.

Christian Andreason, chapter two....
The Man on the Throne

There was a moment during my experience where I saw myself approaching what looked to be a gigantic, magnificent man, sitting on a alabaster throne. Thru a kind of veil that was partially covering him, I was able to detect that he had very stunning chiseled features. In fact, he was so perfect looking, he almost looked statuesque.

The man was wearing what appeared to be a gleaming white robe and I saw that he had the most fantastic muscular body. It was not large and gross, but truly beautiful and symmetrical. The man's arm was resting on a flat smooth surface that was part of the throne, and when he would move his hand (even the slightest amount) a musical, sparkling rainbow colored essence would fall out and away from within his robe, eventually creating a pool of Light around his feet on the floor.

Initially, the thought that came into my mind that I was seeing God! But then, as soon as I thought this, very quickly, it was revealed to me that this thought was only partially true.

It was immediately made known to me that the physical form I was observing was actually an astral version of "me" in Spirit form, as God saw me existing as already!

I heard inside my mind, "This is your Higher Self." As I looked deeply into this beings eyes, I saw my own reflection and realized that the "inner voice" I had been hearing my whole life (as the voice of my own conscience) had actually been guidance coming for this personage−−who still resides in Heaven in a greater degree of wholeness and Light than I do here on Earth. In fact, I realized that I had only taken a very small portion of my Higher Self's Light with me for my journey here this go round. By doing this I would be encouraged to dig deeper and develop my faith and intuition; and secondly, I do not see how my human brain really could have tolerated too much more Light, as I believe now it would caused my body and mind to short circuit.

It was in the Realm that I learned God only sees each of us as our Higher Selves. It is only our ego mind that defines us as being something lower. I also understood that all other parts of me (in total) make my Highest Self who he is. Later, I realized that the gold and rainbow colored Light that had come out from underneath the robehad actually been the essence or Light of God.