Definitive Nanotech

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Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
I'm writing this for a bunch of reason, firstly If you spot this Zion or anyone else for that matter, I'm having trouble finding an article regarding a message that was written using Atoms one christmas by either HP or IBM. They send the Atomically written card to someone like MS and it had letters that were painstakingly arranged, but I just can't be sure of the details or find the info.

On my travels looking for the information though I did find this article:

In short, High powered computers could be reduced to a size less than a pinhead in volume. This sort of nano technology as I'm sure you've noticed appear in this category is on it's way to being mass produced.

Of course there are points about that mass production, imagine the parallel processing capacity of such nanochips being strewn across the land from an aeroplane. People could be monitored, or even find themselves unwittingly implanted. (this of course has nothing to do with the HP anchor)

There is even the probability that one of those super-computers implanted in the correct location could increase a persons IQ, without actually raising Brainsize any more than that pinhead.
Hi Stryder,
sorry i wasnt able to reply,since currently i am busy fiddling with my own system,i have planned to make it a Multiprocessor one,so i am studying Pipline and vector processing.This type of thing often came to my mind before,but there are certain limitations.i thought of a processor of size of a molecule,(Which is quite possible) and various other parts attatched to it as whole makes it mixture,which in certainf shape will give us all the powers we short,if we make such ideal processors(Molecular,it cannot be atmic as you can figure out) and assemble lots of them,lots meaning a <b><i>whole</b></i> lot of them,then we have a supercomputer with such small size.thats brilliant,absolutely.

I have heard that atoms are intelligent,if we can utilize their intelligence or perhaps reprogram it in a certain way so as to do an assigned job(as i mentioned in one of my threads)then we have a Nano-bot with intelligence level 0.
Level one intelligence depends upon its own info-holding capabilities.i would like to be enlightened by you in that respect.

very interesting article indeed.
thanks for your time.

sorry for giving wrong word.i meant atoms have intelligence to hold info and pass it through or perform a particular task...

One more thing i wanted to ask:
where would the supercomputer be implanted in brain,and would body accept it?(will it mechanical or device in the Siliconic sense or some Ntro-based stuff?)...


The next industrial revolution is about to begin. The atomic precision being demonstrated throughout labs worldwide should be causing more of a stir I would think IMO. I wonder what the position of the United Nations is on Nanotech. It's time to be very careful as a species. We are playing with something much hotter than fire.

The answers for alot of our questions are going to be had very soon. Utopia within Utopia.

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Looking at information handling, it might be possible to run the nanochips as processors/RAM, and they hive together in a cluster.

While they act as apart of a parallel processing cluster, the "memory" stays "resident" through being shifted around and computed constantly.

This way if the information is no longer needed it would be lost to entrophy, while more important facts are held resident.

This might give a nanobotic cluster, a kind of super-(Artificial life)organism effect, where if it stopped processing information throughout the cluster, it would "die". In turn it could be restarted, but it's information wouldn't be restored but start learning all over again.

(Although it would be easier to have your memory storage system talk to the cluster with frequency.)

AS for implantation:

Well theres two possibilities, One is not to implant but just to stick it with adhesive to the skin at a particular region on the outside. It could interface there with the brain matter on the inside, but could even be upgraded at a later date without fiddling around cutting people up.

For an implanted version, my guess would be the optics nerve of the eye, for the direct passage into the brain. Although this could damage the nerve in a seeing person, but could enable a blind person to see. (rather than all those coil drawings that people usually show.)

I know though, that a blackdot showing up in a seeing persons eye, would annoy the hell out of them.

Personally I would go with the first possibility now.
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