Definition of God - one thread to rule them all

Plus like all your other "pretend" questions, all of them, all of them again, have been comprehensively answered in the thread that was closed because of your trolling.
Is my statement true or false.
Because you’re kind of muddying the line.
The BB is responsible for everything we see, according to the overwhelming evidence.
Any more "pretend"questions Jan?
So why are you content with the idea of nothingness, or itself, as a a cause. Rather than a transcendent reason for its cause?
Sorry that was James, in your other thread.:D

The big bang is not an explosion in space, but an explosion of space. There is no centre of the explosion.”

I take it you don’t agree with him then?
I'm pretty sure James will agree that it isn't an "explosion" as generally defined. It was an evolution of space and time. and a Superforce...matter came later as has been explained.
Any more "pretend" questions Jan, that you fabricate to try and trap us evil atheists.
All one needs to do is check out your lies, nonsense and trolling in the thread that was closed.
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Is my statement true or false.
Because you’re kind of muddying the line.
Not at all. the proof of your dishonest carryings on and trolling, was the reason the other thread was closed.
Is your statement true? what statement?
I'm sure though that your intent is faulty and dishonest.
So why are you content with the idea of nothingness, or itself, as a a cause. Rather than a transcendent reason for its cause?
Because my dear friend, supernatural and paranormal fucking nonsense is/are unscientific concepts. :rolleyes: You have also been informed of that.
I'm pretty sure James will agree that it isn't an "explosion" as generally defined.
You’re back-pedalling is so fast, it could supply power to a small village for months.
It was an evolution of space and time. and a Superforce...matter came later as has been explained.
“Force” implies energy. Still the stuff of the universe.
Was energy existent before the Big Bang?
Or did the BB introduce it?
Any more "pretend" questions Jan, that you fabricate to try and trap us evil atheists.
Relax Paddo. No need to be paranoid.
I’m sure you will handle any question I can throw at you.
All one needs to do is check out your lies, nonsens and trolling in the thread that was closed.
I kind of get the feeling that anyone who disagrees with you, and doesn’t back down, will be called a troll. It has lost its meaning. Like “the boy who cried wolf”.
Two fairytales in motion thus far.
Because my dear friend, supernatural and paranormal fucking nonsense is/are unscientific concepts. :rolleyes: You have also been informed of that.

That clockwork spring in your back is being wound up a bit to tight there

Have a few nips of your special medicine

You’re back-pedalling is so fast, it could supply power to a small village for months.
Don't be silly Jan. If you disbelieve me, ask James to elaborate. I know he will agree. And of course coming from someone who had a thread closed because of your lying and general dishonesty, we can take that again with a grain of salt.
“Force” implies energy. Still the stuff of the universe.
Was energy existent before the Big Bang?
Or did the BB introduce it?
The BB was the evolution of space and time and the superforce in a highly dense and hot state.
Relax Paddo. No need to be paranoid.
I’m sure you will handle any question I can throw at you.
More pretentious bravado? Throw all the loaded questions you like, it makes no difference to any mythical creature you like to substitute.
I kind of get the feeling that anyone who disagrees with you, and doesn’t back down, will be called a troll. It has lost its meaning. Like “the boy who cried wolf”.
Two fairytales in motion thus far.
There may be some merit in what you say, if I was the only one. But your lying and trolling has been the cause of a thread closure, and of course, if there was any lack of proof on my part in calling you a liar, it would be dealt with and you would probably report me. Wait a minute!!! You already have. :p
Do you really have to cuss?
Do you consider nothingness, and things just popping into existence out of nothingness, scientific concepts?

All that has been explained to you Jan.
And certainly far better and logical then any fabricated mythic creature dreamed up by ancient man and carried on by gullible fools.
How can you blatantly say theists are incapable of defining God, when I have defined God.
Not everything is about you, Jan.

I wrote: "If their God is incapable of definition, they can say so."

Different theists say different things about their gods or God. Your particular definition of God is not the same as Bowser's, for instance. You say that you can define your God. Some other theists might say that their God is incapable of definition. Understand?

Recall that I thanked you when you gave your definition. That is all I wanted in this thread. It's all there in the opening post.

On another topic, if you and paddoboy must discuss the big bang and stuff, could you take it to a separate thread? This current thread is not about that. I'd be happy to try to answer your questions about the big bang elsewhere.
You have been informed of that.:rolleyes::D
I can rest easy Jan, in that I need not lie and redefine meanings to suit some nonsensical mythical agenda.
You and I descended from Apes jan, whether you like it or not, and that is fact, along with Darwinism and the theory of evolution.
The BB was the evolution of space and time and the superforce in a highly dense and hot state.
So was energy existent before the Big Bang, or did the Big Bang introduce energy, along with time and space?
Wait a minute!!! You already have.
When did I report you?
I reported BeerWStraw once, but that was for something rather serious.
Otherwise I regard reporting as a cry-baby act. Especially for the reason that one does not agree with me.
So was energy existent before the Big Bang, or did the Big Bang introduce energy, along with time and space?
Go back and check out all your questions and replies and stop trolling.
When did I report you?
You must have been lying again...comes pretty naturally for you...or is it dementia? you never told me.
Otherwise I regard reporting as a cry-baby act. Especially for the reason that one does not agree with me.
So do I, but others have been watching your trolling.
Obviously nothing now is going to diminish the brainwasging you have undergone.
The following is only 7 minutes long.
Different theists say different things about their gods or God. Your particular definition of God is not the same as Bowser's, for instance.
True. People do say different things about God.
But they all incorporate the definition of God.

Bowser; “So, I would define God as being all things--including you, James.”
Some other theists might say that their God is incapable of definition. Understand?
Which theists?
On another topic, if you and paddoboy must discuss the big bang and stuff, could you take it to a separate thread? This current thread is not about that. I'd be happy to try to answer your questions about the big bang elsewhere.
I hear you.
But in this case it is related to the definition of God. Either it comes into being via nothing, or a transcendent cause. Either way the origin of everything (God) is assured.
We must now decide why it couldn’t be God.:)
I can rest easy Jan, in that I need not lie and redefine meanings to suit some nonsensical mythical agenda.
You and I descended from Apes jan, whether you like it or not, and that is fact, along with Darwinism and the theory of evolution.
How does your statement relate to the thread?
Even if your belief was true, it still doesn’t explain what is the origin of everything.