Defining the concept of Spirituality


Valued Senior Member
I've thought the term always referred to some kind of religious experience that enforced ones beliefs in a supernatural world; however, after reading a few pages on the topic, it seems that the word has a much broader meaning and can be used to encompass a more worldly view.

Does the word have any significance in secular circles? I simply can't imagine it being used outside religious context. We all have our moments, but can those moments be defined as being spiritual?
I've thought the term always referred to some kind of religious experience that enforced ones beliefs in a supernatural world; however, after reading a few pages on the topic, it seems that the word has a much broader meaning and can be used to encompass a more worldly view.

Does the word have any significance in secular circles? I simply can't imagine it being used outside religious context. We all have our moments, but can those moments be defined as being spiritual?

World religion has changed, and the Pisces era has given way to the age of
In this age the emphasis has moved toward the physical aspect of man.
The new religion is 'secular humanism', so everything will be geared toward the material. You will see changes occurring in dictionary definitions, and other official meanings.

What was, is now no more in the eyes of the mainstream.

World religion has changed, and the Pisces era has given way to the age of aquarius.
I think your clock is fast.
In 1929, the International Astronomical Union defined the edges of the 88 official constellations. The edge established between Pisces and Aquarius technically locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age around the year 2600.

You will see changes occurring in dictionary definitions, and other official meanings.
Things will proceed as normal then?
It a word that's hard to pin down. I mean, how do I know when I'm having a spiritual moment? There's no definitive answer.
there are people who believe in a spiritual realm but not in god, or any religion necessarily. i think people believe for a variety of reasons, some of which they think are spiritual experiences.
'Spiritual' has been overloaded with religious connotations, so, I rather say 'connections', such as between people, with nature, and with such as quantum entanglement.
First you shouldn't be looking for a straight definition of the word because everybody can look at the word in a different way.

I've thought the term always referred to some kind of religious experience that enforced ones beliefs in a supernatural world; however, after reading a few pages on the topic, it seems that the word has a much broader meaning and can be used to encompass a more worldly view.

But i don't think that you can define spirtuality as a reference to a religous experience. It is probaly closer to what you believe in or just how much you believe in.
example a father in a church would have high spirituality whereas an atheist would have a low level.

This is just what i think personally i think you should find your own definition to the word.
This is just what i think personally i think you should find your own definition to the word.
Right. Spiritual = the property of being me.
Thus no else is (or can be) spiritual and the thread, therefore, is at an end.
I consider 'spirituality' to mean something otherworldly, that cannot necessarily be described by physics, and cannot be proved one way or the other.

Such as afterlife, higher beings, strange feelings...etc