Defining Happiness, Joy & Bliss


Registered Member
Happiness, Joy and Bliss are three words that describe three very different levels of energy.

Joy is beyond Happiness, and Bliss exceeds the combined energies of both Happiness and Joy.

Most people know, or have known, a level of Happiness in their life. While many people can relate to being happy some of the time, few individuals have experienced, for more than brief periods of time, the energies that exist beyond Happiness.

The energies of Joy come from the Angelic 4th dimension of Heaven. Joy occurs during those special moments in life, when the energies of Love become so intense and overwhelming that people are moved to “tears of Joy”, while others “dance/jump with Joy”, and a few kick their legs in sheer delight because of the wonders contained in the Angelic energies of Joy.

Bliss is an Archangelic energy. Bliss is the energy of the 5th dimensional Archangelic level of Heaven. Bliss cannot be described in 3rd dimensional words. Bliss can only be experienced.

Our human body is capable of receiving, but not generating, energy levels beyond Happiness. Only one’s Soul, or pineal gland, is capable of generating and working with the enhanced energies of 4th dimensional Angelic Joy and 5th dimensional Archangelic Bliss.

The pineal gland is called the Soul, or mind, in the west and the 3rd Eye in the east. The pea-sized, pine cone-shaped pineal gland is located in the center of our brain. The pineal gland, or Soul, connects our 3rd dimensional temporary human physical body with our permanent Angelic 4th dimensional Light Body, or Holy Spirit.

We are born as Individualized Consciousnesses into 4th dimensional Light Bodies, or Holy Spirits. One remains in their 4th dimensional Angelic Light Body, or Holy Spirit, until one decides to become an Archangel. The only way an Angel can become an Archangel, is to experience, and graduate from, the 3rd dimension.

Thus, one descends, or falls, from the Angelic 4th dimension of Heaven and incarnates into a temporary 3rd dimensional human physical body in order to become an Archangel. Once born into a human physical body, one continues to be re-born, or reincarnate, into temporary 3rd dimensional physical bodies until one fully expands their permanent Light Body. One reaches the level of an Archangel by using the energies of Love to expand their Light Body, while living and working in the denseness of a 3rd dimensional human physical body.

Upon the death of a temporary 3rd dimensional physical body, the Awareness of one’s physical body merges with the Conscious Awareness of one’s Soul and travels to the Light, or Consciousness of their own permanent 4th dimensional Light Body, or Holy Spirit. After death, if one’s Angelic Light Body has been awakened, activated and expanded to Archangelic size, one graduates and no longer has to reincarnate back into a temporary human physical body in the earthly 3rd dimension. Those with expanded and energetically balanced Light Bodies are able to remain in the Angelic level of Heaven and no longer have to return to the school, or energy purging area, of our earthly 3rd dimension, also called by some religions, Purgatory.

All people have 4th dimensional Angelic Light Bodies surrounding their 3rd dimensional human bodies. Large gatherings of people generate a wealth of Angelic energies. Whenever people gather together to pray or meditate, they generate a group energy of Angelic Joy. However, by using only prayer or meditation, one cannot generate by oneself, the same Angelic energy levels of Joy, one enjoyed at the large gathering, even when one is quietly alone in the comfort of their own home.

However, those who awaken, activate and enlarge their Angelic Light Bodies, by using prayers, meditations and Light Body Activation techniques, are able to live their life in Angelic Joy, and work in Archangelic Bliss. Those who attain the level of Archangelic Bliss can also heal others, with the energy in their hands. One activating their Archangelic Light Body can use the Archangelic energies of Bliss to heal others. The wondrous energies of Bliss can heal all forms of human disease.

Jesus said that before one could teach spiritual techniques, one had to heal themselves first. Thus, most 1st, 2nd and 3rd century church leaders, with a few notable exceptions, first healed themselves and became Enlightened, before they went forth to teach and/or heal others. It was only after their own self-healing and attainment of Enlightenment that a true prophet can go forth to help others.

However, the false prophets of Rome, beginning in 325 AD, found there was big money in religion. Unfortunately, in today’s world, priests and pastors, who say they represent Jesus, no longer even take the time to heal and become Enlightened themselves, before assuming leadership of a church.

The true descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene walk their talk and practice what they preach. The 99th generation of descendants work with 21st century AIDS orphans in the epicenter of the AIDS pandemic, giving free healing treatments, in remote South African tribal villages, just like their ancestors did 2,000 years ago in the Middle East with 1st century lepers.
started of nice, until you got to this "Bliss is an Archangelic energy" thats when you lost it.
Happiness, Joy, Bliss, are all very human things but the dont reside in the imagination therefore have nothing what so ever to do with this god fantasy, you cant define them and include fantasy.
my take on things is happiness, the feeling you get when you meet and fall in love with your partner,( a real person(in my case my wife( and love is a chemical thing))) joy is when you have your children, or adopt them etc.. and bliss is the combination of those emotions, there is nothing fanciful about them.
no deity required.
The energies of Joy come from the Angelic 4th dimension of Heaven

Wtf? Lol.

Welcome to sciforums. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please never post such garbage ever again :D
I'm going to skip over my usual need for evidence for much of what you say, Isabella. Consider it a welcome present to this site. :)

My take on the emotions, though, being nothing more than chemical imbalances in the body from the norm:

Happiness - a background feeling - long term - e.g. you enjoy your life in general - good marriage etc.
Joy - medium term - e.g. new child, new girlfriend, new job etc. This then subsides into the general "happiness quotient".
Bliss - very short term - e.g. England win the Rugby World Cup, your new child has just been born etc.
The blissfully joyous happy drunken sot kills three kids on the drive home. Happiness, joy and bliss are three states of emotion attained by a dung beetle when he encounters a piece of shit. Bundy, Gacey, Manson et al also achieved their happy nirvana after a night of joyful, blissful murder. I heard Satan runs around with a permanent smile these days.

What a crock.
Happiness comes from the mind. Heaven. Outer things don't really give us happiness or sadness. It is what happens inside. We often think we have a reason to be sad, so we are sad. By thinking happy things we can suddenly feel like we are in the "7th heaven". When we learn to control our thoughts and emotions we can be happy all the time.

Marriage with God, with oneself, is the only eternal happiness.
c7ityi_ said:
Happiness comes from the mind. Heaven. Outer things don't really give us happiness or sadness. It is what happens inside. We often think we have a reason to be sad, so we are sad. By thinking happy things we can suddenly feel like we are in the "7th heaven". When we learn to control our thoughts and emotions we can be happy all the time.

Marriage with God, with oneself, is the only eternal happiness.

Does this include members of the gay community? Seems like these cute little religious based notions are only aimed at hetero's. I'm a very happy atheistic hetero who believes that gay people also have the right to be happy. What is your stance on that?
c7ityi_ said:
Happiness comes from the mind. Heaven. Outer things don't really give us happiness or sadness. It is what happens inside. We often think we have a reason to be sad, so we are sad. By thinking happy things we can suddenly feel like we are in the "7th heaven". When we learn to control our thoughts and emotions we can be happy all the time.

Marriage with God, with oneself, is the only eternal happiness.

I was happy to find that I hadn't used up the last of my red peppers. I can't say it made me happy for a very long time but I was happy for that moment. The only people that can claim to be 'happy', are idiots. I'll never be happy, no matter happens to me, because there is too much shit in this world to be worried, angry and saddened about. Perhaps if I locked myself in a room and thought of nothing but of how much God loves me and that when I die I'll go to heaven, then I might convince myself that I'm happy no matter what else goes on in the outside world. But to do that would be selfish and irrational.
wsionynw said:
The only people that can claim to be 'happy', are idiots. I'll never be happy, no matter happens to me, because there is too much shit in this world to be worried, angry and saddened about. Perhaps if I locked myself in a room and thought of nothing but of how much God loves me and that when I die I'll go to heaven, then I might convince myself that I'm happy no matter what else goes on in the outside world. But to do that would be selfish and irrational.
You must be a fun person to be around! ;)
Nothing makes you happy?
Nothing at all?
The only reason we are happy or sad is because we think we have a reason to be happy or sad (ie. we think of a reason so that we become happy or sad).

Like some greek guy said, things are not really good or bad, they are what you think of them. Think different.

wsionynw said:
because there is too much shit in this world to be worried, angry and saddened about.

Without that "shit" we would never evolve. Without bad things we wouldn't understand good things. They are necessary and they will always exist. But when we evolve, they seem to change, and we begin to understand that bad things are good. And there we are, eternal happiness. Things are the way we think of them. Change the inside and the outside changes.

Perhaps if I locked myself in a room and thought of nothing but of how much God loves me and that when I die I'll go to heaven, then I might convince myself that I'm happy no matter what else goes on in the outside world.

There is no heaven or hell except in our minds. There is nothing we can do to the outside world. We can only help ourselves. If everyone helped themselves everyone would receive help and no one would need "heros who save the world". We are the way, truth and life.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Does this include members of the gay community?

I said nothing about gays, but they are as any other human.

Sarkus said:
You must be a fun person to be around! ;)
Nothing makes you happy?
Nothing at all?

Yes, there are things which make him happy, but they only make him temporarily happy because the happiness comes from outside (red peppers)
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Happiness is having a cause and believing in it, Joy is what you feel when you blow yourself and others up for that cause, Bliss is spending eternity in heaven with a few virgins.

Happiness is being elected president, Joy is being commander of the armed forces, Bliss is being able to use that might to protect family interests.

Happiness is being a priest, Joy is having parishioners' trust, Bliss is having a room full of their kids
Sarkus said:
You must be a fun person to be around! ;)
Nothing makes you happy?
Nothing at all?

Actually, I am a fun person to be around (listen to me blow my own trumpet ;) ) Quite the clown indeed!!
Like I said before, certain things can make you feel happy most of the time, but stop to think for a few minutes of the world we live in and I can't see how it's possibe to be truely happy.
Yes you can be gratefull for the life you live, but that isn't happiness.
I have lots to be happy about in my own personal life, such as a roof over my head and food on the table. I'm just one of those crazy people that spends a lot of my time thinking of all the human and animal suffering that happens every second of every day. It bothers me greatly.
wsionynw said:
I'm just one of those crazy people that spends a lot of my time thinking of all the human and animal suffering that happens every second of every day. It bothers me greatly.
Then be truly happy that it isn't you suffering, and that you are doing what you can to help.

Happiness could be doing enough to assuage your own guilt, appeasing your own conscience?