Define what you mean by "god"


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From Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Main Entry: 1god
Pronunciation: 'gäd also 'god
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got god
Date: before 12th century
1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality
3 : a person or thing of supreme value
4 : a powerful ruler

THe point of all this? Define the word "god". Recently in another thread someone suggested that people should try not to consider the word "god" as meaning an entity, a being, a sentience.

Does the word "god" refer to a being?

Check through the sources. Learn what the word actually means. The word "god" refers to a powerful spirit, entity, being, whatever, a ruling or guiding sentience. It is a type of thing just as "person" is a type of thing. However, over the centuries one particular religion has capitalised the noun and enforced the idea that the word "god" actually refers to a singular entity., so as to eliminate even in common language all competition. Actually quite a clever move.

Does the word "god" mean some non-entity such as the Force?

This option is becoming more and more popular as reason gains ground over superstition. Does the word refer not to an entity (as per the actual meaning of the word), but to some omnipresent and non-sentient force? Not a creature or being at all, but a force such as gravity or emotion? In which case, why worship it? Why not worship hatred or rain instead? Is this type of re-defining the word "god" merely a theist's attempt to desperately hold on to an old superstition when the spread of reason reduces day by day the probability of the existence of any actual "gods"?

Which of these is your definition of "god", or do you have another?
What difference does the definition make? It is clear that when Christians speak of God they are talking about the Heavenly Father. The omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God. In Christendom his name is Yahweh. In the Bible, God refers to himself simply as "I Am".

Your pal,

Creator of the universe. If it wasn't for God, we would not exist.

That's all I can say about God, I don't know God personally and so on. So anyone that says they totally understands what God is, is outright lying.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Creator of the universe. If it wasn't for God, we would not exist.
Okay, that seems to imply the first option then.
Re: Re: Define what you mean by "god"

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
It is clear that when Christians speak of God they are talking
about the Heavenly Father.
This also seems to imply the first option. Maybe I should have made this a poll.
Originally posted by Adam

Okay, that seems to imply the first option then.

Adam, God is the ultimate mysterious.

I admit, I don't know what God is, force, entity, or whatever. I plain don't know. I am no charlatan.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Creator of the universe. If it wasn't for God, we would not exist.

That's all I can say about God, I don't know God personally and so on. So anyone that says they totally understands what God is, is outright lying.

Are you saying that with 100% certainty?


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena

Are you saying that with 100% certainty?


Jan Ardena.

I believe.

But I am 100% certain that I don't know God personally and I don't know what God is, what God is made of, or anything of that sort.

God is God.

"I am who I am."
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

I believe.

But I am 100% certain that I don't know God personally and I don't know what God is, what God is made of, or anything of that sort.

God is God.

"I am who I am."

You said;

"So anyone that says they totally understands what God is, is outright lying. "

What was the point of that statement?


Jan Ardena.
god is personalised fear from life for christians

I can't say for other beliefs, because I have not studied them deeply. to be truthful I think that every belief is wrong because they all say that they are right.

maybe except for Buddhism, but it is more like a phylosophy

IMHO- god is an entity (there are many gods in many cultures) worshipped or hated by different cultures
Originally posted by Jan Ardena

You said;

"So anyone that says they totally understands what God is, is outright lying. "

What was the point of that statement?


Jan Ardena.

Totally understanding God?? What God is? And all that? Well, I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty damn positive!!
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Totally understanding God?? What God is? And all that? Well, I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty damn positive!!

Do you think God could bestow that knowledge to someone?


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena

Do you think God could bestow that knowledge to someone?


Jan Ardena.

I believe that could be a possibility. Could you elaborate? I believe Jesus existed, but still skeptical about what he has done.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Could you elaborate?

Not sure what you want me to elaborate!

I believe Jesus existed, but still skeptical about what he has done.



Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena



Jan Ardena.

I was once a Catholic, believed in Jesus. In fact I still do believe in him, he was a great man, I follow almost all his advice, the beatitudes, etc.

I'm more neutral concerning how he did all those miracles and such...why don't you explain to me? Of course stories about a man in history over time get exagerated because of human interpretation, so I don't believe everything about Jesus was true, but I believe some of it is, probably most of it.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
I'm more neutral concerning how he did all those miracles and such...why don't you explain to me?

What we class as miracles, is a manipulation of nature known as mystic yoga. Jesus himself never had to undergo the disciplines nesaccery to acheive such skills because he had full faith in God. As a result of such devotion God allowed him His godly oppulences to use as and when he saw fit.
Such gifts are very rare nowadays because the general populace do not have the discipline or the faith required.

Of course stories about a man in history over time get exagerated because of human interpretation.

Stories about the man may be distorted but not the essence of the man, that remains confidential.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
What we class as miracles, is a manipulation of nature known as mystic yoga. Jesus himself never had to undergo the disciplines nesaccery to acheive such skills because he had full faith in God. As a result of such devotion God allowed him His godly oppulences to use as and when he saw fit.
Such gifts are very rare nowadays because the general populace do not have the discipline or the faith required.

I see.

Stories about the man may be distorted but not the essence of the man, that remains confidential.


Jan Ardena.

Yes, I really respect Jesus for who is.