Defending the Ten Commandments...


Ethusiastic bistander
Registered Senior Member
Defending the Ten Commandments...

A Federal Judge commanded that Judge Roy Moore take down a monument of the Ten Commandments outside a courthouse. Judge Moore stated that the law was founded by men under God and so it should stay, however, the Federal Judge ordered that religion has no place in law and ordered him to take it down.

Who do you feel is right, the Federal Judge or Judge Roy Moore?
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haha good one, phunny enough I feel Judge Moore is right in this case, the law is yet of to day indeed in name based on Godlike concepts, Therefor I propose:

- for the time being, let the monument stay
- Meanwhile do a serious OVERHAUL of the constitution and the LAW (I am afraid Bush and the Neos are not gonna help much here) and get rid of all the religious jaggies that it contains
- NOW drive the monument down with a huge caterpillar and replace it with a contempary statue of Lady Justice with pierced nipples!!!:D
I think the federal judge was in the right. We aren't running a theocratic government, and certainly not a theocratic justice system (Well at least that's the principal, how it works in practice may vary) presenting religious teachings, or a religions interpretation of justice in a court house is simply subversive and Un-American.
OK, i go to a jesuit high school, but i loathe theology class. However, i do remember something we learned.

The four things we use for ethics and morality are scripture, natural law, the empirical, and ...i forgot the last. Anyway, we are moving away from scripture because it is archaic and stupid.

There's my 2 cents on the topic.:m:

the more i think about this, my post is pretty irrelevent
Originally posted by Wilcox8686

the more i think about this, my post is pretty irrelevent

Heh, well at least you tried *Golf clap* solid effort.
God has no place in law. I say this because what is right often happens to be different from what "God" teaches to be right. This is of course only my opinion.
The judge was only using the ten commandments as a symbol of law. Using this kind of logic, we could ban a set of scales because they are asymbol of the egyptian god Ma'at.
Originally posted by okinrus
The judge was only using the ten commandments as a symbol of law. Using this kind of logic, we could ban a set of scales because they are asymbol of the egyptian god Ma'at.
Well, no. The ten commandments are a symbol of the Christian god first, and law second. The scales are a symbol of weighting the truth and the like... not the egyptian god. Should we have the torah hanging in the hallway as a symbol of law? No. The same reasoning applies to the 10 commandments.
Not just the christian God. The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim God. Look at our dollar bill. It's the symbol of masonry. There is also "In God we trust" making it a religious document. If you do decide that displaying the ten commandments is wrong, how far you willing to go?
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id like to protest against the dollar, but the US is a christian country, regardless of how secular the minorities try to make it. The major points which Need to be changed to truly make the US secular wont be changed regardless of whether or not it violates the constitution because the people who can change it refuse to due to it violating their Own beliefs. The closest change was when the pledge of allegiance controversy came up, but because of Those leaders, progress is now going nowhere. Im not saying religion is bad, wait, sure it is, it blinds people from rational thinking, but sometimes it has good intentions....?
Originally posted by okinrus
Using this kind of logic, we could ban a set of scales because they are asymbol of the egyptian god Ma'at.

Ma'at was no god, but the profound and awesome cosmic balance of good and evil.

Disregarding that bit, I whole-heartedly agree with you . . .

The God of the Old Testament was a god of Justice, a Divine, Puissant, and Inexorable Arbiter. His commandments are an adequate and suitable emblem for our law.

I'm even finding that I don't dislike you, even a little, Okinrus.
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The 10 commanments are evil in my view.
They might as well be called "10 easy ways to destroy the planet".
There is such a clear link to them and the downfall of humanity, or "uprising of", depends where you stand.
I think they should be removed because they have very little to do with modern law:

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

The law is dedicated to allowing you to have whatever the hell God you want.

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'


THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

Can if you want.

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

There is no law for this

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'


SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

Law concurs.

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

Can if you want. Usually.

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

Law concurs.

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

Law concurs.

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

Can if you want.

Hmm. 3/10. The commandments have little relevence to today's legal system.

Judge Moore stated that the law was founded by men under God and so it should stay

This isn't to say that these men acknowledge that there should be a theological basis to the law. They'd probably freak if you suggested it to them.
Originally posted by okinrus
If you do decide that displaying the ten commandments is wrong, how far you willing to go?

All the fucking way. Religion must die, and we have to kill it. Lets drive all the religious into the ocean I say.
Segregated proms. The rebel flag still flown proudly. Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, Judge Roy Moore, Eric Rudolph.

I'm so glad I don't live in the south.

We do not live in a theocracy. The government is supposed to represent all of the citizens of this country equally, be they atheist, Rastafari, Islamic, Jewish, Wiccan, Buddhist, you name it.

The only fair position is complete neutrality.
No, people should not have to swear on the bible in court.
I don't trust in god, why does it say that on our money?
And it is high time the Pledge of Allegiance was returned to its original state.
The only fair position is complete neutrality.
Define fair.

No, people should not have to swear on the bible in court.
Agreed. Jews and Christians are not allowed to swear by anyone but God.

I don't trust in god, why does it say that on our money?
What exactly is the problem with this. I mean if you don't like it, cross it out.

And it is high time the Pledge of Allegiance was returned to its original state.
Yes the same God George Washington was under. As long as the there's not a picture of an atheist, then the words shall stand.
Washington wasn't a Christian either.

Agreed. Jews and Christians are not allowed to swear by anyone but God.

Actually, they're not supposed to swear at all - although it's also okay for them to swear.
Hey, it's the Bi-bull, it doesn't have to make sense.