Deepak Chopra gets paid for this crap!

Fraggle Rocker

Staff member
From the Pharyngula blog.
Deepak Chopra recently gave a talk in which he rattled off all of the amazing assertions below.

The essential nature of the material world is not material; the essential nature of the physical world is not physical; the essential stuff of the universe is non-stuff.
Where do I sign up to get a job making up sentences whose ONLY virtue is that they are grammatically correct?
Western science is still frozen in an obsolete, Newtonian worldview that is based literally on superstition -- and we can call it the superstition of materialism -- which says you and I are physical entities of the physical universe.
Science = superstition! This would be pretty humorous anyway, but guess where he said it? At an Indian astrology conference!
This is a fundamental misunderstanding – that perception is in the brain. It's not in the brain; perception is in consciousness. All our thoughts are in consciousness, all our imagination is in consciousness, all our cognition is in consciousness. Everything that we call reality is in consciousness. Everything! There's nothing outside consciousness. And no one can find this consciousness. And the reason they can't find consciousness is because they are looking in the wrong place.
Uh, Dude? Mr. Swami? We found it. It's in the brain. But it's not big enough to hold my computer, much less the entire universe, so I guess maybe you're wrong about that part.
Past, present and future are actually one phenomenon, one picture, one reality, one consciousness.
Yeah right. They're also tenses. Maybe it would be easier for you to learn linguistics before you tackle one of the "hard" sciences. Physics really does seem to be rather "hard" for you.;)
Every cell instantly knows what is happening in every other cell, in fact, in the whole universe.
This sounds like a mosh-up of the paired-boson thingy. (Or whichever elementary particle that was.) Scientific American should cancel this guy's subscription, because in his case a little knowledge truly is a dangerous thing!
One of the things that annoys me most about Chopra is his pseudoscientific misuse of concepts from quantum physics in an attempt to justify his new-age "everything is connected" schtick.