Deep Underground HipHop


Registered Senior Member
I posted this in the Art and Culture section but then realized that no one really goes in here ya go.......

If anyone is interested in Hip Hop that challenges your intellect, check em out:

Alien Nation, Zulu Nation: featuring Phoenix Orion, SuperNatural(actually just left the group), Quantum Gama Z, Naptron, Dark Seid.... All of these Artist are Hot but if your gonna peep anyone, it would have to be Phoenix. He is on some futuristic, prophetic, Eloheem type shit and his flow is wicked. There is a 6 verse song that he made, "The Prophecy". He switches his voice up on every single verse. He talks about Revelations and how it already happened, breaks down the Devil in every culture, Talking about using a Time Machine to kill Judas hence Christianity wouldn't exist, Angels in heaven AKA Extraterrestrials. This is the Type of song that would have Jay-Z running home to his Mommy. They actual grew up in the same Projects- Marcy Projects. Here is a link to his new website

A few other artist you might wanna check out:

Jedi Mind Tricks: Used to belong to the Holy Tabernacle Ministries but are now Muslim. There is this ill white dude Icon that is worth a listen. Can be violent at times(must be the Muslim in him )

Lost Children of Babylon: Belong to the Holy Tabernacle Ministries. Talks about Egipt, Light, Pythagorean theorem, Extraterrestrials, Ancient Tablets. Here is a link

Again, Phoenix Orion takes the one is really on his level, mentally or lyrically.
