

By rights, yes.

By practicality, no. Nature has shown repeatedly that extended cannibalism can lead to greater individual and social problems. (Not does, but can, and can with some consistency.)

But I'm hardly any better prepard to answer that one in any real detail.

Tiassa :cool:
ahhh jeese, i eat a lot of fruit... therefore I am a cannabil.......

logic must be going cheap
This doesn't really fit me. Everyone says I'm an Asshole, and I have'nt eaten an ass, in a looong time. :D
Originally posted by ratbat
This doesn't really fit me. Everyone says I'm an Asshole, and I have'nt eaten an ass, in a looong time. :D
So you have in the past?

If we are what we eat, then we are all stars. Yep, stars. The sun feeds the plants, so theyare stars. The animals eat the plants(stars) and therefore become stars themselves. We eat the animals (stars) and the plants (more stars) and we become (stars):D :eek: :bugeye: :p
Maybe not stars directly, but energy? We're...sunlight condensed, maybe? Interesting thought, neh? :)

sorry to be dragging my thread back from the dredges of one really answered this, so I thought I'd give it another shot. :D I hope it's not "shitty", as so many other SciForumers are pointing out with other threads today. :(
pollex thinks u r pumkin (by the way that sounds like a pet name:p and ur full one is WAY to long)

blue we r all energy anyway

thats all matter is