Deception exists in the world of God

Medulla oblonG Ata

An imaginary entity is not actual, but it can be real in every sense. The invisible being known as god and any other gods for that matter, are not indelible. They are not true. What is normally regarded as sanity in operation and the feelings and egoes of people are learned or conditioned. Behavioral conditioning is meant for the purpose of rearing the body to grow to believe in an arbitrary definition of success that may not suit us. We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.
An imaginary entity is not actual, but it can be real in every sense. The invisible being known as god and any other gods for that matter, are not indelible. They are not true. What is normally regarded as sanity in operation and the feelings and egoes of people are learned or conditioned. Behavioral conditioning is meant for the purpose of rearing the body to grow to believe in an arbitrary definition of success that may not suit us. We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.

Excellent idea. I don't believe a word you've said.
An imaginary entity is not actual, but it can be real in every sense. The invisible being known as god and any other gods for that matter, are not indelible. They are not true. What is normally regarded as sanity in operation and the feelings and egoes of people are learned or conditioned. Behavioral conditioning is meant for the purpose of rearing the body to grow to believe in an arbitrary definition of success that may not suit us. We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.

Well I guess you'll have to wait until you die to find out that man didn't create the word. And neither can order come from chaos. ;) So what's sane is acknowledging there's a design since every living thing has a design right down to the DNA of each living thing. ;)
Well I guess you'll have to wait until you die to find out that man didn't create the word.
have you ever seen any dead people finding out anything??
let us know when you do.
And neither can order come from chaos.
why not,...ever seen snowflakes or crystals... who created those in such order
So what's sane is acknowledging there's a design since every living thing has a design right down to the DNA of each living thing.
and who or what designed the Creator/Designer??
Medulla oblonG Ata An imaginary entity is not actual, but it can be real in every sense. The invisible being known as god and any other gods for that matter, are not indelible. They are not true. What is normally regarded as sanity in operation and the feelings and egoes of people are learned or conditioned. Behavioral conditioning is meant for the purpose of rearing the body to grow to believe in an arbitrary definition of success that may not suit us. We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.

Those words don't seem to mean what you might be hoping they mean. For example "real in every sense" would mean actual. I do agree that since gods are just concepts they are easily changed and its easy to see this process of change in most holy books. I'm not entirely sure about the rest of the rant, but for myself I like to evaluate the beliefs of others and the ones which are useful I may even adopt. Behavioral conditioning is fun and useful. For example I've developed a conditioned swallow reflex which really comes in handy from time to time.
Carico: Well I guess you'll have to wait until you die to find out that man didn't create the word.

No, its pretty obvious the world and universe weren't created. Only god was created, by the hubris of men like you.

Carico: And neither can order come from chaos.

Actually its really easy to extract order from chaos and what's left makes really pretty pictures called fractals.

Carico: So what's sane is acknowledging there's a design since every living thing has a design right down to the DNA of each living thing.

Close. Once living things develop neurons and those self organize, there actually is self design from breeding selection. Of course there isn't any god involved, but it does result in designs which are pleasing to neurons.
Medicine*Woman Then why doesn't he just say, "I'm an atheist," and be done with it?

I don't know about him, but I can't quite be an atheist with the standard "lack of a belief in god" because I can't quite get past how I could be an atheist, but not an aunicornist or an atoothfairyist. That just seems like more special pleading for "god" and "god" isn't that special.
Every part in a machine has a function that relates to the whole.

In a modern Computer, there are thousands of data paths, and often billions of diode junctions, being switched low or high all very coherently. Millions of operations per second, and not a single one can be tolerated to go wrong... to express its individuality.

Society cannot afford to have every young fool decide that Life and Society are Existential Vacuums and that the only Exercise of Free Will that is possible is Suicide (the European Existentialists actually arrived to that End of Philosophy, and lucky for the Rest of us, its leadership was consistent enough with their own beliefs so that no one was left behind to sufficiently convince the Survivors in our Society of the compelling cogency of their arguments.

There had been a very accomplished Artist of the Renaissance... I believe he was Rapheal. he was complimented upon being the Greatest Artist alive, indeed the Greatest of all times. But he was a humble man and countered that he was only a midget sitting upon the shoulders of Giants... that something needed to be said for all those from whom he learned, from all those who had invented and improved the tools he used, the theories he applied.

So it is with Customary Beliefs and Social Traditions. Civilizations rise on the Quality of their Customs, and Fall because of their Flaws. So a Society must do all it can do to IMPROVE the ambiance of its Customs, the Quality of its Traditions. But to throw it all out and let each generation stumble around REINVENTING THE WHEEL AT EACH GENERATION. Well, maybe only European Existentialism is a more Suicidal Idea.

An imaginary entity is not actual, but it can be real in every sense. The invisible being known as god and any other gods for that matter, are not indelible. They are not true. What is normally regarded as sanity in operation and the feelings and egoes of people are learned or conditioned. Behavioral conditioning is meant for the purpose of rearing the body to grow to believe in an arbitrary definition of success that may not suit us. We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.
Leo Volont Every part in a machine has a function that relates to the whole.

Not necessarily.

Leo Volont In a modern Computer, ... not a single one can be tolerated to go wrong

Actually there is this thing called fault tolerance and error correction. Check it out. Seems we have ways of detecting and correcting errors. Also in a lot of complex chips there is dead and unused circuitry from previous versions.
An imaginary entity is not actual, but it can be real in every sense.

The invisible being known as god and any other gods for that matter, are not indelible.
I guess you are of the opinion that if one tread in the stool of the invisible pink unicorn they wouldn't know

They are not true. What is normally regarded as sanity in operation and the feelings and egoes of people are learned or conditioned. Behavioral conditioning is meant for the purpose of rearing the body to grow to believe in an arbitrary definition of success that may not suit us. We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.
now please explain how your atheist world view doesn't impinge on behavioral issues
/grabs popcorn
We must free ourselves from the beliefs of others.

Present your strategy for freeing ourselves from the beliefs of others.
What are your plan, methodology, resources, check points?

And beware: You have to come up with something better than the Buddha did.