December 28th, Whats happening?


Registered Senior Member
What's going to happen tonight on the 28th of December. I've heard numorous stories about today was wondering about you guy's ideas and stories.
No idea, BigC. Are you talking about something going on in Denver, the U.S., the wide world in general? Could you be a little more specific?

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Well in the United States. I was thinking there'd be a huge sighting somewhere tonight. I just had hints of this date being of some importance but not sure of it yet. Any ideas?
I just got the morning paper... Let's see...

According to one article, Y2K hype is fizzling...

After 5 days, the Indian Airlines' hijackers in Afghanistan have upped their demands. They now insist on $200 million and the release of 35 Kashmiri militants.

Rebel forces appear to be in full control of central Grozny, with not a Russian soldier in sight - despite claims by a top Russian general that government forces had stormed their way into the Chechen capital during fierce fighting.

The Pentagon and the federal personnel agency are shutting down Internet sites this weekend to keep them safe from computer hackers as the calendar rolls over to 2000.

After losing 31 pounds, Monica Lewinsky has signed a deal to be the new celebrity spokeswoman for Jenny Craig.

An American Airlines mechanic was charged Tuesday with possessing bomb-making material after explosives and assault rifles allegedly were founnd at his home, along with with white supremacist and anti-government literature.

Spooked by the possibility of terrorism, Seattle is canceling its New Year's Eve bash beneath the Space Needle.

The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans already holds the title as the world's toughest organism: It can survive an atomic blast. Now, scientists have bioengineered it into a "superbug" that can digest the toxic leftovers of the nuclear age.

Tipper Gore underwent surgery for removal of a nodule from her thyroid gland. Results of testing to determine whether or not it is cancerous will take about a week.

As usual, lots of people died yesterday. (May God have mercy on their souls).

With jobs plentiful and stocks soaring, U.S. consumer confidence rose in December to its highest level in three decades.

It seems that many are celebrating the "new millenium" a year early. The year 2000 is actually the LAST year of the second millenium. The new millenium actually begins on 1/1/2001, after midnight of 12/31/2000.

Penn State avoided what could have been the first four-game losing streak in Joe Paterno's 34-year career as coach by shutting down Texas A&M 24-0 in the Alamo Bowl.

On the lighter side - Kitten looking under the bed - "Wow! Look what the dust bunnies got for Christmas! - More dust bunnies!"

Nope... No sightings reported. :)

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited December 29, 1999).]