Debunking The "Bible Code"


Registered Senior Member
First of all, I will only post this thread once, and I will not try to sidestep the google ads - if that was why my original threads were deleted.

To explain: The Bible Code is a supposed system of prophecy found in the Hebrew Bible, made by picking one letter in 4, one letter in 27, one letter in 10,003 or whatever. When you do this you can create a grid of letters from the Bible, and by reading in various directions around this grid you can seemingly find words and phrases that connect in a modern context, which can be linked to past events and therefore, potentially, future events.

The Bible code works the way that it does because written Hebrew does not include vowels, and the interpretation does not include spaces.

Remove vowels from the above phrase:
Th bbl cd wrks th wy tht t ds bcs rtn hbrw ds nt ncld vwls nd th ntrprttn ds nt ncld spss

Remove spaces:

Take out one letter in 4 (this is the essence of the Code itself, though not restricted to 4):

Split into viable "words" (this step combines with the next one, really):
Tlr h hs r hd n vn hpn t ds

Construct a phrase out of it:
Taylor who has rye had an oven. Happen it dies.

See? And President Zachary Taylor had rye often, and was indeed possessed of an oven. (At least it is known that there is an oven in the White House) "Happen it dies" I think probably refers to his death in office.

This is the kind of nonsense that The Bible Code is chock full of. At one point they even re-interpret a phrase within the Bible without picking one letter in 3 or 25 or 12,366, but read it straight off, changed the word divisions and re-interpreted it in Modern Hebrew (as opposed to Biblical Hebrew) and came up with some supposed prediction of something some president had done. But they didn't seem to realise that the whole exercise weakened their claims, it did not strengthen them!
Why is this thread is under pseudoscience and not religion, but then again what is pseudoscience?

I take it you have read the Bible otherwise you would not criticize something you understand. Then I will quote a prophet:

Isa 44:18 They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand.

Isa 44:25 That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish;

There is also mention of dumb dogs and greedy dogs and there is Matt:

Mat 13:14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive
It's probably under pseudoscience because the author of the bible code claims that his method is a "scientific" way of "decoding" the bible.
The Bible Code is the sine qua non of Pseudoscience. I'm not religious myself but I would not denigrate religion by putting this nonsense into it, although I've no doubt that there's a kaballah section in there! :)

I take it you have read the Bible otherwise you would not criticize something you understand.
FieryIce, I can't say I totally understand what you mean.