Debt to Society


Staff member
The online counterpart to Mother Jones magazine published a special feature on Wednesday that showcases how the Web can turn a vast and potentially tedious assortment of statistics about a forgotten story into a powerful piece of journalism.

Called "Debt to Society," the project uses interactive maps and graphs to assess what the United States' obsession with locking people up has cost each state since 1980. The project pays particular attention to the rising percentage of prisoners who are drug offenders.

Visit them at and let us discuss this matter.

Thank you.
Hello Bobby Lee:

This post has been there for a while and no body wants to comment. Along, you come in. When I got the email, I got exicted. Boy, I found my big fish....

And...that is all you have to say? can do better than that!
How about a minnow.

How can one's "debt to society" be paid when using conterfeit money?
i am very sad u see i feel i have paid my dues to life and more
i know that people feel they are wrongly justified on earth i understand when a person has more than the other it can create problems between two people
i know that when one person is accused of being higher authority in ways where justice is caused by a humans physical abuse toget releif
they call it jelousy sum people know how to make others do their attacks by manipulating and accusations are made then people retaliate for this person to get relief .....they call it cursed ....i call it an attack like a military equation when they should do their home work before condemning the person they attack ........i a very sad situation to be in ....then reataliation is made or created the person gets sick of the abuse and lashes out they call it revenge ....i call it retaliation .....prevention is the key and understanding is our knowledge we dont learn about love in universities we learn maths all that when a heart is broken their is no cure for that pain
i was accused at a very young age and put on news papers and churches grabbed me and i was the picture of attac from persons that said why u not us what have u got we dont have i was physicaly abused for many years cause of the accusations the accusation was they thought i was an angel to take them to the ther side police were called i even have a record a wierd one at that at a very young age was not even nine yrs old peopletook pics ofme in the streets they went as far as beating me hurting me very badly
i am very sad bout this very very sad am tired of hearing how people are in pain i for one know the pain no one will ever know how much pain others have put me through so u see i paid my dues my debt with pain a an accused angel causing people to retaliate and abuse me is a debt to my eyes
.......hospial ward where i visited screamed help us help us get her away we dont want to go yet thats why the cops were called on me they thought i was taking them to the other side to death cause of the situation at that specific moment i was in the wrong place at the wrong time i get peoplesay to me you think ur better than us and they would do things to hurt me like hit my kids or scratch my car even worse to my person
I PAID MY DEBT WITH PAIN am sad to read this thread it made me type what i felt how i feel dunno if thats a good thing or not but i can say one thing atleast i have recorded police file of that event and newspapers bout the whole ordeal guess i just gotta live with it eh mockery and abuse violence
and verbal hatred is not my idea of an angel but it is in australians eyes they hate us cause they think it true they dont see the easy side of causing the attack anyone can make sumone suffer by just an accusation
The project pays particular attention to the rising percentage of prisoners who are drug offenders.

Visit them at and let us discuss this matter.

Thank you.

Well it's a pretty stupid waste of resources. Especially in terms of drug offenders. We should end the war on drugs.

I thought that perhaps the most interesting graft was the one showing how increases in spending on prisons have completely dwarfed increases in spending on schools. The one factor that has been consistently shown to decrease recidivism rates has been increased education (i.e., if a prisoner gets a GED or a college degree in prison they are much less likely to come back), and yet even within prisons (where we're spending a fortune) education programs are lacking.