Debate: Islam or Atheism? With Hamza Tzortzis & the president of American Atheists


Registered Senior Member
I would like to present to you this recent debate about Islam (concept of God and Holy Quran) vs. Atheism. I enjoyed the debate so far well. I believe that the Atheist stance is pretty weak (lack of knowledge, generalizations etc..). One speaker makes the solid case for God and Islam while the other speaker just talks about "why I am an atheist".

I invite you to watch this debate to learn more. I find debates of this type entertaining.

What do you think ?!

Note! I have posted a link to this debate under some topic at this forum but I would like to present it here so more people get access to it.
OK, first fallacy:
The universe cannot be uncaused and eternal. Such a universe does not violate any physical laws as the total energy of the universe is balanced by gravitational potential energy, meaning is looks just as it should if it came from nothing.

2. The Big Bang postulates a singularity. Stephen Hawking has retracted that theory. In any case, so-called "common sense" does not apply to physics at the quantum level.

3. Things cannot arise without a cause. Quantum events can be uncaused.

4. The origin of the universe postulates a personal choice on the part of a creator.

5. The Quran is the word of God because it's perfection cannot be imitated. (It is in fact an imitation of the Bible). I could easily create verses as good or better than the Quran, but since it would not have the same following, the Muslims would not consider it better. Circular logic. I have personally read far better verses written by Charles Bukowski. Furthermore, "better" is a subjective measurement, and who is doing the measuring? Those same people who believe nothing can match the Quran. Fallacy. Hamza's "criteria for a devine text" is equally flawed.

6. OK this is a repetition of the Christian apologetic. Was Mohammed a liar, deluded, or both? Who knows, it doesn't matter. I think he was deluded. He might have believed he was inspired by God, even though he wasn't. Known frauds like Joseph Smith also created popular religions that inspire millions of people (Mormonism). Believing in God is not necessarily mental illness or the product of a lie, but that doesn't mean it must be true either.


Fallacies in the rebuttal:

1. Atheism led to mass murder in China, ect... In fact, that was due to communist ideology, not atheism.

2. If evolution led to morality, we should just give in to all natural compulsions. Actually, we can make personal judgements about what is best for society, since evolution gave us brains.
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