debate help


Registered Member
hey guys i was wondering if u guys could help with a debate for my school. I am debating whether or not the legal age of drinking should be lowered. me and my partner got stuck with saying it shouldn't and i need some good points. any help would be greatly appreciated. i dont know if u can cuss on these boards but if u can plz dont since it is for scool. thank u all

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I personally hated speech and debate class, but here's an idea......Drinking leads to alcoholism and alcoholism leads to physical and mental abuse of friends and family and it can even kill the drinker. Why lower the age so that people can get addicted sooner??
Hope that helps:)
Look at the statistics of deaths by drunk driving, and then look at the statistics of accidents involving persons driving under 21. That should provide some data, do a search on the internet, Im sure you'll find something. Also, alcohol is a drug, a very dangerous drug, I think its more addicting than alot of other drugs. That should be reason enough. Plus most people are out of their friggin minds until their mid-20's:D

Oh, and welcome to sciforums, I hope you find lots of useful info in here!

Groove on

First of all, you'd have to memorize and follow THIS for MY debate class,

Second, from about 1974, through 1985, there were about 30 States which lowered their drinking ages to 18, and THEN upped them back to 21. WI has virtually become a POLICE state, in the process. They cruise neighborhoods, and if there are a greater number of cars than usual, they run tags. Then inform parents about the loaction of their kids, if they discover that any kid is UNDER 18, they bust the party, just for giggles, justifing it with the 'stolen' car... cute, huh? Oh, but they do it "for the kids"...

But I digress, CURRENTLY in the FRENCH QUARTER, ONLY, of New Orleans, the drinking age IS 18. It is also currently 18 in Washington D.C, Guam US VI, and Puerto Rico--which tells you what the feds think about it. I know, because I took a gal to DC that was BARELY eighteen, and we did the usual rum and coke for me, and coke for her and switched glasses, but I was taken aside by the bartender, and told, "don't bother, she's legal"... I checked it out when I got back. Boy was I glad, later that night, when SHE attacked me and abused ME, forcibly...

In Europe the average drinking age is 16 (along with sexual consent of females), but in HOlland it's 18 for hash and bud. Now, where the grunt work comes in is making a case that the current law, is based ONLY on religous, kneejerk reactionism rather than reasonable proof that 18 year olds are any MORE immature here, than in Europe. I believe you shall find that the various states drunken driving arrests of 18-21 year olds has RISEN since increasing the drinking age--the inticment of illegality. Good luck

Aside to Afrodite:
Drinking leads to alcoholism and alcoholism leads to physical and mental abuse of friends and family and it can even kill the drinker.

"All pidgeons are dirty birds.
Robins are birds, therefor
All robins are dirty." qed NOT!
--the "logical" process you used is called a syllogism, and will flunk you faster than you can SPIT in a debate class...Did you hate it because they TRIED to make you think?

If so, HOW when the two most prevelently abused illicit drugs are NON-narcotic? See for definition of narcotic. I drink, am I an alcoholic? I don't think so, I bought the bottle in March of LAST year, and haven't finshed it, YET. Read my quote.:rolleyes:

Strange girl, ooops I guess that's supposed to be star, isn't it?:

Acutally alcohol's toxicity level is SO high, it punishes you for abusing it. As to addicting, it is the USE of it which is addiciting (such as chocolate) not the drug itself, and is less physically harmful than speed or coke which are also non-narcotic. Again, Read my quote. :rolleyes:

Mr. K.