Death Islam style


Staff member
Afghanistan's Taliban arrested eight foreign aid workers for allegedly spreading Christianity. Under a new decree, they will not face the death penalty. But 16 Afghans seized with them could be executed for proselytism.
hey kmguru,

I saw that on the news as well. they are Christians charity workers, but they probably do tell people about the Gospel as well I would say. But they wouldn't let our diplomats(Australian) into the country. they had to wait in Pakistan, but I'm not sure if they had been allowed in yet. Anyway, the group that arrested them is a hard line Islamic group, the same that destroyed that huge Bhudist Statue, I don't know what you call it but it was huge!

but anyway, I had told you about that person from our church who had got death threats, the Christians over in Afghanistan would have known the risks as well. But they would have seen that the benefits of spreading the gospel outweighed the risks.

kmguru, were the 16 Afghans Christian?
I got it from a news email I receive. I do not know the details. But what is needed is for the UN to have more teeth to be proactive on these matters.

What do you do when in this day and age, there is an opressed regime anywhere on the planet. Do you leave them to fend for themselves or take action be be a part of the civilized society. It is a difficult philosophical question.

In my book, I would first try diplomatic overtures to provide incentive in a crrot approach, then small stick like economic sanctions, if that does not work, neutron bomb the hell out of that place and teraform that location so that other people can move in and reclaim that piece of land.

It sounds cruel, but, think about it. with a world population at over 6 billion, instead of destroying forests to move in and then everybody dies because of ecological disaster, we go after people who can not live in harmony with the rest of the world. Destroy the weeds so that we may live. (this is one of my friends idea - so please no flames to me)
But the thing is, a neutron bomb would affect the land for a long time. I would prefer diplomacy, if they would let the diplomats in of course.
I was kidding about the neutron bomb - because it is so frustrating to solve their problem. There was a story in the old star trek series where two groups of people one is black in the leftside of the face and while in the right side of the face and the other just the opposite - fighting eternal battle.

The probability of that area blowing up is real though. Imagine a suicide bomber straps a nuclear bomb and either accidentally sets off in his location or purposely sets off at the other side. Either way, his side is gone for good. If that bomber happens to be a palestinian, who is looking for his 70 vigin females waiting for him at the otherside, he will be condemning his entire group for that. Then he finds out that because he did that, they chop off his tally whacker...well...

These days it is not difficult to obtain nuclear bombs or meterial due to the collapse of soviet union. It is a serious threat.
Tally wacker? Are you refering to a method of counting how many will be needed to to make a nice round total? I thought they used an abacus for that! (grumble, grumble, grumble, difficult a$$es)
On a bit of a serious note, could you actually imagine how the suicide bombers wife would actually feel after being told by "hammas" that his gone to be with his god and 70 virgin females? If I was that guys wife(though I'm male) I would feel pretty hurt.
dont' moslems have many wives though...isn't she already sharing....or is that out of date now?
50 years ago it was still ok for men to have multiple wives, i dont thhink it has changed much
kmguru said:
I got it from a news email I receive. I do not know the details. But what is needed is for the UN to have more teeth to be proactive on these matters.

What do you do when in this day and age, there is an opressed regime anywhere on the planet. Do you leave them to fend for themselves or take action be be a part of the civilized society. It is a difficult philosophical question.

D__ no it isn't at all. what it means is you haven't done the research.
you imagine our culture is CIVILIZED? oh dearrire me. our culture that has caused all manner of genocide, slavery, and now seeks to take over the world stamping on all who diasagree with the great american way. listen mate, you MUSt read Arundhati Roy. she will put you right. try goolging her and add title The New American Century.

In my book, I would first try diplomatic overtures to provide incentive in a crrot approach, then small stick like economic sanctions, if that does not work, neutron bomb the hell out of that place and teraform that location so that other people can move in and reclaim that piece of land.

D__ you are a total unthinking fascist imbecile....and did i say ignorant too? well that also. you are typical of this civilization you love so much. you have absloutly NO ethics, humanity, love, or knowledge of the interconnectedness of Nature to come out with what you have just dreamt up. But you and BushCo will get on for sure. Jeeeez

It sounds cruel, but, think about it. with a world population at over 6 billion, instead of destroying forests to move in and then everybody dies because of ecological disaster, we go after people who can not live in harmony with the rest of the world. Destroy the weeds so that we may live. (this is one of my friends idea - so please no flames to me)

haha....thank god youre takin the piss....sheeeesh, i thought you was serious. but, you have friends like THAT? what are yer enimies like?
kmguru said:
Afghanistan's Taliban arrested eight foreign aid workers for allegedly spreading Christianity. Under a new decree, they will not face the death penalty. But 16 Afghans seized with them could be executed for proselytism.

In the West isn't it a Captital Crime to commit treason against Nationalism. So they assign to Religion the equivalent role we assign to Nationalism. It is an odd sense of priority to suppose that it is okay to kill people for politics but not for religion.
Leo Volont said:
In the West isn't it a Captital Crime to commit treason against Nationalism.
Not everywhere in the West.
Leo Volont said:
So they assign to Religion the equivalent role we assign to Nationalism.
That's because the practice of Islam encompasses political as well as religious control. That's also what makes it so dangerous and incompatible with the West unless it matures into simply a religion.