Death by ufo

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Rarely do ufos kill or injure anyone. But there is a smattering of cases of such. Here's an incident that occurred in an Indian village. Doctors and police chalked this all up to hysteria and insects. I'm thinking "nawww".

SHANWA, India (AP) - "It comes in the night, a flying sphere emitting red and blue lights that attacks villagers in this poor region, extensively burning those victims it does not kill.

At least that's what panic-stricken villagers say. At least seven people have died of unexplained injuries in the past week in Uttar Pradesh state.

"A mysterious flying object attacked him in the night," Raghuraj Pal said of his neighbor, Ramji Pal, who died recently in Shanwa. "His stomach was ripped open. He died two days later."

Many others have suffered scratches and surface wounds, which they say were inflicted while they slept. In the village of Darra, 53-year-old Kalawati said she was attacked last week and displayed blisters on her blackened forearms.

"It was like a big soccer ball with sparkling lights," said Kalawati, who uses only one name. "It burned my skin."

"I can't sleep because of pain," she said.

Doctors dismiss the stories as mass hysteria.

"More often than not the victims have unconsciously inflicted the symptoms themselves," said Narrotam Lal, a doctor at King George's Medical College in Lucknow, the state capital.

The police have another explanation: bugs.

"It is a three-and-a-half-inch-long winged insect" that leaves rashes and superficial wounds, Kavindra P. Singh, a superintendent of police, told the Press Trust of India news agency.

Police drew this conclusion after residents of one village found insects they had never seen before.

Villagers are unconvinced. In the most affected area, the Mirzapur district, 440 miles southeast of New Delhi, people have stopped sleeping outdoors despite the sweltering heat and frequent power outages.

Villagers also have formed protection squads that patrol Shanwa, beating drums and shouting slogans such as, "Everyone alert. Attackers beware."

Some accuse district officials of inaction and failing to capture the "aliens." One person died Thursday in nearby Sitapur when police fired shots to disperse a 10,000-strong crowd demanding that authorities capture the mysterious attackers.

"People just block the roads and attack the police for inaction each time there's a death or injury," said Amrit Abhijat, Mirzapur's district magistrate, who claims he has captured the UFO on film."
Here's a father's account of a ufo that may have caused the death of his son and a neighbor. It happened in Australia. Beware!

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"In his article, 'INCREDIBLE UFO INCINERATION'S: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE COMBUSTIBLE KIND', researcher Larry E. Arnold describes the following terrifying encounter, only one of several cases of UFO-related 'human combustion' mentioned in his article:

"...Of the many episodes involving UFOs and the spontaneous combustion of humans, quite probably the most disastrous event -- if true -- in MODERN times occurred to the African village of Kirimukuya on Mt. Kenya.

"For several nights in June 1954, young Laili Thindu and his shepherd companions listened to the pounding of their neighbors' drums announcing a wedding about to take place on the mountainside. They also watched STRANGE LIGHTS soar around this 'sacred' peak in central Kenya. They naturally were startled when bright beams flashed from these soaring lights, then concerned that the drums were now silent.

"The next morning Laili learned that 'all the dancers, all the children, all the livestock, -- the entire population of the village -- had been seared to death by terrible streams of light from glowing objects,' report Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour in their book , FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE. 'It was not until Laili Thindu ventured into Nairobi that he was able to tell his story to someone who recognized the tale for what it really was: the annihilation of an African village by a UFO..."===
[...] "For several nights in June 1954, young Laili Thindu and his shepherd companions listened to the pounding of their neighbors' drums announcing a wedding about to take place on the mountainside. They also watched STRANGE LIGHTS soar around this 'sacred' peak in central Kenya. They naturally were startled when bright beams flashed from these soaring lights, then concerned that the drums were now silent. "The next morning Laili learned that 'all the dancers, all the children, all the livestock, -- the entire population of the village -- had been seared to death by terrible streams of light from glowing objects,' [...]

These older anecdotes will of course be exempted from the trend. But in the future (if not already), accounts of violent UFOs (with any legitimacy to them) will be routinely chalked-up to drone assaults of military, terrorist, subculture insurgency or rogue-agency origin. Extraordinary details in the eyewitness testimonies provided will be explained as exaggerations, distorted memories and misconceptions arising from the horror, stress, and chaos following such surprise attacks at night (or whenever).
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Several of my friends and neighbors have been killed or severely injured by UFOs, but the point is you cannot prove that these death machines are of extraterrestrial origin.
These older anecdotes will of course be exempted from the trend. But in the future (if not already), accounts of violent UFOs (with any legitimacy to them) will be routinely chalked-up to drone assaults of military, terrorist, subculture insurgency or rogue-agency origin. Extraordinary details in the eyewitness testimonies provided will be explained as exaggerations, distorted memories and misconceptions arising from the horror, stress, and chaos following such surprise attacks at night (or whenever).

The accounts will be selectively edited to support their conclusion that it is drone. The firing of rays at the villagers will be overlooked as hysteria. The marks on their bodies will be dismissed as self-inflicted attempts to get into the local papers. Details will be omitted from the account to make it fit the foregone conclusion. It's a perfect example of confirmation bias.
NEPALGUNJ -- The life in the Nepal-India border at Belaspur and Nepalgunj went panicky for the second consecutive day on Saturday when an unidentified object again attempted to kill a woman.
The same mysterious object had killed a 40-year-old woman in the neighbouring Indian village a few days ago. Sahim Khan, 55, of Belaspur-16 was sleeping peacefully on the terrace of her house when the fireball-like object flew towards her ready to attack her, say locals.

"When we rushed towards Khan's house after seeing the object, it disappeared instantly," they said. The locals then brought Khan from the terrace and kept her safely inside the house. The locals said they saw the same object the previous day over Nepalgunj Municipality and Guleria area.

Even the object continues to attack villagers for the last couple of days and more and more people are attacked, authorities from both Nepal and India have failed to identify the object, which is said to be active at night and disappears instantly after the attack.

The local eyewitnesses said it resembles a fire-flame and attacks those sleeping outside their houses on rooftops and terraces. Deputy Superintendent of Police, Gokarna Bahadur Pal of Banke admitted that he saw the red object but said he could not identify it.

India's Lucknow-based newspapers even published reports that said three people have been killed and more than a dozen wounded across the border after the mysterious object was detected in the region a couple of days ago." /local.htm#8
A Chinese artillery shell, or just please find something plausible to blather about.

Go hunting. Bring something unnatural back, besides your fascination with the absurd. Please.

Why were you banned again?
A Chinese artillery shell, or just please find something plausible to blather about.

Go hunting. Bring something unnatural back, besides your fascination with the absurd. Please.

Why were you banned again?

And so you're in the Fringe section why?

I was banned for 3 days because I claimed aliens were extraterrestrials in accord with a quoted dictionary definition. The ban was lengthened to 2 weeks after the mod dug up a statement of mine where I said I always discuss these topics rationally. See how that works?
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And so you're in the Fringe section why?
In quiter moments on the forum, it's sometimes fun to see what some gullible people are thinking.
I was banned for 3 days because I claimed aliens were extraterrestrials in accord with a quoted dictionary definition. The ban was lengthened to 2 weeks after the mod dug up a statement of mine where I said I always discuss these topics rationally. See how that works?
But you don't discuss rationally. You ignore anything and everything that hints that something is just a UFO....or that Bigfoot has been totally rebuked as nonsense.
You also refuse to answer some questions put to you, which although that may be your right on this forum, just reflects on your refusal to ever consider the mundane non paranormal, non supernatural alternative.
On other more strict forums, you would be permanently banned
There's still no evidence that it's aliens. "Unidentified" doesn't imply extra-terrestrial.

Wishful thinking isn't evidence.
Rarely do ufos kill or injure anyone. But there is a smattering of cases of such. Here's an incident that occurred in an Indian village. Doctors and police chalked this all up to hysteria and insects. I'm thinking "nawww".
What makes you dismiss that it might be hysteria or insects?

How do you know the (few) injuries displayed to the reporters were not self-inflicted (unconsciously or consciously)?

What information do you have about the insects the residents of one village found? Have you looked into the matter?

Where is the film captured by Amrit Abhijat? Can we see it, please?
Here's some more background on the event. The crickets they found could not injure anybody and didn't emit lights. The videos were all confiscated by government officials. Mass hysteria? Hysterical over what?

UFOs are other seekers who can lead us to an unfolding of ultra-higher consciousness. Reality has always been buzzing with messengers whose third eyes are enveloped in nature. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the totality via supercharged electrons.
Magical Realist,

That's an interesting video, and the story is one that grabs me, too. So, I spent about a minute seeing what I could find on the web about this. Here's what I found in that minute.

The locals called these "face scratchers" Muhnochwa, and that is a good term to search for if you want to find more on this. This dates back to 2002, by the way, so this is old news.

Here are some quotes. Bolded parts are my highlights.

According to locals, the flying object emitting beams of red or green light, gives an electric shock and injuries to persons who come in its contact. The object remains a mystery for police also as there is no concrete evidence, except the statements of the victims who came in its contact and sustained injury marks similar to nail bite.

Psychiatrists, however, dismiss it as a rumour and phobia among the people having a sense of insecurity.

People have varied opinions about the shape and size of the object. While some claim it is just like a hawk, others describe it variously as a cat, rubber doll or aircraft. Some others suspect that it might be a remote-controlled object being used by some anti-socials to create panic.

Residents of Madra village under Ahraura police station in Mirzapur district said that a suspected Maruti car was seen in the village on Tuesday evening. The car was parked at a lonely place near two ponds. Some of them claim to seeing a doll-shaped object flying towards the village from the place where the car was parked.

It returned towards the same direction, when the villagers gave it a hot chase. The next day, claim the villagers, some motorcycle-borne youths came to inquire about the caste and community of the natives of the locality where the "Muhnochwa" had attacked in the night.
Govind Singh, a native of the same village who runs a medicine shop in Jamalpur, told Times News Network, "We suspect that the persons sitting in the car were controlling the object through remote."

The other interesting aspect was that whenever water was thrown on it, the object ran away rapidly indicating that a camera might be fixed in it. Mirzapur range DIG KL Meena, when contacted, said that as the police had not much information about the object, no action plan has been launched.
We note that people don't agree even on what this flying object looks like, which isn't very encouraging. Its size isn't very obvious from the reports, either. Most injuries are describes as "similar to nail bite" (whatever that means).

People called it Muhnochwa , the Face-Scratcher. It would reportedly dash down through the air in the dark of the night like a s mall UFO, emitting red and green beams, and hit people’s faces with steel claws, leaving deep scratches, bleeding and burning with pain. Panic spread like wild fire and so did rumors and theories. Activists of the Indian Rationalist Association visited Sitapur, Varanasi, Mirzapur and other places in the affected area and tried to find out what was going on.

Like the old Monkey Man, the creature seemed to have as many different shapes as there were witnesses. Talking to villagers, we got descriptions of a flying cushion, a flying cat, an airplane, a giant insect, a flying saucer and much more. As different as his shapes were the theories about the monster’s origin. Some of the most popular suspects behind the spook were furious ghosts, asocial elements, the Mafia, Pakistan’s intelligence agency and a "chemically engineered" insect. It turned out to be very difficult to find actual witnesses, though there were many people everywhere, who knew somebody, who had encountered the creature. None of our volunteers could manage to cast a glance at the flying horror. It simply did not show up in their presence. The only objective view available was a 2-minutes video spot recorded in Mizrapur. It showed a beam of light moving in circles and vanishing in the dark again, while people were screaming in fear. This did actually not reveal much of the secret and could well have been a simple torchlight also.


There were, however, three things, which would safely keep the monster away: water, light and rationalists.


There were allegedly more than 70 victims of the fantastic attacker, but it was hard to get some of the much spoken about wounds to see. What we were finally shown was quite disappointing: some harmless and unspecific skin-deep scratches. Physicians, called in to investigate them, found them superficial and could not see any cause for the burning, which many victims claimed to suffer. They looked quite like those wounds which the infamous Monkey Man had “produced” and which the rationalists had been able to identify in all known cases as self-inflicted with fingernails, forks and other instruments. Most of the victims had been completely unaware what they had done – a well-known psychological phenomenon.

Upon a proposal of the Indian Rationalist Association, the government asked the Air Force to search the flying creature with the radar system of a nearby base – without any result. .... In Lakhimpur, an unknown three-inches long insect with six claws was caught and declared the culprit. It was sent in a bottle to the zoological garden for investigation. Another face-scratcher was confiscated and publicly exhibited by the police in Lucknow. It was a flying object, constructed with a balloon, a kite and a small torch, which had been sent out by pranksters, who wanted to use the general fear for a joke.


Slowly panic came down, but the horrible Face-Scratcher was reluctant to leave the drought stricken villages completely. Only when the first showers of the long awaited monsoon watered the stone-dry fields, he disappeared as swift as he had emerged.
Isn't it strange that wherever skeptics and rationalists show up to investigate, suddenly there is no paranormal or UFO activity any more?

Reports claim that some people have been killed by the muhnochwa but there is no evidence to back this up.

Other reports claimed that terrified villagers have killed people suspected of being a muhnochwa.


Descriptions of the attacker vary, with some saying it resembles a football and others claiming it is more like a tortoise.

However, everyone agrees it is brightly lit.


The state government has asked the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in the industrial town of Kanpur to unravel the mystery.

Scientists at the institute on Tuesday gave a more reasoned assessment, saying the phenomenon was being caused by balls of lightning which are being produced due to the extremely dry conditions existing in the drought-hit state.

In all cases, people see a ball-like object in the night emitting different colours and travelling sideways, he said.

The ball can produce about 100 watts of electricity and, when it hits a person's body, especially the face, it can cause rashes and a burning sensation, he said.

The ball also ceases to exist suddenly as it dissipates quickly after hitting an object. The phenomenon should stop once long-delayed rains arrive in the state, he added.

Once the earth regains its natural characteristics, it becomes a good conductor of electricity, he said.
To summarise: after a minute of searching the web, I found that the muhnochwa was variously described as a tortoise, a football, an insect, ball lightning, a doll, a flying cat, a hawk, and a remote-controlled aircraft. The kinds of injuries most commonly observed were scratches that could well have been self-inflicted. Reports of deaths and serious injuries were hard to track down, but (if they occurred at all) may have been due to ball lightning, which is apparently more likely during a drought in India.

As usual, the evidence for extraterrestrial visitors in this case is very very weak.