Death By Sack


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
TEHRAN, July 18 (Reuters) - An Iranian man, convicted for raping and killing his 16-year-old nephew, will be executed by being thrown off a cliff in a sack, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

If the unnamed man survives the fall down a rocky precipice, he will be hanged, legal experts said. He has 20 days to appeal the court sentence. (Full text here)
For the purposes of this discussion, assume he received a fair trial and it was proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he did rape and murder his nephew – is he getting what he deserves?

It is sad...he shouldn't have done that in the first place. The fool. Very sad for the nephew though, what a fool...and sad for him to die in such a manner. I believe they should use him for community service as for all criminals, put them to use to help the world they hurt, to let him understand what he has done then maybe let him go after many years... If it works it should be done, although im not sure... I'm against killing someone, i prefer to punish people and to let them understand what they have done, but will it depends how far they have gone too. Only until there is no other way but to give them the death penalty, and if they have done a really bad crime.... Life's complicating.
An Iranian man, convicted for raping and killing his 16-year-old nephew, will be executed

Yes, fine, if that is what justice demands.

An Iranian man, convicted for raping and killing his 16-year-old nephew, will be executed by being thrown off a cliff in a sack

Uh... that just seems... unnecessarily complex. But then I think that if he does manage to survive being TOSSED OFF A CLIFF then I think that life in prison would be more appropriate than being hung. Maybe they could throw him onto the gallows or something?

(edited for clarity)
Originally posted by Riomacleod
Uh... that just seems... unnecessarily complex.
The sack is probably used to keep the bottom of the cliff free from splatter! I mean, what kind of fun is an execution if you have to do a lot of work to clean up afterwards? :bugeye:

Assuming the guy actualy did it... He should be tortured for about six months, then tossed off a cliff.
Maybe they've got a competition running on the most creative way to execute someone?
Originally posted by goofyfish
For the purposes of this discussion, assume he received a fair trial and it was proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he did rape and murder his nephew – is he getting what he deserves?


welll.... yes.
Just out of interest, not to be overly morbid... Are they gonna like... wait at the bottom of the cliff? I mean, if he survives (and doesn't suffocate :rolleyes: ) wouldn't he run away, as opposed to going to the nearest police station and offring himself up?
Firefly, the mental picture of some guy trying to run away in a sack is just too much for me not to laugh at. Maybe they do it this way for their own amusement.:D
I can think of worse ways to go, the sensation of falling to your death is apparently exhilarating to some people. (Exhilarating in the sense that if you HAD to choose a death, falling would be high on the wish list.)

I don't agree with the half-way method, either they placate the blood thirsty masses and publically mutilate the man until he dies of blood loss/shock-

or simply get it done with a small amount of very fast lead.
This kind of sentence makes me wonder if they have a standard punishment to fit a standard crime. Or is it that they dream up something to horrify others into not attempting a repeat of the crime. Sounds a bit over zealous to me.
Lets get one thing straight. If you had just been thrown off the edge of a cliff, would you be able to runaway or would that peice of bone sticking out of your leg hinder you a tad. Or maybe the broken back. He's not invincible, and add to that the sack.
ROTFL, well, if it's off a cliff onto a beach, then maybe s/he could have some fellow crims waiting nearby with a boat or something? (Or if it's not near a beach/sea, then they could always just have a car) Or you know, if it happens that he's a cartoon character, he could maybe ... land safely in a bush or something. Hmm, I'm getting kinda attached to this rapist getting away. :bugeye: I'll wait at the bottom and finish him off myself. :mad: :p
Isn't Iran an inland country. Isn't it between Iraq and a hard place?
The sack is probably used to keep the bottom of the cliff free from splatter!

That's a good point. I guess I just assumed they'd be leaving him for the buzzards. Or whatever they have in Iran that eats dead things.

Still, doesn't it seem a little too... Wile E Coyote?