Dear Jesus ...

That's it ...

  • ... I'm converting to Christianity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ... I'm converting to Islam.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ... I'm going to Grandma's house.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ... I'll be in the back room, gratifying myself with broken glass and rusty nails.

    Votes: 4 100.0%

  • Total voters


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
... come back soon, and save us from your followers.

To note David Schmader's take: "Crazy fundamentalists making fun of other crazy fundamentalists is my new favorite art form."

Seriously, when I see Christians behaving like this, I do stop and wonder if some obsessed atheist has decided to mock his Christian neighbors by representing them as exploitative, hatemongering, half-wit provocateurs.

And then I realize that no, it's not an atheist's bad joke. And it's not just Muslims he hates.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? He's not helping anything. And in misrepresenting the Bible in order to score insults against other religions, he might well be endangering his own immortality. ("Might" = Despite there being one truth of God, so to speak, it depends on what beliefs are most comfortable to each believer.)

I understand that Jesus had something to say about specks and logs, but this one needs to be ... uh ... "saved". Really. If the Harry Potter thing doesn't cap it, I don't know what will.

My Christian neighbors, please remember, the next time you wonder why atheists and other infidels receive your evangelism so coldly that there are reasons. With people like Bill Keller representing your movement, what the hell are people supposed to think?

How many believers are there, now? And how many Fathers, Sons, and Holy Ghosts are there? How many different things does the Bible say?

One God. One Truth. One Life Everlasting.

My freakin' eye.

It's almost enough to make me share your longing for the end of the world.
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Thanks for the nasty poll. It simply reinforces my view that while some atheists are adult and can discuss differences without resorting to nastiness others are simply too immature to do so.

The poll is more appropriate to an elememtary school yard than a forum that purports to be the home of intelligent and serious posters.
Till Eugenspiel said:

It simply reinforces my view that while some atheists are adult and can discuss differences without resorting to nastiness others are simply too immature to do so.

What do atheists have to do with anything?

• • •​

Orleander said:

And sometimes when I see atheists behave like this, it make us all seem so arrogant, judgmental and hateful.

I'm pretty sure Keller's not an atheist, m'lady. I mean, setting up his own teleministry? That's ... that's a hell of an effort for a joke, don't you think?
True, I can't believe it took until Poe to whack her.