Deadly Chemical which you HAVE been exposed to!

We're exposed to lots of chemicals everyday, what's a little harmless dihydrogen monoxide going to do to me- *chokes, clutches chair weakly, and collapses*


_blue% :m:
I buy pure DHMO at the local Wal-Mart by the gallons....I have not had any stomach problems for a long time....
I've heard rumours they are working on a dehydrated form of DHMO for easier storage. Problem is, it keeps evaporating at high temperatures or sublimates at it's triple point. We may see a powder form yet, once they've mastered keeping it solid at room temperatures.
They should ban the DHMO and re-introduce the old fashioned poppers!!!
Did you know dihydrogen monoxide is produced in part from the reaction produced by hydrogen bombs? The horrer...the horrer...
If you think pollutions from automobiles are bad now...wait till they produce cars whose exhaust is pure DHMO. Where is EPA when you need one.....
A startlingly high amount of DHMO is can be found in the bodies of most people.

It is even occasionally known to be carried in bottled water. It is also known to contaminate rainclouds.