Dead Book Religions are Not Viable

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Dead Religions are Not Viable

Before they Murdered the Messiah and thus alienated God, the People of the Book had a Wonderful Thing going for themselves. In each Generation they had one or even more Prophets who would give them Divine Revelation. There can be no better way to stay abreast of Current Events then to have fresh and responsive Divine Revelations. Such only is what we can call a Living and Viable Religion.

For those Religions today who emphasize faded and crackled scriptures written on the skins of sheep who have been dead since the World was still Flat – they need to ask themselves why they suppose Old Dead Books are good enough for themselves, when God, when providing what they consider a lesser Dispensation, provided a Direct Channel for Instruction and Command. Why would we consider the Minimal Requirements of an Ancient Religion to be beyond our own grasp today? Why do we not believe that a Valid Religion requires Living Prophets?

The only explanation that such as the Protestants and the Muslims can give is they acknowledge that they are living under a Lesser Dispensation. We know that People in the Favor of God have Prophets. If a People are allowed to go without Prophets it must be because they are under a Curse or out of Favor – are beyond the Pall of Grace.

Actually, not all of us are under this Curse. There has been the Dispensation of Mary. The Devotees of Our Lady have had their Prophets – we call them Saints. We have also had the Benefit of Direct Communication with the Divine Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin.
Leo Volont said:
Dead Religions are Not Viable

Before they Murdered the Messiah and thus alienated God, the People of the Book had a Wonderful Thing going for themselves. In each Generation they had one or even more Prophets who would give them Divine Revelation. There can be no better way to stay abreast of Current Events then to have fresh and responsive Divine Revelations. Such only is what we can call a Living and Viable Religion.

For those Religions today who emphasize faded and crackled scriptures written on the skins of sheep who have been dead since the World was still Flat – they need to ask themselves why they suppose Old Dead Books are good enough for themselves, when God, when providing what they consider a lesser Dispensation, provided a Direct Channel for Instruction and Command. Why would we consider the Minimal Requirements of an Ancient Religion to be beyond our own grasp today? Why do we not believe that a Valid Religion requires Living Prophets?

The only explanation that such as the Protestants and the Muslims can give is they acknowledge that they are living under a Lesser Dispensation. We know that People in the Favor of God have Prophets. If a People are allowed to go without Prophets it must be because they are under a Curse or out of Favor – are beyond the Pall of Grace.

Actually, not all of us are under this Curse. There has been the Dispensation of Mary. The Devotees of Our Lady have had their Prophets – we call them Saints. We have also had the Benefit of Direct Communication with the Divine Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin.
I wonder if you realize she was only a virgin with her first one. After that her and Joe "knew" each other.
@ Leo Volont

The Virgin is not Divine. The virgin you speak of died many years ago and has not been heard of since. Blasphemous reports of weeping statuettes and the like have been propagated by cult members for a while, even until now. There is no merit to the statements that we are under a lesser dispensation or the same dispensation of the times, but that we are under a different dispensation in manner which really is the
same in nature.
b0urgeoisie said:
I wonder if you realize she was only a virgin with her first one. After that her and Joe "knew" each other.

The Prophecy of Simeon tells us that the Sword of Insult would pierce the Heart of Our Lady and that we would know the Secret Evil in the Hearts of Many by their attacks upon Her.

You hereby demonstrate your subservience to Satan, by gratuitiously insulting the Blessed Virgin. Nowhere does the Bible say that Mary and Joseph 'knew' each other. You lie simply to insult Her and please your master who resides already in Hell and is certainly keeping a place warm for you.
§outh§tar said:
@ Leo Volont

The Virgin is not Divine. The virgin you speak of died many years ago and has not been heard of since. Blasphemous reports of weeping statuettes and the like have been propagated by cult members for a while, even until now. There is no merit to the statements that we are under a lesser dispensation or the same dispensation of the times, but that we are under a different dispensation in manner which really is the
same in nature.

How silly!

There have been Hundreds of Apparitions of Our Lady. She is a Virtual Goddess. Anybody who believes in the Immortality of the Soul can hardly suppose that the Soul of the Mother of God can somehow expire.

Besides, Our Lady of Medjugorje Hersegovina appears on the 25th of Every Month and makes a short statement. She did not skip this last month, and so if She did not 'die' in the last week or so, She must still be Alive.
Leo Volont said:
The Prophecy of Simeon tells us that the Sword of Insult would pierce the Heart of Our Lady and that we would know the Secret Evil in the Hearts of Many by their attacks upon Her.

You hereby demonstrate your subservience to Satan, by gratuitiously insulting the Blessed Virgin. Nowhere does the Bible say that Mary and Joseph 'knew' each other. You lie simply to insult Her and please your master who resides already in Hell and is certainly keeping a place warm for you.
Yes it does say that. Unless "the brother of jesus" is talking about some other Jesus. Maybe they adopted. No that doesn't sound right. Ya I'm afraid they got it on.
Leo Volont said:
How silly!

There have been Hundreds of Apparitions of Our Lady. She is a Virtual Goddess. Anybody who believes in the Immortality of the Soul can hardly suppose that the Soul of the Mother of God can somehow expire.

Besides, Our Lady of Medjugorje Hersegovina appears on the 25th of Every Month and makes a short statement. She did not skip this last month, and so if She did not 'die' in the last week or so, She must still be Alive.

It seems you have a saddening case of idolatry. Your eyes have shifted from the prize to the petty trinkets on the wayside.

Amusing how these "hudreds of apparitions" have no proof whatsoever and only make it to the cover of sleazy magazines, along with articles of alien abductions and such nonsense.
b0urgeoisie said:
Yes it does say that. Unless "the brother of jesus" is talking about some other Jesus. Maybe they adopted. No that doesn't sound right. Ya I'm afraid they got it on.

You must have been born yesterday. The Semitic Languages at the time did not have a word for Cousin. Extended Families, not Nuclear Families, were the norm and so all the children of one generation were simply called brothers and sisters, though we would have distinguished them as a mix of brothers, cousins, nephews and uncles. But with them, it was all just one word.

For instance, When 12 year old Jesus was thought to be on the Caravan in one of the wagons of his 'brothers'. What did you think that meant. That May and Joseph then had so many children of their own that they required a number of wagons in order to transport them all?

No. We know Mary is Ever Virgin because nothing avers differently, despite the innuendo that inexact translation can accomplish, and most of all because She says so.

The Prophecy of Simeon said that we would know those with Evil in their Hearts because they would be compelled to Insult the Blessed Virgin. Thus it is demonstrated. Mary never did a thing against you, but you go On Line to publish insults against Her which can gain you nothing but the Satanic Satisfaction of having spit on Something Holy.
Leo Volont said:
How silly!

There have been Hundreds of Apparitions of Our Lady. She is a Virtual Goddess. Anybody who believes in the Immortality of the Soul can hardly suppose that the Soul of the Mother of God can somehow expire.QUOTE]

Ok, so God has a Mother?
How many Gods do you believe in?
Or is this part of the trinity? (Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost)
Or it really isn't trinity but quadrity (<--made it up)? (Father, Mother, Son, and the Holy Ghost)
§outh§tar said:
Amusing how these "hudreds of apparitions" have no proof whatsoever and only make it to the cover of sleazy magazines, along with articles of alien abductions and such nonsense.

Apparitions would not be approved finally by the Vatican if they had 'no proof whatsoever'. It is a silly and ignorant thing to say.

Most evidence is first hand eye-witness accounts. Such accounts would be admitted into any Court of Law. Why should they amount to "no proof whatsoever" simply because they aver to something that you disagree with?
I've said this before,but in Fatima Portugal there were 500 Square Miles of Eye Witnesses to the Miracle of the Son. Present at the Field were 75,000 Witnesses. Most remarkable, I think, was that when the Apparition began at approximately 12 Noon, everyone was soaking wet and ankle deep in mud because it had rained hard and steady since the evening before -- a Major Cold Front had blown down across all Europe. In just 20 Minutes, after all their attention had been concentrated on the Twirling and Dancing of the Kaleidoscope Sun, when the Sun settled down, they all realized that their cloths and the ground were suddenly and entirely dry. What was a foot deep mud was now a dusty dirt road. What but a Miracle?

Where healings are involved there is the most rigourous criterias applied -- the illness involved must have been chronic and the medical history profoundly documented, and then the healing must be spontaneous and sweeping -- leaving no trace of disease. Then followups must be conducted for the next several years to assure no return of disease. Independent Boards of Medical Examiners must be at a complete loss to explain a cure before it is deemed a Miracle.
Leo Volont said:
Apparitions would not be approved finally by the Vatican if they had 'no proof whatsoever'. It is a silly and ignorant thing to say.

Most evidence is first hand eye-witness accounts. Such accounts would be admitted into any Court of Law. Why should they amount to "no proof whatsoever" simply because they aver to something that you disagree with?
I've said this before,but in Fatima Portugal there were 500 Square Miles of Eye Witnesses to the Miracle of the Son. Present at the Field were 75,000 Witnesses. Most remarkable, I think, was that when the Apparition began at approximately 12 Noon, everyone was soaking wet and ankle deep in mud because it had rained hard and steady since the evening before -- a Major Cold Front had blown down across all Europe. In just 20 Minutes, after all their attention had been concentrated on the Twirling and Dancing of the Kaleidoscope Sun, when the Sun settled down, they all realized that their cloths and the ground were suddenly and entirely dry. What was a foot deep mud was now a dusty dirt road. What but a Miracle?

Where healings are involved there is the most rigourous criterias applied -- the illness involved must have been chronic and the medical history profoundly documented, and then the healing must be spontaneous and sweeping -- leaving no trace of disease. Then followups must be conducted for the next several years to assure no return of disease. Independent Boards of Medical Examiners must be at a complete loss to explain a cure before it is deemed a Miracle.

I assure you, I by no means disbelieve in the possibility of miracles but your claim that they must be true and my objections are "silly and ignorant" because the Vatican has "approved" these miracles is certainly foolish.

The Vatican has no authority whatsoever on this matter of "approving miracles".
Leo Volont said:
We know Mary is Ever Virgin because nothing avers differently, despite the innuendo that inexact translation can accomplish, and most of all because She says so.

Actually, we know that conception of a child requires the fertilization of the egg in the female ovary by a sperm. If there was, indeed, a person of history who was Jesus, then his birth could not have been "immaculate," since this is not possible. It is therefore likely that Mary was raped or engaged in a sexual affair, both of which would have had dire consequences for Mary & Joseph. Since the "prophecy" of a king of Jews was known, and since Mary's pregancy was sure to be noticed by Joseph...

If it were to come down to being stoned or make a wild claim....
Wasn't it settled awhile back that the scriptures themselves do not support the claim that Mary was a virgin? That the previous interpretation of the word that they used to represent "virgin" was wrong?
§outh§tar said:
The Vatican has no authority whatsoever on this matter of "approving miracles".

Who does?

They set up the Court. They have a huge library. Nobody else wants the Job.

Yes, there are problems which I would reform. For instance, the Vatican does not look at Hindu Miracles. The Vatican will instantly stop work if the circumstances and content of a Miracle or Revelation is not totally in conformance to Current Doctrines as laid out by the last Episcopal Council. If this arbitrary and factional requirement were lifted, we would have a lot more 'Miracles' on the Final Approved Shelf.
What exactly then is the point of "shelving" miracles? Why is it necessary to record miracles?
Of course Jesus had brothers and even sisters.

Matthew 1
24Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, 25and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name JESUS.

It does not say Joseph never knew Mary. It says "He did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son." That "till " is a word that those caught up in the ever virgin cult of mary are blinded into not seeing.

Matthew 12
46 While He was still talking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak with Him. 47Then one said to Him, "Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You."
48But He answered and said to the one who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" 49And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! 50For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother."

The One who informed Jesus that His mother and brothers where outside was refering to the Messiah's mother and brothers in the flesh. Jesus reply was to let them all know that brothers mothers and sisters in the faith are more important than flesh mothers brothers and sisters.

Matthew 13
53 Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, that He departed from there. 54When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, "Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? 56And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?"

How much more scripture can people willfully blind themselves too? The cult of mary is a travesty against such a blessed woman. I do not know if Mary knows that her name is being used to promote such a lie, if she does i'm sure she would indeed cry.

2 Timothy 4
1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Do not listen to this deceiver my brothers and sisters in Jesus. But you be watchful in all things.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Why is it necessary to record miracles?

C'mon, you outta know the answer to that by all the times people ask you for "proof". ;)

Just too bad not enough of it is shared to help some of those fanatical non-believers. The Vatican (and others) are probably just accumulating all of it to first help better understand it all themselves, the miracle phenomenas and past religious histories. While highly religious and at the top of their order, I'm sure even for them, their faith isn't THAT strong, heh, they're kind of like spiritual scientists in that they need to first understand it all. Heck, that's what I'd do with anything in general. First know a lot about something before opening my mouth about it. Letting things out in piecemeal to others isn't a smart thing to do. They'll just crave more and more about it or just not believe those little bits and pieces at all. So by at least keeping it all to themselves, either way there will be those that do and do not believe but it'll at least provide more of an impact once that information is released.

Heck, just look at UFO's and all that. There's lots of people that don't believe in them despite the bits and pieces of evidence that's out there. A little bit here and there just isn't convincing enough for them. They claim it to not be enough so what the heck. May as well just shut up about the whole thing because either way there will be those that believe and those that don't believe. When the time is right though and everything is gathered up, they'll be able to provide the killing blow at once, rather than letting out tiny little useless jabs over time. This kind of applies to all things of past and present that are/were hard to swallow.

- N
There can be no better way to stay abreast of Current Events then to have fresh and responsive Divine Revelations. Such only is what we can call a Living and Viable Religion.

they need to ask themselves why they suppose Old Dead Books are good enough for themselves

Your idea of a new religion based on purely current Divine Revelations will work only as well as those old dead books did. Both are recorded events made by other people and not the new person reading them. A person will either believe a recorded event or they won't. It doesn't matter if it's an old book, a picture or video tape of today, or a written book of today. There's just nothing you can do if those people didn't experience the event for themselves. That high doubt will always be there of the book being a lie or the picture or video being doctured. It's not the believers you need to convince but rather those that don't believe. Old books do just fine and are in no way no longer viable because no matter what, the evidence just won't be good enough for those who haven't experienced the event for themselves.

Old books are the most detailed things we have to understanding past history. Sure, we have archaelogy and such, but they still rely on old books, tomes, tablets, leafs, and the like the most. One can find a few scattered bones and weapons lying about, but it won't be able to tell the detail as much as a book can. Forensic scientists can only go so far towards figuring out what happens at a location. No way in heck will they be able to uncover our whole past histories without books. At some point, one just has to give in and believe. Some are just more harder to convince than others. Some may need just a book, some may need that book and a few bones, but I doubt you'd find someone content with just those bones. Books tend to be the most required and most informational link towards understanding our past.

- N
M*W: I don't believe there has ever been a person who has seen an apparation and walked away not believing what he had seen. People want to believe in miracles. It's only natural, because someday they may need one. There is such a thing as mass hallucination. People want to be accepted by their peers. I don't know if there have been any records of the apparations of Mary in non-Christian countries. Even Egypt has the Coptic Christians. I believe hallucinations such as the sightings of Mary and Jesus are stimulated by the DMT molecule. In mass sightings, there is the desire to see the apparation, and the DMT molecule can be stimulated by mass belief. You know, the more, the merrier. I have been to Lourdes, Fatima, and The Vatican when I was a good Roman Catholic. It was pilgrimages to those holy sites that inspired me to question the validity of the RCC! The poorest of the poor from all over the world came to the sites for healings and miracles but went away with a stockpile of statuettes of Mary and rosaries on every finger. Jesus was nothing more than an after thought. Then I had my own miracle. I realized Christianity was nothing but a bunch of crap.