days of a looser


Registered Member
things wouldn't be much worser than you think, the days of absolute boredum. huh! thats what I should say about the forms each of the day to day chores I have to deal with. I mean is there an end to things like washing your own clothes?
tommorow will be another day. A day of wishful thinking, which often times do not come anyway. I mean life is so boring.HELP!!!!!>
but wait no more and bore no more, coz by the next week another new gadget will be invented. in less time you will no longer be needed. you will have no more importance in this world. machines will take over our lives.

the simplies task you find boring today, you will find fun tommorow. computers will take over your entire life and you will have no more use in this wold.
imagine the time you will have- a day without work -WOW..
I think!
gunman004 ...

You could always make your day more exciting and bring your boredom to an
end by strapping a few sticks of dynamite about your waist and going to the
local mall for a saunter. :D

Oh, and welcome to Sciforums where someone's always around to help you
with life's problems.

Take care. ;)
gunman004 ...

You could always try skydiving so long as you're not one of those people who
can't get things right the first time. Come to think of it, go for it anyway.
Either way it'll most likely cure the boredom.

Take care ;)
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hey thank for the reply guys.. they really help..
about sticking some dynamites on my waist.. well thats a good Idea but that would be messy.

anyways, there somethings I found interesting today. One is, I found out that I am not that really good when it comes to the things I think I am really good. Two is, I also discovered that it is really easy to loose the things that you value most.. and finally I found out that what I have learned is not that much after all. the world is full of great things awaiting to be uncovered.

anyways thanks ya all..
Hell, gunman004 ...

If you're still learning, you can't be that bored.

Take care ;)
One is, I found out that I am not that really good when it comes to the things I think I am really good.

I've noticed that most people aren't really very good at what they do. In fact, the only thing we're good at, in general, is producing the smoke and mirrors needed to falsify our skill in the eyes of others. Sadly, I am among the few who fail at even this.