Day of "Truth": Amusing Irony


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The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has organized a Day of Truth Scheduled for the 14th of April. On this day, students are encouraged to wear T-shirts and hand out fliers which harp about the "homosexual agenda" in our nation's (that'd be America, where else) schools, and essentially to be a bunch of jerks who run around quoting the bible to prove to everyone around them that they're better than they are, and that Wir mussen Die Untermenchen aussrotten.

The campaign is in response to the growing Day of Silence organized by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA). It began in 1996, and encourages students to remain silent for one day (April 13th) and hand out flyers explaining why they choose to remain silent on that day - in order to draw attention to harassment and abuse of gay students on campuses, and I suppose just in general.

The fact that ADF's day of "truth" comes one day after the day of silence is certainly no coincidence, apparently they believe that their cause somehow score points if they head out a day after the gay activists to stir up shit and seem like a bunch of trolls. What I don't understand is how the ADF can't see that they're only helping the cause of GLSEN by validating the premise upon which their day of silence was founded.

Think of it, on April 13th you notice a fellow student handing out flyers which talk about staying silent to represent the unseen abuse which homosexual students are subjected to. You think it's a nice gesture, but sort of write it off as just another uppity activist too wrapped up in an obscure cause that doesn't really effect you. The very next day you see another guy in a T-shirt calling homosexuals degenerates and socially dysfunctional, and preaching that he's telling the "Truth" about these awful people. . . well it lends a certain amount of weight to the argument presented to you just yesterday, doesn't it? Here before you is a shinning example of the sorts of blind stupidity and hostility which your gay campus mates have to put up with. Guess there's something to it after all!

If you do check out the link to the ADF's day of truth, be sure to pay attention to the charged and inflammatory rhetoric used. Lots of talk about the "homosexual agenda" and how they "want it in our schools" entirely uninformed claims of homosexuals already having equal rights, and of course describing homosexuals as being personally and socially detrimental. This isn't the kind of stuff that's going to impress or win over any fence sitters or reasonable minded people, I'm afraid, but instead serve as a good first-hand example of the sort of brick headded buffoonery which causes the need for homosexual activism in the first place. I don't think that a better date could have been picked for the day of "Truth" if it had been left to GLSEN themselves.
I know a bunch of obnoxious fags and fag lovers at my school. I'd love to do this ADF thing to really get them all worked up. Besides, who doesn't get off on inflammatory hate-filled rhetoric?

Cocksucking is just too trendy to support these days. Cool people love Jesus and hate fags.
And that, little Billy, is the true meaning of Christmas. hehe. o/` Tell me true, tell me why was Jesus crucified? Was it for this that daddy died?"

Another point I forgot to mention is that they seem to be taking the approach that all homosexuals have a problem with Christianity, or hate Jesus or something. I'd like to introduce them to the guy I'm dating, gay and a bourn again Christian. . . yeah, he's been thrown out of a lot of Churches. He insists that Jesus actually promoted tolerance and love of our fellow man, and never said anything derogatory about homosexuals. Guess it's all about interpretation.