David "Avocado" Wolfe is ...


... literally the biggest asshole in the entire multiverse. (Credit: SciBabe)

  • Went to a university that has a class called, "Tachyon Holistic Wellness"
  • Claims gravity is a hoax.
  • Ant-vaxxer extraordinaire.
  • Science-woo popularizer.
  • "Chocolate is an octave of sun energy"
And my favorite:
I'd never heard of this guy but looked him up. Seems to be one of those "Only in America" charlatans, from a society with its share of larger than life characters! What a joke: he out-Chopra's Chopra. And he looks like a real turd. Something in the eyes. And the curly W. Coast haircut. But why is this under Biology? Doesn't it belong under Psychology, or Science and Society?
I'd never heard of this guy but looked him up. Seems to be one of those "Only in America" charlatans, from a society with its share of larger than life characters! What a joke: he out-Chopra's Chopra. And he looks like a real turd. Something in the eyes. And the curly W. Coast haircut. But why is this under Biology? Doesn't it belong under Psychology, or Science and Society?

He "out-Chopra'ed Chopra". I'm stealing that.