Dark matter, Dark energy, Accelerating expansion, Bullet Cluster!


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Dark matter and dark energy come from one origin-1

[ Dark Energy ]


caption : Expansion of the universe by negative mass distribution.
The force, which is applied to the galaxy and galaxy cluster and located within radius R from the center of a 3-dimensional space, when assuming equal distribution of negative mass from repulsive effects between negative masses across space is valid.

As considered the problem of the gravity at the point placed on arbitrary radius R of spherical object like the earth that mass is uniformly distributed, the gravity by mass distribution out of radius R is offset each other, and there is only the gravity effect by mass within radius R. If negative mass was born at the beginning of universe together with positive mass, it should be uniformly distributed in universe by repulsion between negative mass. Of course, there can be difference in negative mass density owing to the local distribution of massive positive mass.

For the gravity effect that almost uniformly distributed negative mass has on positive mass(galaxy or galaxy cluster) located in radius R from the center of universe(3-dimensional center), negative mass within radius R only has the gravity effect on positive mass located within radius R, and at this time, positive mass is accelerated in the direction of begin far away from negative mass.

The direction that positive mass becomes farther from negative mass is in keeping with the direction of cosmic expansion, and also negative mass continuously works the force, so finally positive mass is gradually accelerated. As examined in Chapter II, in the description of the force of positive mass and negative mass, the force is repulsion(the direction of +R), and integrated potential energy is positive value. Therefore, the assumption of the existence of negative mass can suggest the explanation of repulsive effect required for cosmic expansion, and the accompanying positive dark energy.

The hypothesis of dark matter and dark energy with negative mass insists that dark matter is not different from dark energy each other, dark matter is the effect of centripetal force by negative mass out of galaxy, and dark energy is that positive potential term in total potential energy, and total potential energy has positive value at now. So universe has accelerating expansion.

Accordingly, if we calculate the distribution and mean density of negative mass that describes rotation velocity within galaxy, and explain accelerating expansion of current universe with the size of potential energy that has positive value by this negative mass, we can prove the hypothesis that negative mass is the origin of dark matter and dark energy.

3-1) Negative mass has observed, but it was trashed away

In 1998 year, observation by HSS(The High-z Supernova Search team) team and SCP team(Supernova Cosmology Project team), I have seen a calculation that if the cosmological constant is 0,

$$\Omega _M = -0.38( \pm 0.22)$$

It means that they got a negative mass density from inspected field equation during 70years.
HSS team: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9805201:14P 26, 29 lines

However, HSS team and SCP team have asserted that cosmological constant must be revival. Because $$\Omega _M$$ must not be negative value in they thought.

They did not know that negative mass is stable at the maximum point!
In case of negative mass, ground state is a point that energy is the highest. Accordingly, in the world of negative mass, energy level is filled from the highest to the lowest, and stable state means the highest energy state, so the catastrophe to energy level of minus infinity never happens even if negative mass spontaneously emits energy.(Refer to II-3)

We must to know that not the equation(Einstein's Field Equation) has disposed the value, but our thought disposed that value.
Einstein said that cosmological constant was my biggest mistake, because it was inserted artificially.

In hypothesis with negative mass,
$$E_ T $$ = positive mass(4.6) + negative mass(y) + 0$$\Lambda$$(72.1)
(negative mass $$ \ge $$ positive mass, cosmological constant Λ = 0 )
$$E_ T $$ = positive mass( x ) + negative mass( 5.1 x ) + $$U_T$$
We assume over 50% of the dark matter as negative mass.

3-2) Age of universe

If cosmological constant Λ=0 and mass density of universe is negative value Ω_M = -0.38, to get the age of the universe.
From Friedmann equation,

t_0 = \frac{1}{{H_0 }}\int_0^1 {\frac{{xdx}}{{\sqrt {\Omega _M x + \Omega _R + \Omega _\Lambda x^4 + \Omega _K x^2 } }}}

\Omega _M = - 0.38( \pm 0.22)$$, $$ \Omega _R h^2 \approx 4.16 \times 10^{ - 5}$$,$$\Omega _\Lambda = 0$$

Use to $$\Omega _K = 1 - \Omega _\Lambda - \Omega _M $$=1.38 , $$H_0 = 100h$$ km/s/Mpc, h=0.701

define to $$\Omega _K = a,\Omega _M = b,\Omega _R = c$$,

\frac{1}{{H_0 }}\int_0^1 {\frac{{xdx}}{{\sqrt {\Omega _K x^2 + \Omega _M x + \Omega _R } }}} = \frac{1}{{H_0 }}\int_0^1 {\frac{{xdx}}{{\sqrt {ax^2 + bx + c} }}}
t_0 = \frac{1}{{H_0 }}\left[ {\frac{{\sqrt {ax^2 + bx + c} }}{a} - \frac{b}{{2a}}\int_0^1 {\frac{{dx}}{{\sqrt {ax^2 + bx + c} }}} } \right]

t_0 = \frac{1}{{H_0 }}\left[ {\frac{{\sqrt {ax^2 + bx + c} }}{a}} \right]_0^1
- \frac{1}{{H_0 }}\left[ {\frac{b}{{2a}}\frac{1}{{\sqrt a }}\ln (2\sqrt a \sqrt {ax^2 + bx + c} + 2ax + b)} \right]_0^1 \\

t_{0}=14.225 Gyr
This value is approach to the t=13.73 Gyr calculated in a WMAP.(+3.6% large) considering the very large changes(Λ=0 and $$\Omega _M = -0.38$$; Λ is a coefficient of $$x^4 $$), it seems to increase existence probability of negative mass.

if $$\Omega _M = \Omega _{visible} (4.6) + \Omega _{dark} ( - 23.3) = - 18.7$$,
we get the $$t_0 $$=14.927 Gyr

Universe' age by other method
Radioactive decay method : 15.2 $$ \pm $$ 2.1Gyr,
HR diagram(Hertzsprung-Russel diagram):13.2 $$ \pm $$2Gyr,
The arithmetic mean of two methods is 14.2 $$ \pm $$2.05

So, it(14.225Gyr from negative mass density) is in the range estimated by other observations.

Let’s arrange!
HSS team and SCP team had observed our universe, however they got a negative mass density from field equation.
They are very confused. But, they thought Einstein’s cosmological term(Λ). Wow!

Although they can be explained that universe is accelerating expansion by insert Λ, they make two new problems at least. Finally, problem has not solved but increased.

What is the origin of cosmological constant? And, what is the reason of that cosmological constant has a special value? Physicist tried to explain with vacuum energy but it was failed.

Also, they have must explained dark matter. But they have not been observed dark matter during 30years at predicted place.

if negative mass density is exist, accelerating expansion is explained rightly.
And I have assert that negative mass(minus mass) can be explained for the dark matter, decelerating expansion and accelerating expansion, fine tuning problem, inflation mechanism, the reason of that dark energy seems to has a small and constant value(like cosmological constant Λ), collision of Bullet cluster.

A certain view :
one person(Icarus2) vs ΛCDM physists after 1998year.(about 50~60%? : relation branch) : No

(Einstein, Direc, Hubble,...Icarus2; Inspected field eq. during 70 years.) vs ( New field eq. supported by 50~60% of relation branch physists during 10 years.) : Yes
Therefore please don’t judge by preconception that this hypothesis wrote by someone. Please has an earnest mind to those posts.

Cosmological constant and plus dark matter are not observed as yet.
Accelerating expansion and gravitational effect(centripetal force effect) are only observed.

Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass :
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Dark matter and dark energy come from one origin-2

[ Dark matter ]

Calculating centripetal force in galaxy from negative mass distributed out of galaxy

caption : Revolution velocity of galaxy. The revolution velocity through the total quantity of matter that can be observed is A, while the actual observed value is B.

We observed not positive mass but gravitational effect.
That is, universe has not said that dark matter is positive mass.

This study mentioned the effect of centripetal force described previously, and the effect of centripetal force of negative mass with the description of dark matter. The researcher suggests that it is possible to prove the existence of negative mass with the comparison between observed value and revolution velocity of star according to the distance in galaxy which is calculated from negative mass distributed out of galaxy.


caption : Negative mass effect on arms of galaxy. The actual observed spiral galaxy is on the left. Since repulsive effects occur between negative masses in Newton’s dynamics, negative masses will be distributed all over space because it cannot form large mass structures like stars. Negative mass within the galaxy is cancelled out by attraction from large positive mass during the galaxy formation process. Furthermore, the space, other that the galaxy, will maintain the distribution state of negative mass.

When negative mass is distributed uniformly, if we examine the area of galaxy diameter working the gravity on the basis of mass m for the analysis, there is no negative mass in the space of spiral space on the left, so negative mass can exist as much as the size of black and white on the right. negative mass on the right works the force on positive mass m on the origin to the left(positive mass moves after receiving the force that becomes farther from negative mass), and this direction will be in keeping with the central direction of gravity of real galaxy.

V(r)^2 = GM(r)/r

M(r) = M(r)_{visible} + M(r)_{dark}

From the calculation of centripetal force in Newton dynamics, the important matters to calculate gravity effect of negative mass are the size and model of empty space of negative mass by real galaxy on the left, in case of spiral galaxy or oval galaxy, it may be close to oval if we consider the fact that most of mass is placed on galaxy core, the rotation of galaxy, and the gravitational radius of galaxy core, thus we regard empty space of negative mass as spherical or oval, and perform calculation to compare with observed value.


caption : Effective negative mass.
The negative mass distribution, where gravity is applied without cancellation of the oblique field located on the right side.

\frac{{mv^2 }}{{r_ + }} = \frac{{GM_ + (r_ + )m}}{{r_ + ^2 }} + \frac{{GM_ - (r_ - )m}}{{r_ - ^2 }} ---(93)

($$M_ + (r_ + ) > 0, M_ - (r_ - ) > 0$$)

Adding the term of centripetal force by negative mass to the term of centripetal force by positive mass as described above, we compare revolution velocity of star and the density of negative mass, then expand this to apply to other galaxies, and we can inspect if the interpretation of dark matter distributed out of galaxy is proper or not.

The distribution of negative mass that remains without being offset in Fig. 13 is crescent-shaped, so it seems to be difficult to calculate, but if we assume that the white empty space on the left is full with negative mass and positive mass at the same density, here negative mass is uniformly distributed over the whole area, so the effect of negative mass on mass m is 0. Remaining positive mass is distributed over the white area on the left at the density of negative mass, and the gravity that uniformly distributed positive mass works on positive mass m place on radius r is worked only by the distribution of mass within radius r.


caption : Equal to the degree of gravity that is applied on the equally distributed positive mass within the radius r of the left side.
The gravitational effect from negative mass, which functions at mass m is equal to the gravitational effect from positive mass within radius r.

Therefore, the effect of negative mass that remains out of galaxy without being offset can make it approximate to the gravity generated by the distribution of positive mass within the radius R in galaxy

M_ - = \rho _ - (r)V = \rho _ - (r)(\frac{{4\pi r^3 }}{3})

In equation(93)

\frac{{mv^2 }}{{r_ + }} = \frac{{GM_ + (r_ + )m}}{{r_ + ^2 }} + \frac{{GM_ - (r_ + ^{} )m}}{{r_ + ^2 }}

v = \sqrt {\frac{{G(M_ + + M_ - )}}{{r_ + }}} = \sqrt {\frac{{G(M_ + + \rho _ - (r_ + )V)}}{{r_ + }}}

v = \sqrt {\frac{{GM_ + }}{{r_ + }} + \rho _ - (r_ + )(\frac{{4\pi r_{_ + }^2 }}{3})} ---(97)

The mass density of collisionless isothermal sphere is given as $$\rho (r) = \frac{{\sigma ^2 }}{{2\pi Gr^2 }}$$ in galaxy dynamics. $$\sigma ^2 $$ is velocity dispersion.

M_{dark}=M_{negative}= \frac{{2\sigma ^2 }}{{3G}}r ---(98)

Equation (97) is applied to arbitrary spherical or oval galaxy, and in case of normal shaped spiral galaxy, the distance which spherical approximation can be applied from the center of galaxy will be effective.

So if we consider that the distribution of negative mass out of galaxy comes under isothermal, the effect of mass in galaxy by the distribution of negative mass out of galaxy is proportional to r as shown in equation (98), and this is in keeping with observed dark matter.

Positive mass dark matter distributed in galaxy does not form the spherical distribution, and it is broken owing to the gravity of galaxy core, gravitational action with stars, and rotation of galaxy, if its shape is not very intentionally assumed. Furthermore, there are various heat sources in galaxy according to position, so it cannot be regarded as collisionless Isothermal.

However, the effect of centripetal force that negative mass works from the exterior of galaxy can keep the spherical distribution of mass, and make the mass effect that increases linearly in accordance with distance r as seen above because it receives less influence from elements such as the gravity of galaxy core, or rotation of galaxy. Also ideal state of collisionless can be achieved by negative mass, because negative mass has repulsive effect each other.

At the solar system, non-observation of dark matter is explained. In negative mass hypothesis, dark matter exists at the exterior of galaxy, so dark matter is not observed at the solar system.

It described that the quantity of negative mass decided at the beginning of universe can explain the effect of centripetal force in galaxy(V-4), repulsion effect on cosmic expansion(V-3), decelerating expansion at the first half, and accelerating expansion(V-1) of universe at the second half(7 billion years ago) at the same time.

Therefore, it is necessary to try to calculate and observe negative mass more strictly, laying aside the abstract aversion of negative mass.

Please review to the fig12, fig13, fig14.
And then, please understand that the gravitational effect from negative mass is equal to the gravitational effect from positive mass within radius r.

Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass :
Description of cosmic decelerating expansion and accelerating expansion

[ Description of cosmic decelerating expansion and accelerating expansion ]


caption : Decelerating expansion and accelerating expansion of the universe

Fig.8 shows current cosmic expansion. Currently expansion velocity of our universe was reduced owing to attraction of matter, but it has increased again for last 7 billion years.

At the beginning of universe,
most of negative energy was converted to negative mass owing to the characteristics of negative energy and positive energy pair-created, whereas some positive energy was exist as radiant energy(pair annihilation of matter and antimatter, radiation) and bond energy,

So, if we induce how many terms of potential energy survive when the number of negative mass is greater than that of positive mass,

U[sub]+[/sub] : positive potential ($$ + \frac{{GMm}}{r}$$),

U[sub]-[/sub] : negative potential ($$ - \frac{{GMm}}{r}$$),

U[sub]T[/sub] : Total potential

Focus on the number of terms of remaining potential energy rather than the concrete value of potential energy,

*Potential energy between positive mass and positive mass has – value:
U = ($$\frac{{ - Gm_ + m_ + }}{r}$$) = 1U[sub]-[/sub]

*Potential energy between negative mass and positive mass has + value:
U = ($$\frac{{ - G( - m_ - )(+ m_ + ) }}{r}$$) = 1U[sub]+[/sub]

*Potential energy between negative mass and negative mass has – value:
U = ($$\frac{{ - G( - m_ - )( - m_ - )}}{r}$$) = 1U[sub]-[/sub]

(if, U[sub]+[/sub] = - U[sub]-[/sub])

1-1)When the number of negative mass is 2, and the number of positive mass is 1
$$ U_T = 2(\frac{{ - G( - m_ - )(m_ +) }}{r}) + ( - \frac{{G( - m_ - )( - m_ - )}}{r})

= 2U[sub]+[/sub] + 1U[sub]-[/sub] = 1U[sub]+[/sub]

1-2)When the number of negative mass is 3, and the number of positive mass is 1
U[sub]T[/sub] = 3U[sub]+[/sub] + 3U[sub]-[/sub] = 0

1-3)When the number of negative mass is 4, and the number of positive mass is 1
U[sub]T[/sub] = 4U[sub]+[/sub] + 6U[sub]-[/sub] = - 2U[sub]+[/sub]

1-4)When the number of negative mass is 4, and the number of positive mass is 2
U[sub]T[/sub] = 8U[sub]+[/sub] + 7U[sub]-[/sub] = 1U[sub]+[/sub]

1-5)When the number of negative mass is n[sub]-[/sub], and the number of positive mass is n[sub]+[/sub], total potential energy is given as follows.
U_T = (n_ - \times n_ + )U_ + + (\frac{{n_ - (n_ - - 1)}}{2}U_ - + \frac{{n_ + (n_ + - 1)}}{2}U_ - ) ---(77)

equation (77) is expressed as follows more strictly

U_T = \sum\limits_{i,j}^{i = n_ - ,j = n_ + } {(\frac{{Gm_{ - i} m_{ + j} }}{{r_{ - + ij} }})}+\sum\limits_{i,j,i > j}^{i,j = n_ - } {(\frac{{ - Gm_{ - i} m_{ - j} }}{{r_{ - - ij} }})}
+ \sum\limits_{i,j,i > j}^{i,j = n_ + } {(\frac{{ - Gm_{ + i} m_{ + j} }}{{r_{ + + ij} }})}

U_T = (n_ - \times n_ + )(\frac{{Gm_ - m_ + }}{{\bar r_{ - + } }}) + (\frac{{n_ - (n_ - - 1)}}{2}(\frac{{ - Gm_ - m_ - }}{{\bar r_{ - - } }})
+ \frac{{n_ + (n_ + - 1)}}{2}(\frac{{ - Gm_ + m_ + }}{{\bar r_{ + + } }}))

($$U_ + = (\frac{{Gm_ - m_ + }}{{\bar r_{ - + } }})$$, $$U_ - = (\frac{{ - Gm_ - m_ - }}{{\bar r_{ - - } }})$$, $$U_ - = (\frac{{ - Gm_ + m_ + }}{{\bar r_{ + + } }})$$)

Calculate the value of U[sub]-[/sub] = - U[sub]+[/sub], n[sub]-[/sub] = 10, n[sub]+[/sub] = (1 -10) with equation (77) when there is a difference in the number between negative mass and positive mass to examine changes,

( n[sub]-[/sub] , n[sub]+[/sub] )
(10,1) U[sub]T[/sub] = 10U[sub] +[/sub] + 45U[sub] -[/sub] = - 35U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,2) U[sub]T[/sub] = 20U[sub] +[/sub] + 46U[sub] -[/sub] = - 26U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,3) U[sub] T[/sub] = 30U[sub] +[/sub] + 48U[sub] -[/sub] = - 18U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,4) U[sub] T[/sub] = 40U[sub] +[/sub] + 51U[sub] -[/sub] = - 11U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,5) U[sub] T[/sub] = 50U[sub] +[/sub] + 55U[sub] -[/sub] = - 5U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,6) U[sub] T[/sub] = 60U[sub] +[/sub] + 60U[sub] -[/sub] = 0

(10,7) U[sub] T[/sub] = 70U[sub] +[/sub] + 66U[sub] -[/sub] = 4U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,8) U[sub] T[/sub] = 80U[sub] +[/sub] + 73U[sub] -[/sub] = 7U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,9) U[sub] T[/sub] = 90U[sub] +[/sub] + 73U[sub] -[/sub] = 9U[sub] +[/sub]

(10,10) U[sub] T[/sub] = 100U[sub] +[/sub] + 90U[sub] -[/sub] = 10U[sub] +[/sub]

We can see the change in total potential energy in accordance with the difference in the number of negative mass and positive mass from 10 samples above.


caption : Potential energy from ratio of negative mass and positive mass

- The tendency of total potential energy in accordance with the number of negative mass and positive mass -

i)In Critical ratio of the number of negative mass to the number of positive mass, the total potential energy has 0. ==> When the universe is flat.
(ex. ( n[sub]-[/sub], n[sub]+[/sub] ) = (10,6)) Here, we note that total potential energy does not have 0 when general matter comes under 60% of dark matter. 60% is the proportion by assuming that all terms of potential energy are identical, and prescribing that the number of n[sub]-[/sub] is 10.

ii)If number of positive mass less than criticle number, total potential energy has negative value. ==> Cosmic decelerating expansion

iii)If number of positive mass over than criticle number, total potential energy has positive value. ==> Cosmic accelerating expansion

iv)The value of total potential energy increases as the number of positive mass approaches to the number of negative mass.

v)If the number of pair of negative mass and positive mass is n, n terms of positive potential remains as shown in equation (72)(U[sub]T[/sub] = nU[sub]+[/sub]). ==> Final state of universe.

From eq.(72)

U_n = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n^2 } {U_{ + i} } + \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{n(n - 1)} {U_{ - j} } = nU_+

The analysis above can describe that current universe expanded with decelerated speed approximately 7 billion years ago, whereas it expanded with accelerated speed in last 7 billion years, and most of negative energy was converted to negative mass owing to the characteristics of negative energy and positive energy pair-created at the beginning of universe, whereas some positive energy was exist as radiant energy(pair annihilation of matter and antimatter, radiation) and bond energy, which does not have positive matter and mass.

At this time, it expanded with decelerated speed because total potential energy had negative value, then positive matter gradually increased as the universe was cooled down and currently it entered in accelerating expansion which total potential energy of universe has positive value after passing through the point that total potential energy of universe is zero.

Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass
Colliding with Bullet Cluster

V-6. Colliding with Bullet Cluster

As shown in the recent observation of dark matter, dark matter seems not to interact with each other when colliding with galaxy clusters, and it can be predicted with essential characteristics of negative mass.

Uniformly distributed negative mass receives attractive effect from massive positive mass, so dark matter which has negative mass is clustered around galaxy because of attraction of galaxy. If the type of force worked between negative mass when colliding with galaxy clusters is repulsive, and negative mass is distributed almost uniformly without forming massive mass structure, the shape of dark matter is not distorted or transformed even if dark matter(negative mass) and dark matter(negative mass) pass through similar area, that is, they will seem not to interact each other. Also there is repulsive effect between dark matters that are made up with negative mass, thus there will be almost no direct collision as well.

Repulsive effect that is the nature between negative mass as described above provides the proper description that existing dark matters do not interact each other, although they interact gravitationally with positive mass.

As the factor that breaks the uniform distribution of negative mass,

First, negative mass receives the attractive effect from massive positive mass, thus for the distribution of negative mass near massive positive mass such as galaxy or galaxy cluster, the density of negative mass is higher as it is closer to galaxy or galaxy cluster, and is lower as it is farther.

Second, If positive mass(like galaxy cluster) that has strong gravity or interstellar cloud that has positive mass pass through existing area that negative mass is distributed, negative mass can be disappeared when meeting positive mass or it can be drawn owing to attractive effect of massive positive mass at this moment, so there can be the area that negative mass, namely, dark matter is not uniformly distributed



Fig20. Collision of Bullet Cluster.
We can see that general matters(red color) are close to each other, and dark matters(blue color) are on the far side.


Fig23. MACS J0025.4-1222 Cluster.
We can see that general matters(yellow line) are close to each other(center), and dark matters(red line) are on the far side.

i)Positive mass, positive mass : attractive

ii)Negative mass(dark matter), negative mass(dark matter) : repulsive

iii)Massive positive mass, negative mass : attractive

iv)Result : At least, from 3 characteristics above, we can predict that positive mass and positive mass are arranged on the close side, and negative mass(dark matter) and negative mass(dark matter) are arranged on the far side.

Can we explain the phenomenon that dark matter is arranged on the far side and visible positive matter is arranged on the close side in Fig.20 with other dark matters?

Negative mass shows the result matched with the phenomena, and it means that it is necessary to perform more strict simulation with negative mass.

Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass :
MACS J0025.4-1222 Cluster.


Fig23. MACS J0025.4-1222 Cluster.
We can see that ordinary matters(yellow line) are close to each other(center), and dark matters(red line) are on the far side.

i)Positive mass, positive mass : attractive

ii)Negative mass(dark matter), negative mass(dark matter) : repulsive

iii)Massive positive mass(Galaxy and Galaxy Cluster), negative mass : attractive
==> Uniformly distributed negative mass receives attractive effect from massive positive mass(Galaxy and Galaxy cluster), so dark matter which has negative mass is clustered around galaxy because of attraction of galaxy.

iv)Result : At least, from 3 characteristics above, we can predict that positive mass and positive mass are arranged on the close side, and negative mass(dark matter) and negative mass(dark matter) are arranged on the far side.

Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass :