Dark Energy


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
I know some of you folks get a kick out of this kind of thing so here.


its an article about dark matter and dark energy. Its the stuff that needs to be in the universe for our current theorys of how the universe is constructed and was born to be true, but scientists cant really find any of it.

I know a lot of folks like the "Scientists dont know everything" argument, so i thought you would like.
I believe there is a dark energy and a dark matter... but to access the dark matter it requires high power high frequency pulses... something a tesla coil can produce. In using the word "access" I mean use the dark energy that is "stored" in the dark matter.
This is actually pretty mainstream science... not "pseudoscience." The dark matter of the Universe is something like 70 - 75% of the universe and it's what holds everything together. It can't be seen, but it can be measured.

It would be like looking at a butterfly paperweight... you see the butterfly inside and you know that there is a force that is surrounding it and pushing from all directions (the clear plastic/acrylic of the paperweight). Galaxies have a similar force pushing/binding them together.
oh i know its accepted by mainstream science this whole dark matter dark energy thing.

To me though it just sounds like some bad cosmology, i mean they put together this idea of how the universe is constructed, but in order for that modle of the universe to be correct there has to be this assload of "dark matter" and "dark energy" which is not a name for something you access through astral projection or a tesla coil or whatever bull the post before the one i am responding to mentioned.

Dark matter and dark energy is basicly just matter and energy that need to exist in order for the current bunch of cosmologists to be correct about how the universe works, but they cant find it :p. But apparently they feel pretty convinced thier modle of the cosmose is correct anyway and say "Eh, we'll find it, its probably hiding"
Type Ia supernovae are what offer us evidence for the nature of dark energy and matter, specifically, observing their brightness. The redshifts of supernovae are used to compare the rate of cosmic expansion that has occurred with the light from the supernovae that travel to us from the explosions billions of light years away. The differences indicate an increase in cosmic expansion (cosmic acceleration).

The acceleration, which was unexpected, is attributed to Dark Energy, of which the estimates have indicated that the universe is composed of about 70% Dark Energy and only about 30% matter.

I don't pretend to grasp all of these concepts fully, but I do get the gist of it. It seems that in the last 5 years, the data has become more compelling and the idea of Dark Matter/Energy is even more mainstream than ever.

The latest issue of Science (June 20, 2003) has a series of articles if you are interested. You can find this journal at most libraries or, if you have access, at www.sciencemag.org/feature/data/darkside