Dark energy could be a clue to a greater universe out there


Contemplating the "as yet" unknown
Valued Senior Member
One way to explain dark energy, the force that drives the expansion of the observable universe and accounts for acceleration of the expansion is that our expanding universe is expanding into a greater universe of lower energy density. I guess any mention of the existence of a greater universe beyond our expanding arena makes this a pseudoscience topic.

That would mean that the observable universe is our arena within a greater universe. Our arena having higher energy density than the surrounding greater universe would experience accelerating expansion for two reasons … an increase in the volume of space occupied would lower the energy density of our arena and the mass ratio to the volume of space occupied would decline as the volume increased and the energy density decreased.

Expansion fueled by energy density equalization between our arena and the greater universe would increase the volume of space that our arena occupies. Separation of the galaxies as our observable universe expands has been resisted by gravity every since matter formed into galactic structure; expansion obviously winning as we note acceleration of the expansion. As the separation of the galaxies increases the inverse square law says that the gravitation force between them will decline and that gravity will be putting up less resistance to the expansion as time goes on.

So our arena experiences an increase in volume of space occupied as the galaxies continue to separate, and with a declining mass ratio to volume of space occupied as energy density declines, the inverse square rule is invoked and the result is accelerating expansion.

Hence my premise, dark energy is energy density equalization between our arena and the greater universe.
Please move this to Pseudoscience. It is full of over speculation and I want to add more.