still can't find salvia divinorum:(.......have no money to order it from UK. just'll have to wait for some months..maybe till the next spring...I don't like the idea of a plant being shipped during a winter....maybe I could order just some leaves.
Originally posted by Gifted
DARE to keep cops off donuts.:D

donuts were those strange cookies with a hole in the middle, right? always seen eaten by american policemen in movies.
Originally posted by Avatar
I'm 100% natural and SD supposedly does no harm if taken oraly.

Ex, in its proper form, is also relatively harmless. Studies were done in the 60's, and buried. What is being sold as Ex, is not... therein lies the problem. Lies.
DARE is a waste of taxpayers money.
My son went through the program & he has recently been trying pot. I'm not real happy about this, because he's only 15. I can't say much, though as I smoke the good herb. At least he is more educated, than most kids, when it comes to drugs. I have taught him lots. I'm also glad it's not some shit like Heroin or Cocaine. Glad for small favors, I am.
DARE is *just* a program..I don't think it's really effective though.

I was in it, did leadership things like comunity volunteer, visit firestations, and all that, it was cool

Basically it is for the kids that don't understand about drugs, etc.

I fully understand and smoking some Mary Jane once in a while never did hurt me...:D

The problem they try to prevent is Drug ABUSE, that it's detrimental to your health.

Of course some will still do it and try it. The problem is the extreme abuse regarding drugs, i'm sure that it has dropped, people getter smarter.
The problem with DARE is that drugs like pot are painted with the same brush as for the harder drugs, such as herion. Then, the kid wanders off into the world and discovers that pot "ain't so bad". So if pot isn't all that bad what about all that other stuff they were talking about. Must not be much worse...

Most of the cops that teach the DARE program look at it like it is a "get over" for a job. They will tell you it is important but they know it is better than walking the beat so they protect their turf. If that is the line that DARE wants to take, OK, I'm here for the ride.

In the end what you get is an attitude. (Tell me how many drug users don't have it) That you can just ignore the law on this point because they don't know what they are talking about. It is this game they play. They are after money, most of the time you get away, once in a while you have to pay the price. Is it any wonder we have the crime we have when we set up such fine examples for our young to believe in the law?