Daniel Temmet autistic savant genius, pleae read!

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member

A genius explains Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. He can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at breakneck speeds. But unlike other savants, who can perform similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He speaks seven languages and is even devising his own language. Now scientists are asking whether his exceptional abilities are the key to unlock the secrets of autism. Interview by Richard Johnson

Share99 Richard Johnson The Guardian, Saturday 12 February 2005 Article historyDaniel Tammet is talking. As he talks, he studies my shirt and counts the stitches. Ever since the age of three, when he suffered an epileptic fit, Tammet has been obsessed with counting. Now he is 26, and a mathematical genius who can figure out cube roots quicker than a calculator and recall pi to 22,514 decimal places. He also happens to be autistic, which is why he can't drive a car, wire a plug, or tell right from left. He lives with extraordinary ability and disability.

Tammet is calculating 377 multiplied by 795. Actually, he isn't "calculating": there is nothing conscious about what he is doing. He arrives at the answer instantly. Since his epileptic fit, he has been able to see numbers as shapes, colours and textures. The number two, for instance, is a motion, and five is a clap of thunder. "When I multiply numbers together, I see two shapes. The image starts to change and evolve, and a third shape emerges. That's the answer. It's mental imagery. It's like maths without having to think."

Tammet is a "savant", an individual with an astonishing, extraordinary mental ability. An estimated 10% of the autistic population - and an estimated 1% of the non-autistic population - have savant abilities, but no one knows exactly why. A number of scientists now hope that Tammet might help us to understand better. Professor Allan Snyder, from the Centre for the Mind at the Australian National University in Canberra, explains why Tammet is of particular, and international, scientific interest. "Savants can't usually tell us how they do what they do," says Snyder. "It just comes to them. Daniel can. He describes what he sees in his head. That's why he's exciting. He could be the Rosetta Stone."

There are many theories about savants. Snyder, for instance, believes that we all possess the savant's extraordinary abilities - it is just a question of us learning how to access them. "Savants have usually had some kind of brain damage. Whether it's an onset of dementia later in life, a blow to the head or, in the case of Daniel, an epileptic fit. And it's that brain damage which creates the savant. I think that it's possible for a perfectly normal person to have access to these abilities, so working with Daniel could be very instructive."

Scans of the brains of autistic savants suggest that the right hemisphere might be compensating for damage in the left hemisphere. While many savants struggle with language and comprehension (skills associated primarily with the left hemisphere), they often have amazing skills in mathematics and memory (primarily right hemisphere skills). Typically, savants have a limited vocabulary, but there is nothing limited about Tammet's vocabulary.

Tammet is creating his own language, strongly influenced by the vowel and image-rich languages of northern Europe. (He already speaks French, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Icelandic and Esperanto.) The vocabulary of his language - "Mänti", meaning a type of tree - reflects the relationships between different things. The word "ema", for instance, translates as "mother", and "ela" is what a mother creates: "life". "Päike" is "sun", and "päive" is what the sun creates: "day". Tammet hopes to launch Mänti in academic circles later this year, his own personal exploration of the power of words and their inter-relationship.

Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at Cambridge University, is interested in what Mänti might teach us about savant ability. "I know of other savants who also speak a lot of languages," says Baron-Cohen. "But it's rare for them to be able to reflect on how they do it - let alone create a language of their own." The ARC team has started scanning Tammet's brain to find out if there are modules (for number, for example, or for colour, or for texture) that are connected in a way that is different from most of us. "It's too early to tell, but we hope it might throw some light on why we don't all have savant abilities."

Last year Tammet broke the European record for recalling pi, the mathematical constant, to the furthest decimal point. He found it easy, he says, because he didn't even have to "think". To him, pi isn't an abstract set of digits; it's a visual story, a film projected in front of his eyes. He learnt the number forwards and backwards and, last year, spent five hours recalling it in front of an adjudicator. He wanted to prove a point. "I memorised pi to 22,514 decimal places, and I am technically disabled. I just wanted to show people that disability needn't get in the way."

Tammet is softly spoken, and shy about making eye contact, which makes him seem younger than he is. He lives on the Kent coast, but never goes near the beach - there are too many pebbles to count. The thought of a mathematical problem with no solution makes him feel uncomfortable. Trips to the supermarket are always a chore. "There's too much mental stimulus. I have to look at every shape and texture. Every price, and every arrangement of fruit and vegetables. So instead of thinking,'What cheese do I want this week?', I'm just really uncomfortable."

Tammet has never been able to work 9 to 5. It would be too difficult to fit around his daily routine. For instance, he has to drink his cups of tea at exactly the same time every day. Things have to happen in the same order: he always brushes his teeth before he has his shower. "I have tried to be more flexible, but I always end up feeling more uncomfortable. Retaining a sense of control is really important. I like to do things in my own time, and in my own style, so an office with targets and bureaucracy just wouldn't work."

Instead, he has set up a business on his own, at home, writing email courses in language learning, numeracy and literacy for private clients. It has had the fringe benefit of keeping human interaction to a minimum. It also gives him time to work on the verb structures of Mänti
I watched a string of videos about him on Youtube. That's truly fascinating stuff, particularly how he learned Icelandic in a week. I remember he had a tutor who was amazed, and just kept repeating, "that's not human [to be able to do that]." It was weird watching him talk Icelandic on a talk show, like it was no big deal only after having learned it in a single week.

And then he remembered pi to something like 24,000 digits.

I wonder what he would be like if he never had the epileptic fit.
There are indeed unimaginable worlds just beyond our reach to comprehend
and visualize them. The idea that Daniel's abilities are available to us all if only
we new how to connect with them should give us all the encouragement to explore
our own cognitive powers. Just as much of the physical universe is invisible
to us there are also hidden worlds of inner space. The keys that open these
magical doorways are known to science but for the most part they are taboo
and frowned upon by the establishment, enough to say for anyone open to
the possibility the tools and the technology needed are out there, and
if you are still searching don't be discouraged if you're meant to find
them they will certainly come your way. OM
All I can tell you is there is both a subject currently being studied on "The collective consciousness" whereby BCI (Brain computer interfaces) are used to allow multiple people to think/work together, such interfaces can have a very low level virtual reality interface that actually is projected into the brain.

A simple calculator is actually the easiest thing to accomplish, the main problems of course are the concern by the academic institutes for cheating/plagurism, which is why the absense of publishing on the subject.
All I can tell you is there is both a subject currently being studied on "The collective consciousness" whereby BCI (Brain computer interfaces) are used to allow multiple people to think/work together, such interfaces can have a very low level virtual reality interface that actually is projected into the brain.

A simple calculator is actually the easiest thing to accomplish, the main problems of course are the concern by the academic institutes for cheating/plagurism, which is why the absense of publishing on the subject.

lol... holy shit. That sounds nuts. I'm going to have to do some research on that.

It's weird stuff we're coming out with right now. Our retinal implants are continually improving, so people who may have congenital blindness can see at much higher resolution than before possible with previous versions of retinal implants. One funny side-effect of people who have retinal implants--they can see in the infrared spectrum. Not only that, but it's also possible for images to be sent directly to the implant, so the person may see things that aren't actually there, but are rather, computer rendered images placed into the field of vision.

We're living in pretty crazy times.
Implants are obviously designed to take and interpret signals before parsing them to receptor cells to be observed by the cyborg. The problem with implants of course is they aren't too great when technology evolves, meaning you'd require constant operations to replace old ones and this itself could be problematic as multiple operations might cause the inability for an implant to work or be replaced.

This is why so much study has been done with BCI using radiological interfaces. Obviously there are still concerns in regards to safety, since the body absords radiation which means radiation can build up. (As well as exciting tissues can "tire" anyone using the systems, so it's kept to very short frame bursts.)