Dallas police delay Moats as relative dies


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
DALLAS (AP) -- A police officer was placed on administrative leave Thursday over a traffic stop involving an NFL player whom he kept in a hospital parking lot and threatened to arrest while his mother-in-law died inside the


DALLAS — A police officer was placed on administrative leave today after pulling over former Louisiana Tech football star Ryan Moats who was rushing to see his dying mother-in-law, drawing his gun, threatening the player with jail and holding him in the hospital parking lot as


& many more
Moral of the story: Whenever you're pulled over by the cops for running a stopsign or red light, just tell them some sad story and the cops will believe you and let you go.

Fact: None of this would have happened if Moat had not run the stop sign. Running stop signs is an illegal traffic maneuver.

Fact: Thousands of accidents, some that are fatal, occur because someone didn't stop at red lights or stop signs.

Baron Max
So Moats knew his mother-in-law was already in the hospital for a while dying of breast cancer. Why wasn't a family member there with her all of the time if she was going to die? Why wait until the last second to go visit her, he could have left earlier and not had to rush knowing she was dying already. Why didn't Moat CALL the police and tell them he had an emergency and needed their help to escort him?

So many questions about Moat but only the police were written about, what the fuck is that all about?
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i wonder how long he chased him for? the video shows them pulling up to the hospital. i watched my grandma die, to be honest i would rather not have seen it.
i wonder how long he chased him for? the video shows them pulling up to the hospital. ....

From the video that I saw, as well as knowing the streets in the area, he didn't "chase" him at all. It just took a couple of blocks before it seemed that Moat understood that it was him the cop was "chasing". He pulled into the hospital entry and stopped.

But as I've said ....if Moat had stopped at the stop sign in accordance with the traffic laws of the State of Texas and City of Dallas, none of this would have happened.

What did Moat think he was hurrying to do? Nothing he could have done would have prevented the woman's dying. Was it so important to watch someone die?? I'd rather not do that myself.

Baron Max
Its a shame about his Mother-in-law.

When my mom was dying we were lucky enough to get there while she was still together enough to interact with us.

My niece was literally hours too late.

There wasn't lots of fore warning. About 10 days all together.
i agree with you barron, if the cop HADNT done his job and he hit a young family everyone would be howling for the cops blood.
i agree with you barron, if the cop HADNT done his job and he hit a young family everyone would be howling for the cops blood.

Yeah, well, apparently the more rational among us didn't help the young cop. I think public opinion around here is going to force the dept to fire him. ...all for doing his job, even if with a little bit of insensitivity.

Best one I've heard yet is someone mentioned ....do we expect all of our cops to succumb to sob stories in all traffic stop cases? Do the cops have time to listen to all the sob stories, then take the time to verify all those sob stories?

And interestingly, do we want our cops to be the judge and jury in all such traffic stops? And if we give them the authority to let some get off without a ticket, are they going to take that too far the next time? ...and let their friends and family off? ...or let some of their cop friends drive drunk?

Baron Max
Moral of the story: Whenever you're pulled over by the cops for running a stopsign or red light, just tell them some sad story and the cops will believe you and let you go.

Fact: None of this would have happened if Moat had not run the stop sign. Running stop signs is an illegal traffic maneuver.

Fact: Thousands of accidents, some that are fatal, occur because someone didn't stop at red lights or stop signs.

Baron Max

Fact: Moats had done a 'california roll' at the stop sign untill he saw no traffic coming form either direction and then proceeded through according to the police report. While strictly not legal officers are encouraged to let this go if the perpetrator seems to have cautious in doing it.

Fact: The cop had pointed his gun at Moats wife and then Moats according to dash cam and witnesses.

Fact: At no time did Moats identify himself as a member of a football team or ask for special treatment.

Fact: Moats had told the cop several times that his mother-in-law was inside dying and that it was happening right then.

Fact: Moats offered to come down after the death and look for the insurance and gave the offider permission to look for the insurance

Fact: the Officers captain was appalled at the officers manner of handling this incident.

Please at least list the facts that would come up in a court trial if there was one.
Fact: Moats had done a 'california roll' at the stop sign untill he saw no traffic coming form either direction and then proceeded through according to the police report. While strictly not legal officers are encouraged to let this go if the perpetrator seems to have cautious in doing it.

And if someone "rolls" thru an intersection and kills someone, then the people would be screaming to enforce the laws about stopping. The cop was in his rights to stop Moat.

Fact: The cop had pointed his gun at Moats wife and then Moats according to dash cam and witnesses.

In such traffic stops, people aren't supposed to pile out of the car enmass as the Moat family did ...it's what criminals might do in order to kill the cop ...as has been done on numerous ocassions in numerous states. The cop might have feared for his life.

Fact: At no time did Moats identify himself as a member of a football team or ask for special treatment.

And? If he didn't want special treatment, he should have stood there and accepted the traffic ticket without any interference or bullshit ....and his family should have done the same.

Fact: Moats had told the cop several times that his mother-in-law was inside dying and that it was happening right then.

Cops aren't required to listen to any and all sob stories that people might come up with ...nor are they required to take the time to check out all those sob stories. Moat violated a law and the cop pullled him over for it.

Fact: Moats offered to come down after the death and look for the insurance and gave the offider permission to look for the insurance

Yeah, cops should wait around and waste their time waiting for people like that.

Fact: the Officers captain was appalled at the officers manner of handling this incident.

20/20 hindsight and the pressure of stupid, ignorant public pressure. The captain and the chief are, first and foremost, politicians.

Please at least list the facts that would come up in a court trial if there was one.

Moat ran the stop sign which is illegal. Moat also refused to stop in a reasonable time and distance. Moat's family piled out of the car as if in a semblance of possible attack on the cop.

What's your ideas? That anyone stopped by the cops can give a sob story and the cops should let them off? Or that the cops should take the time and effort to check out every sob story that people might give?

What's funny, and odd, is that none of this would have happened if Moat had not violated the law. And, if he'd stopped at that stop sign, he'd have made it to the hospital in plenty of time to watch some old lady die ...as if that's what people like to do?!

Moat was wrong and should have suffered the consequences for that wrong-doing. Instead, a young officer is now going to be fired and likely his career in law enforcement is over ...and he was only trying to do his job. His career is probably ended because of public opinon ....and almost everyone here agrees that the public are stupid bastards. Yet, .....?

Baron Max
And if someone "rolls" thru an intersection and kills someone, then the people would be screaming to enforce the laws about stopping. The cop was in his rights to stop Moat.

Actually after doing a slight fact check on police procedure and local law there, The cop was within his rights to pull him over. However it is discouraged unless he observed the car doing so in an obviouslyneglagent way. The Police officers own words said Moats had been careful enough to make sure no other traffic was coming, thus he had practiced some due diligence. Since there was no cross traffic you argument is nothing but a straw man.

In such traffic stops, people aren't supposed to pile out of the car enmass as the Moat family did ...it's what criminals might do in order to kill the cop ...as has been done on numerous ocassions in numerous states. The cop might have feared for his life.

Actually, when stopped at traffic you have EVRY RIGHT under our constitution to pile out of your vehicle and even lock the doors. And in these cases the police are not allowed to search the car unless they have a warrant. The whole 'gangs pile out of cars to kill cops' fallacy was invented to circumvent this little act of enacting your rights. If cops were homest they would admit most of them were killed by an assailant who had stayed in their seat.

And? If he didn't want special treatment, he should have stood there and accepted the traffic ticket without any interference or bullshit ....and his family should have done the same.

They did not resist the ticket, they resisted unlawful detention. You are not required to be present during the issuance of a ticket. Moats also further explained he just wanted to be with his mother in law as she died and that he would come right back.

Cops aren't required to listen to any and all sob stories that people might come up with ...nor are they required to take the time to check out all those sob stories. Moat violated a law and the cop pullled him over for it.

Actually cops are required to check out all stories it is called investigation. Traffic tickets are already dangerously close to violating several amendments as they allow cop to be prosecutoer, judge and jury. If even the slightest doubt can be placed on the ticket then it is the cops fault for not getting the full story. If this had gone to court Moats would have been cleared of any wrongdoing and officer would have been severely reprimanded for his actions.

Yeah, cops should wait around and waste their time waiting for people like that.

He already had been wasting his time by following an obviously harmless vehicle. If he had been even slight intelligent he would have ran the plates, found out who it was and honestly probably would have just hightailed it out of there before the chief fired his ass.

20/20 hindsight and the pressure of stupid, ignorant public pressure. The captain and the chief are, first and foremost, politicians.

The Captain and chief are first and foremost the most experienced cops on the force, yes they are politicians, but any smart cop is part politician himself. He recognizes that at times the law can be bent without anyone needing to be punished. A smart cop would have followed Moats and once he pulled into the hospital just drove on by assuming there was a reason moats made a minor error. But no this idiot was sure he had drug dealing gang banfgers on his hands.

Moat ran the stop sign which is illegal. Moat also refused to stop in a reasonable time and distance. Moat's family piled out of the car as if in a semblance of possible attack on the cop.

The first is a misnomer. Moats had to have slowed down enough for the officer to state in his report that he waited untill there was obviously no traffic. The second, the vidoe is unclear, did the cop have the whole rack fired up? Finally the evidence does not support the last. it's obvious the peopel piled out as if to get insiode the hospital. And again most cops die becuase of assailant who stays in his seat.

What's your ideas? That anyone stopped by the cops can give a sob story and the cops should let them off? Or that the cops should take the time and effort to check out every sob story that people might give?

No but when somebody pulls into the hosptial thesob story might be given the benefit of the doubt. I mean come one it was obvious where they were heading. They weren;t even reckless in how they rolled through the stop according to the officers report. They were not the ones to make threats. I mean come on just admit the rookie made a collosal mistake.

What's funny, and odd, is that none of this would have happened if Moat had not violated the law. And, if he'd stopped at that stop sign, he'd have made it to the hospital in plenty of time to watch some old lady die ...as if that's what people like to do?!

Well he wasn;t sure how much time he had. Not like people come with a countdown. Considering that the news story has him rolling through a stop sign and the police report has him rolling through a stop light, after waiting to see if there was no cross traffic this might have been a delay of longer than the woman had left.

And I tell you what I regret not being in the room for my fathers death. He suffered a long hard battle with CHF and It just would have been nice to say goodbye. Some people are like that. It's not up to you to judge that.

Moat was wrong and should have suffered the consequences for that wrong-doing. Instead, a young officer is now going to be fired and likely his career in law enforcement is over ...and he was only trying to do his job. His career is probably ended because of public opinon ....and almost everyone here agrees that the public are stupid bastards. Yet, .....?

Actually considering how it was handled it is clear that the young officer would make a terrible officer and would like die in the line of duty or shoot some innoccent kid all to his own stupidity. He's lucky that now he's out with only a minor blackmark and he can become secuirity guard or perhaps a PI though usually both of those require discretion.

Besides if he was simply trying to do his job he would have handled it a lot better, by say perhaps rolling up as they were getting out the car and just mentioning to Moats "Hey you ran a red light, if this isnlt an emergency I need to alk to you.....Oh, mother in law is dying? I'll leave the ticket on the windshield." in this case Moats would have gotten his ticket, which is all he would have gotten, and he would have kept his job. But no this moron couldn't even manage that.
Actually after doing a slight fact check on police procedure and local law there, The cop was within his rights to pull him over. However it is discouraged unless he observed the car doing so in an obviouslyneglagent way. The Police officers own words said Moats had been careful enough to make sure no other traffic was coming, thus he had practiced some due diligence. ....

But he did pull him over. And in so doing, Moat should have pulled over sooner, he should have done exactly as the officer asked, his family should have stayed in the car, ......and everything would have been fine.

Since there was no cross traffic you argument is nothing but a straw man.

Ye're right, Scott, .....from now on, people don't have to stop at stop signs or red lights if they don't want to ....as long as the take a quick look. Hell, I got a better idea, why not just get rid of those stop signs and red lights altogether ...just a damned bother anyway!

Actually, when stopped at traffic you have EVRY RIGHT under our constitution to pile out of your vehicle ....

Sure, and the officer has every right to fear for his life and draw his weapon.

They did not resist the ticket, they resisted unlawful detention. You are not required to be present during the issuance of a ticket. ...

Legally you have to do as the officer says or asks ...unless you want trouble. Which apparently Moat wanted trouble ....and he got it. Unfortunately, he also caused the young cop to lose his career.

.... Moats also further explained he just wanted to be with his mother in law as she died and that he would come right back.

Yeah, cops have nothing better to do than to wait on any and all people to "come right back".

From now on, in the City of Dallas, I'm going to run stop signs and red lights any time I want. And if a cop tries to pull me over, I'm just going to drive to the nearest bar and go in and have cold beer ....the officer can do anything he wants because I'm perfectly in my rights.

And if I don't get off the same as Moat, then I'm going to scream "Racism!" and turn the city on it's head.

Obeying the law is the best approach ...until you can get the law changed in accordance with standard procedures of law changing.

Baron Max
he broke the law, he went through a stop sign without stopping. It WASNT a give way sign which he could have done a check and kept going. It was a STOP sign. Why the difference? because the city has decided that paticular intersection doesnt have enough visability to enable someone to reliably carry on through without stopping. Simple as that
DALLAS — former Louisiana Tech football star Ryan Moats who was rushing to see his dying mother-in-law,

Rushing, huh?:D Got to love the fact his football stats are in the same article...only in America. What would he have done if he had made it to the deathbed in time....spike the bedpan?
Get your facts straight people...

During the traffic stop, caught on the officer's in-car camera, Powell berated the driver, 26-year-old NFL running back Ryan Moats, and threatened him with arrest for running a traffic light.
This is unprofessional conduct.

Powell also faces investigation for comments he made to another officer after the incident ended – while the video camera was still rolling. He said he "worded" a report in such a way as to justify a January police chase.

"It appears, what he said, to have been contrary to our pursuit policy," Kunkle said, "to where he may have lied about the circumstances under which the pursuit began."
This tells me that the officer is a bit shady in his practice and tactics. Kinda makes you wonder what really happened there.
If none of you will admit it, I will. The police officer royally fucked this one up. No question about it.

did you see the video? the cop chased him for a few blocks and at a high rate of speed. normally when you run a red light you pull over half a block or so away. the cop has no way of knowing that your mother in law is dying and even still what difference does that make from pulling over and explaining to the cop 'the hospital is a few blocks away, my mother in law id dying.... etc'

suppose they were further away does that mean that they could have drove 190 mph to get there in time? and for what purpose anyway?
Get your facts straight people...
If none of you will admit it, I will. The police officer royally fucked this one up. No question about it.

The cop somehow forced Moat to run the stop sign? ...and then keep on driving for several blocks after the cop turned on his lights and siren?

I don't get y'all ......is this just one more instance of y'all not wanting anyone to take responsibility for their own actions???

Moat ran a stop sign! If he'd stopped in accordance with the law, none of this would have happened ....and he'd have gotten to the hospital in plenty of time to see the old bitch die!

Moat brought all this shit down on himself. And yet, because of his fuck-up, a cop's career is over ....when it was all Moat's fault in the first place.

Some of you guys just amaze me excusing Moat running the stop sign! If he'd have killed someone, you'd have been yelling "Where were the fuckin' cops!"

Baron Max
Moat brought all this shit down on himself. And yet, because of his fuck-up, a cop's career is over ....when it was all Moat's fault in the first place.
And if the cop hadn't have been a total douche bag about it, and he was, his career wouldn't be over. Cop's career is over because of his own lack of professionalism, and maybe a bit of public perception, but not because of Moats. Read the damn article. It even says several...NM, I'll post it for you...
Shortly before 9 a.m. Thursday, at the department's weekly crime meeting, many members of the command staff viewed the video for the first time. The reaction was one of disbelief and head shaking, said several who were present.
I guess all those command staff members at the weekly crime meeting need to be fired because the cop behaved in such a professional manner, eh?:bugeye:

Some of you guys just amaze me excusing Moat running the stop sign! If he'd have killed someone, you'd have been yelling "Where were the fuckin' cops!"
Moats deserved to be pulled over. Moats didn't deserve to have the cop be unnecessarily assholish to him.
Moats deserved to be pulled over. Moats didn't deserve to have the cop be unnecessarily assholish to him.

Moat violated the law. Moat refused to pull over and stop, in accordance with the law, and continued to drive for several blocks with the cop's lights and siren going. The cop SHOULD HAVE been harsh with him!

Again .....if Moat had stopped at that stop sign in accordance with the law, none of this would have happened. And you're excusing his actions???

Baron Max