DADT possible repeal in 2010

Repeal or Keep the D.A.D.T. policy?

  • Repeal it!

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Keep it!

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
So I saw the clip of the President and his small speech during the State of the Union address about repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

I am personally all for this. I think it's a great idea and needs to happen. Now... we could debate for YEARS on here about why or why not it should be repealed, but I'm not going into that. I just have one simple question...

No BS debating, I don't care why you think one way or another. I've heard damn near every reason on both sides. I just want the summary. Do you think that the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy should be repealed or remain in effect?
repealed, along with the restrictions on gays and lesbians in the millatry.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Not everything is about the US...
It should remain in effect; if you repeal it, some people will have a problem with it, and that in itself will cause problems

So, don't ask, don't tell, and everyone's happy.
Your poll is a time travel machine; I voted, and I was transported to a thread from 2001.

DADT is a joke, always has been. Back when it was first implemented, the local paper in Tucson interviewed an army cavalry veteran. He was a very old black man who had been stationed in Ft. Huachuca in the teens. When asked about the controversy over gays in the military he said something along the lines of "There have always been funny men in the military. If you left the funny men alone, they would leave you alone."
It's not exactly new

Repo Man said:

Your poll is a time travel machine; I voted, and I was transported to a thread from 2001.

This is a known bug that the administration is apparently unable to fix. Essentially, all that is happening is that the system is mistaking the poll number (pollid) for a thread number (t), and redirecting accordingly.
It should remain in effect; if you repeal it, some people will have a problem with it, and that in itself will cause problems

So, don't ask, don't tell, and everyone's happy.

so we should be beholden by people consumed by hate?
12,000 troops have been dismissed even with the rule in place imagine how many more are going to be released if they are openly gay around others.
Pick up your damn trash

Norsefire said:

Nobody is consumed by 'hate'; they're consumed by disgust, because it isn't very common to see two guys going at it. Just throwing that out there.

Then pick it up. No littering.
Now that that's all queered out

Norsefire said:

Good one! Though I could say this back to you, no?

If you really want. I mean, sure, petulance and stupidity have their value in society; we need such people to remind us of what not to be.

When you post completely useless trash like that, don't expect people to think you're smart.
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When you post completely useless trash like that, don't expect people to think you're smart.
Back at you; and I completely agree, which is why I am glad that the liberals out there can remind us rational people of just how stupid people can get.
Repealed. It is a pointless law that weakens our military. The people who complain should be discharged. They are the ones causing disruption.
Making statements that promote limiting the pool of able bodied people who can serve is something that weakens the military, and that *is* disruptive. It causes unrest, which is not kosher. There isn't free speech in the military. It is not a public forum.
I agree, which is why if there is a law, homosexuals need to abide by it, and vice versa.
Making statements that promote limiting the pool of able bodied people who can serve is something that weakens the military, and that *is* disruptive. It causes unrest, which is not kosher. There isn't free speech in the military. It is not a public forum.

umm then why are women still not alowed to serve on the front line? I agree with you, if anyone is stupid enough to join the millatry then go for it, maybe if cutie young 17 year old women start comming back in body bags then people will actually take there own goverment to task about how they use and abuse millatry personal