
Cactus Jack

Death Knight of Northrend
Registered Senior Member
Allright....so anyone ever played before, anyone wanna share stories of playing it, how do you play, is it interesting?

I never have played so I am really curious, its something you hear about a lot you know? So any info or discussion would be cool. Thanx.
I prefer computer AD&D games because the story is already laid out for you. You also don't need to roll the dice and do all the pencil and paper work.

The best computer AD&D game out there right now is Baldur's gate. There is nothing else as good as that game right now. Maybe fallout 2.
About ten years ago I got smashed up really badly. For a few years after that I hardly went out at all, I wanted nothing to do with people or the world. Then my aunt introduced me to some people who played RPGs. I was so sick of being locked away in my house feeling sorry for myself that I decided to give it a shot. I found it fun, even if the people weren't the greatest people I've ever met. So to me, it served a very useful purpose, getting me out and about again.
So it's pretty fun? Is the pencil and paper regular D&D stuff hard to play/get into?
Originally posted by Cactus Jack
So it's pretty fun? Is the pencil and paper regular D&D stuff hard to play/get into?

Yes. It is hard to find friends to finish the game because it takes days to finish one game. IT is hard to find friends who would be willing to spend consecutive days in one game. If you save the game and play later, people already forget what happened.
Battletech is the best. What is more fun then running around in 90 ton machines of destruction :D
I used to play it a lot with friends when i was a teenager and even as a kid. I had the red box first edition D&D rules. ;) (to those in the know)

I guess my favorite was the first edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rules. I liked some of the changes in 2nd edition and after, but many of the changes i didn't like, and it seemed like they kept coming out with new editions and books just to try and make more money.

I also played most of the D&D computer games, starting on my Commodore 64 and then later with my IBM. Moria, Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Hillsfar, Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Hack, Might and Magic 6, etc. And before that i played the original Legend of Zelda on my Nintendo shortly after it first came out -- completely addictive and very cool. Except for the graphics i still consider the original to be a very cool game when it comes to gameplay and how much there is to explore.
But I've gotten a rule book and stuff even went online but its really confusing figuring out how to play, I just wanna try it.

Oh yeah, LEGEND OF ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME for N64 is really very insanley INCREDIBLE. It is literally impossible to do everything in that game including secrets and stuff, the sequel is good to but seems to be targeted for a younger audience and you're never an adult (which sux).
Used to play quite a bit some time ago. Still would like to again for the memories. I feel that it's a lot more fun than the computer games, because you actually roleplay and hang out with people. It's best when played with friends - a social activity. Also, you have to have a good DM or else it'll suck no matter what.

Lykan - I've played some out of that red box too, but mostly advanced 2nd addition.