Cydonia Smoking Pyramid Animation


Registered Senior Member
In the middle of downtown Cydonia on Mars there is a pyramid with vapor coming from a hole in its side. The hole is slanted so that it is flat against the side of the pyramid, and there is even width elevated area along the West and North sides of this feature. The first link will take you to a Flash animated demonstration of general wind direction and pointing out the area of vapor. The second link is to my site's page dealing with this feature. Since this is my first post in this forum and noting problems with other link in other threads being deleted because they don't work--free-hosted sites have a limited bandwidth capability. is one of those. If the tripod addresses return an error, wait a few hours and try again. Thanx. I look forward to comments about the Smoking Pyramid of Cydonia

Cydonia Smoking Pyramid Flash Animation

Cydonia Smoking Pyramid description page:

Thanx in advance...
Welcome to SciForums!

Well, I reviewed the links and think my discussion should actually start with the fact that I don't see a pyramid. I see a mound of earth (height undetermined without scale.)

rhw007, Welcome to sciforums.
Abandon all illogic ye who enter here!


It does look sort of like a truncated pyramid.
I couldn't say that the 'vent' is flush with the face of the construct though.
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Nice to know I already have a ready-made cyberstalker here on my first post. So who are you on Q? Are you one of the banned ones? Do you switch names as often as switching bbss?

I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

Find ONE (1) non-truth in that JPL list from your examples.
You can't because there are none.
Breathe-in, with it.:p
A few things to show how a hoax could be manipulated:

I'm sure you've all at some chance seen a lazer pen, the sort used for pointing at a board to dictate to a class, or just to annoy people because they think some gunman has got them pin pointed with a lazer sight.

If that beam was made more powerful and aimed at the moon, it's size would be somewhere between a Football and a beachball in diameter.

Now using this understanding, lets say you took a Beam using multiple space radioscopes that use Frequencies (both Doppler[A bit like radar] and natural) and point it at the surface of Mars.

When you place these radioscopes at a point on the planet, you can manipulate a "holographic Image" on the surface of the planet. If the Hologram, happens to be a square, with diagonal lines crossing from each corner through the centre to it's diagonal opposite. And the triangles it produces have a gradient of colour manipulation through the frequencies used.

It's easy to make a 2-Dimensional image look 3-Dimensional.

The Cydonian Pyramids aren't the only things manipulated using this technology.

Actually the images are exactly as taken from NASAView directly from the original IMQ files which are linked on the tripod discussion page. It is evident that the links to the original images from NASA/JPl/MSSS were not followed to see the original data themselves.

I would suggest doing so. The feature is most assuredly pyramid shaped, elevated from the surrounding terrain, has a evenly spaced ledge around 2 of its sides, the crater hole is inclined to the slope of the pyramid, and the vapor is flowing differently in the second image than the first giving proof that there has been change from one image to the next thus the vapor is NOT a static feature, but an on-going and evolving process.

I too have seen many 'anomalies' that have been so zoomed n pixelated as to be indistinguishable blobs that the said anomalist will insist is proof ETI. I too find that kind of evidence not only unconvincing, but actually detrimental to the very real anomalies that are on Mars and are viewable without over-zoomed looks into blurry blobs.

Look at the original images, the feature is real, it IS smoking!