Curse of Meat Eating

Empty Dragon

Registered Senior Member
Just some stuff I came across on a web site.
Can anyone tell me if there is any truth too it or disgrace full untruth? Either or.

The two brothers, Cain and Abel, represent agonistics habits of cereal eaters and those who ate meat. But which one ate what food? Actually, Cain ate meat and Abel cereals. In the biblical story, Cain is planting cereals and Abel sacrificial meat: because god does not appreciate the offering's of cereal's, Cain slew Abel. This story has been reversed completely. Abel was the peace loving vegetarian agriculturist. Cain is the sex retural and animal & human blood sacrifice devotee. The serpent race des change the bible scriptures to fit the Babylonian Tulmid.

These facts on the curse of meat come from natural food scientists-not the serpent scientists.
Meat causes - Rheumatism, Arthritis and Gout (uric acid buildup)
Meat causes - cancer - (liver & kidney breakdown from too much protein)
Meat causes - homosexuality in males. (Excessive testosterone over several generations)
(Meat causes masculine homosexual)
Meat causes - masculinity in women - hair on their arms and legs, deeper voice.
Destroys their true feminists and makes them bossy and stubborn. Many women from the back look like boys.
Meat causes - high blood pressure breaks down the blood vessel's.
Meat causes - heart problems
Meat causes Colitis - meat contains ……. Factitive bacteria
Meat causes excessive uric acid which leads to arthritis, kidney stones gallstones.
Meat causes headaches & far-sightedness, meat together with excess sugar and too much close work cause nearsightedness.

Genesis 9, verse 4 - "but flesh with the life there of, which is the blood there of, shall we not eat" as there can be no flesh without blood, the prohibition is clear. Somebody, therefore to overcome good law, suggested washing off the blood (all nonsense) Leviticus - 1, verses 22-23 "and the lord spark into Moses, saying, "speak onto the children of Israel, saying we shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep or of goat.
Leviticus- 7 - verse 26, "Moreover we shall eat no manner of blood, whether it be, of fowl of beast, in any of your dwellings." (Daniel ate strictly, he refused the kings rich food and choose to live on vegetables and grains)

Daniel ate strictly. He refused the kings rich food and chose to live on vegetable and grains.
The serpent scientists are telling vegetarians to eat soy products - another cursed food.
But think of the poor widdle animals! Look at how cute that cow is!

*belch*, oh, did I just eat it?
I feel a rhyme coming on...

Fur is murder, steak is tasty, and alcohol will fuck your facey.

I happen to like a nice beaver-skin hat... aside from being the warmest hat you could ask for, it keeps the pesky tree-eating vermin population in check.
Fuck, I assume that after all the kittens I've killed, a few cows won't make too much of a difference.


Cows are tasty
When innocent and young
Fuck PETA yum yum

It's a haiku!
By Empty Dragon:
Meat causes - homosexuality in males. (Excessive testosterone over several generations)
I wonder if this is really true?? :bugeye:
Daniel ate strictly. He refused the kings rich food and chose to live on vegetable and grains.
True. He said to the king that he and his men would only eat vegetables and fruit and if they were more unhealthy than the kings men after a week/month (something like that) then they would eat meat. Daniels men were more healthy or at least as healthy. I seem to find that the Bible speaks the truth. As ive grown older i have discovered this so things in the bible that may seem silly to me now will probablt turn out to be true as i age even more.
Things in the Bible can now be backed up by what we find e.g. the bible tells/encourages vegetarianism (i know christians who arent :confused: :confused: :bugeye: These people abviously do not read the bible) and its true that eating meat does cause a lot of disease/coronary problems etc.
I guess my question is: Is it part of a humans natural diet to eat meat?
heard of the phrase 'standing on the shoulders of giants'?? Animals eat the fruit and veg and store up energy. We eat the animals thus a shortcut to the energy. What do we use all this extra energy for??? We do less strenuous work now than we used to. So i would imagine that all this unspent extra energy is a contributing factor to stress!
By Voodoo Child:
Yes, it is. Look at our teeth and our digestive tract. We are designed to be omnivorous.
And what about our appendix!?? (think this is the correct spelling). It is used when we eat a diet of vegetables and fruit etc. We can have it taken out nowadays because guess what........ we hardly eat any i.e. our diet is made up mainly of meat. Most people think that the appendix isnt used for anything but it is!! Teeth??- Yes look at out teeth. Before 'civilisation' i doubt if our teeth would have been any good in the wild for eating animals. They dont seem to be as efficient as a tigers or a lions do they?? Our teeth seem apt to me for eating vegetable. bits still to be bitten out of a potato and chewed.
By that jerk:
Fur is murder, steak is tasty, and alcohol will fuck your facey.
Yes! Aside from anything else an animal is living and feels pain so 'meat is murder' (name of a 'The Smiths' album :) ) Steak is tasty but will cause serious health problems in the long run and Alcohol is made from grapes, apples, grain, hops etc etc. No harm from it as long as it is not abused. Just my opinion people.

EDIT- Smileys wrong and other minor errors.
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Our dentition, GI system, and nutrition requirements support the fact that we are, indeed, omnivores. However, looking at our size, strength, and lack of natural weaponry one can surmise that we probably did not eat large quantities of cow or other large animal early on in our evolution. It is most likely that we were opportunistic predators and scavengers and the bulk of our diet (but by no means all of it) was fruits/berries and some vegetables. It is also quite likely that we ate a lot of insects. This range of omnivorous diet is also apparent in many other primates.

A vegetarian and even a vegan diet can be made to work but one must be very conscientious in selecting the proper foods, particularly a range of beans that provide the proper proteins and vitamins which are lacking in most (or all) plants. In particular, one must supplement the diet with vitamin B12 which is only found in animal products. The lack of such nutritional necessities in plants puts to rest any suggestion that we are naturally herbivores.

As to the claims made above, they seem to be primarily either exaggerated or misleading. To wit:

Meat causes - Rheumatism, Arthritis and Gout (uric acid buildup)
Uric acid is normally filtered by the kidneys. A healthy young person has no problem ridding their body of uric acid, however, as one gets older one's kidneys become less efficient. Certainly reducing the uric acid intake can be helpful but this is a result of aging not of meat in ones diet.

Meat causes - cancer - (liver & kidney breakdown from too much protein)
Too much protein is somewhat damaging to the liver. The recommendation is 0.8g / kg of body weight / day. However the link to cancer is tenuous at best... liver damage is not the same as cancer. In fact, people with liver cancer are recommended to get a certain amount of protein in their diets.

Meat causes - homosexuality in males. (Excessive testosterone over several generations)
Pure crap... there is no proven "cause" for homosexuality.

Meat causes - masculinity in women - hair on their arms and legs, deeper voice.
Again, this is pretty much crap. Eating meat does seem to temporarily boost testosterone. One should, however, note that fat contains enzymes that converts testosterone into various estrogens.

Meat causes - high blood pressure breaks down the blood vessel's.
Meat does not cause high blood pressure - being overweight is the primary cause of high blood pressure and a diet high in starches, sugars, and fats, overeating, and not enough exercise are the primary reasons for people being overweight. Reduction of fats and salt can help lower high blood pressure.

Meat causes - heart problems
See high blood pressure above. The causes are similar.

Meat causes Colitis - meat contains ……. Factitive bacteria
The "Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada" states "There is currently no known cause or cure for IBD." (IBD includes Crohn's and Colitis). So far, their research seems to indicate that the primary cause is genetic.

Meat causes excessive uric acid which leads to arthritis, kidney stones gallstones.
See above regarding arthritis... also note that: Spinach, beans, peas, cauliflower, mushrooms & also contains purines which later produce uric acid.

Meat causes headaches & far-sightedness, meat together with excess sugar and too much close work cause nearsightedness.
Proof? Mechanism at work?

Meat is a source of protein that no plant matter can match. Plant matter is a source of sugar, carbohydrates and fiber that no meat can match.

Logical conclusion, unless you're stupid? Eat both.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Meat is a source of protein that no plant matter can match.
What about milk? I know its not plant matter but i bet it can match meat in terms of protein make-up.
Milk comes from animals!! And meat is still better.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Humans are obviously omnivores, but nowadays we eat way too much meat. Our bodies are designed to eat meat, just not nearly as much as we do.
If we weren't suppose to eat meat, god wouldn't have made cows and pigs taste so good.
And what about our appendix!?? (think this is the correct spelling). It is used when we eat a diet of vegetables and fruit etc. We can have it taken out nowadays because guess what........ we hardly eat any i.e. our diet is made up mainly of meat. Most people think that the appendix isnt used for anything but it is!! Teeth??- Yes look at out teeth. Before 'civilisation' i doubt if our teeth would have been any good in the wild for eating animals. They dont seem to be as efficient as a tigers or a lions do they?? Our teeth seem apt to me for eating vegetable. bits still to be bitten out of a potato and chewed.

You're creating a false dichotomy. Just because we are "designed" to eat vege does not mean that we are not also designed to eat meat. The appendix is not used in digestion( atleast in humans*). It is used to expose lympocytes to the pathogens in our gut.

Our teeth are not as specialised as those of cats, nor are we as specialised as ruminants in terms of our dentition or digestive tract. We can't digest cellulose and we only have a thin layer of dentine. We are generalised, jack-of-all-foods creatures.

* In other animals it is very functional and used to digest cellulose.
Just some more stuff I found.. Same deal true or false?

Plant Eaters or Flesh Eaters?
Unlike flesh eaters, plant eaters do not have a natural appetite for raw organ meats. Plants supply plant eaters with the perfect balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and water. Which is more appealing - raw liver, or a luscious mango? If you were a flesh eater, your physiology would be similar to other flesh-eating animals. It isn't. Your teeth are short and flat, designed for mashing. Your jaws move up and down and sideways. Flesh eaters, however, have long, pointed teeth for biting and ripping. Their jaws have only a hinge, allowing for only an open and shut movement. Flesh eaters also have a highly acidic digestive system, allowing them to break down and assimilate highly acidic foodstuffs, such as meat, fish and eggs. Animal foods contain the greatest amounts of acid forming substances. On the other hand, plant eaters have a highly alkaline system. It is extremely difficult for humans to digest animal proteins even in their raw state. If humans were meant to be flesh eaters, the digestion of animals would enhance our physiology. But that's not the case. When you eat animals and animal products, your body suffers. Animal products negatively affect your body's chemistry, causing imbalances in your internal environment. This change in chemistry inevitably creates toxicity and is compounded when the animal products are cooked, because cooking animals dramatically alters their chemistry making them totally indigestible. The digestion of animal products in your body is extremely slow and incomplete, causing unnecessary and dangerous stress. The key word here is incomplete. Since undigested foodstuffs are difficult to eliminate, they pollute your body's internal environment. Undigested protein causes physical toxicity. Proteins that remain in your stomach too long cause an overproduction of harmful bacteria, and the undigested materials are absorbed into you blood. This waste matter can accumulate in your blood vessels, eventually hardening into plaque, which is a dangerous and toxic material. This hardening of plaque deposits in your blood vessels is called arteriosclerosis, a common cardiovascular disorder, and caused by the consumption of animal products.

Plants, through the process of photosynthesis, create protein. This protein is in the form of amino acid chains and is readily available for use in your body. Healthy babies get their nutrients from mother's milk. Mother's milk contains approximately two percent protein at the start of lactation. It gradually tapers down to about one percent after six months and to less than one percent after one year. Almost 90 percent of mother's milk is water, less then one percent fat and the remainder is made up of carbohydrates - simple sugars. Plant food, especially fruit, has the same chemical breakdown as mother's milk. Do young children, teenagers and adults need more protein than babies? No. The protein, in the form of amino acids, created in the plant through the process of photosynthesis, breaks down in our bodies and forms protein chains, which are readily available. The protein myth was created in error and pushed by the meat, egg and dairy conglomerates for one simple reason - to make money
We aren't designed to be either herbivores OR carnivores. We're omnivores which means that we'll eat whatever we can get, leafy or bloody. We have the equipment to eat meat, but until the advent of agriculture we probably didn't get too many opportunities to eat it in large quantities because we aren't specialised predators. If we were entirely herbivores, then why do we have sharp incisors? Since our mouths contain teeth designed to deal with BOTH veggies and meats, it seems clear to me that meat is certainly a part of our natural diets.

Let's not forget about the Inuit peoples who live above the Arctic circle. Their diet is entirely made up of meat and whale blubber, and they do just fine because they've adapted to such a diet over many thousands of years; you or I (unless you're a native Inuit) couldn't survive on their diet, because it lacks many nutrients that most other peoples require. On the other hand, why is it that vegans who don't get ANY meat or other animal products (which we supposedly don't need, according to that info) need to take a battery of vitamin supplements to receive proper nutrition? I know a couple of vegans and they are, without exception, very sickly looking folk with very pale skin and little flesh on their bones. Doesn't seem like a healthy lifestyle to me; I'm afraid I'll bruise them if I sneeze at them too hard.

Veganism is poppycock. Show me a healthy-looking vegan and I'll take that back. Vegetarianism I don't have so much a problem with, if it's inspired by personal taste in food rather than some misguided desire to not hurt the poor widdle animals.
What's the deal with eating meat? I don't particularly tout meat as a superior food, neither do I do so with tofu (*shudder* my friend is the weirdest guy ever...he claims that tofu is the food of the gods...).

Plant protein is decidedly inferior to that of meat. Vegans? They never get any vit B components. If they want to torment themselves with vitamin deficiency they're welcome to be my guest.