

The Hellbound Hellhound. AWOOO
Registered Senior Member
Whats up everbody? I was just wondering if there's anyone out there who has experimented with telekinisis and has actually been successful. I'ld like to hear about it if anyone would like to share.

Before I discovered what I was here for, I often experimented relentlessly, and USELESSLY trying to do it. That said, moving on...
I got a small coffee can to shake around a little bit once. But seriously I couldn't say for sure it was TK because we lived almost on top of the San Andreas Fault and the land was subject to tons of little tremors that could create similar effects.
I think that trying telekinisis is like trying to lift 2 tons without going to the gym 24/7 :)
I guess one should meditate and stuff like that, no pain no gain, and then too chances for success are probably very low, imho
I can put out candles with a ki extension. Of course, that's using the air from my hand, so it's hardly telekinesis.
can u explain? and what exactly is the difference?
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are you forcing the air to move by moving your hands or are you moving the air with your "ki"?
With the hands, obviously. Ki doesn't do anything by itself, because it's just a metaphor.
interesting! I thought it was a force inside of us that can be harnest. I was once pushed half way across a room by some just tapping my chest with there fist. They claimed to use ki, and I felt something ?! So can anyone explain?
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Ki is another word for using mechanical advantage, esp. of weight.

EDIT: There is a force inside us that can be harnessed - it's called INERTIA.
how much inertia can a person get while there arm is completly extended out infront of them. let me explain. the person i spoke of extended his arm straight infront of himself were i was standing, he touched my chest with the tip of his fingers (arm still extended), he pause 4 a couple of seconds then he made a fist and tapped my chest with it, me being a natural sceptic i even leaned a little forward as he balled his fist. It nocked me back into a person watching behind me inturn knocking both of us down. At the time I was 6'3" 250 pounds. where did his inertia come from?
If I remember right, they call that "ookaze", the big wind - anyway, that's what they called in in throwing. His inertia comes from the ground under his back foot, most likely. (An old buddy of mine says "nothing weighs more than the ground, and nothing hits harder".)

It may look impressive, but even a 125 pound guy is not just going to bounce off you; it's a matter of how they coordinate their motion. If they get their entire mass moving all in the same direction, someone half your weight can get you moving at somewhat more than half the speed they were moving.

It's physics, not magic. Most people misunderstand physics quite badly, and this effect has been used to wow the crowd for centuries (like the old bed of nails trick).
so do u know the physics behind using ki or do u know the best way i can find out, u say you can put out a candle was it hard to learn and is that the extent of what you've learned
Ki is a collection of different mechanical advantage techniques that changes depending on which group of people you ask. (In China they call it Chi - same thing.)

Putting out candles by punching at them is not difficult; it's supposed to be a training method for some style like Black Tiger Karate (I think... never took it), but I learned through practice and quite fast. I could blow a candle out with a punch that ended about 30cm away back when I was practicing. It's a trick, not a real skill or anything.

Generally ki derives from one of a few things:

Inertia - "step when you punch". Moving your hips moves your entire weight. Punching while moving your hips places your entire weight behind the punch. This is what your teacher/demonstrator did to you. This technique requires some training in balance.

Compression - "punch upwards". If your momentum is at an angle away from the ground as you move forward, then any resistance against your movement will tend to push you down. If you can maintain your action against the resistance, then you will appear to weigh much more than you do because the other person is effectively pushing against the ground. The person resisting your movement will be pushed up, and thus have less traction on the ground - their feet will slip.

Physiological mechanics - "punch forward, not sideways". The muscles of your arms function best for actions performed in front of you, not at the side, above, or behind you. Behind your back, your arm is almost useless, hence the value of the hammerlock. (This one may sound simple, but you'd be surprised how many people don't know this.)
ya its very amazing how you can manipulate or body to move masive objects... when i was in shape and in wrestaling 119lb i could bench 250lb only 8( still not bad... could leg press 650lb... thats a little better and i could cling 340lb and could curl 190lb... squat 580lb... I was never some muscle bound hunk I was always skinny but in most cases I could easly beat larger stronger aponents and I had 2 3 time state winners my last year say how tuff I was even if i was not skilled in moves... was not pined after my freshman year... as for moving objects that you dont think you should be able to move its all about tricking your mind... if your mind dont belive then you will never be able to move it... here is a little game you can try find somthing you cant lift barly... remember you need to belive... now picture power rising from your gut... picture it flowing though your body.... into your arms.. going into the cell's feel it flow..... you should feel a warming feeling... if you do it right you should be able to lift what you just though you could not a min ago... I have had several strange instances though out my life that are in my mind with out even a second though where not explain able exept for mind over mater... my first instance was in 2rd grade... at that point my imagination was very very very good... I was strong for my age because of climbing trees all the time but was never a runner... after watching something cant remember what... some movie about super speed or somthing like that i went out side and started doing the hole super hero thing.. well i know how fast my top speed was at that time and how it felt to run that fast and the weight that was exurted on my feet... Rememeber I was a little kid and I did belive with all of my heart good imagination.... 8) well the end result was not supper speed but it was a odd sensation it felt like I was waitless as i was running everything seemed slow... and I ran full out for about half a block before it freaked me out... well when i stoped I was not breathing hard or sweating... my skin was cold to the touch... it was truely odd...

As for other odd things happening to me I was riding on a motorcycle with a back pack full of knives dont ask me why i had it... when the driver desided to pop a weelie on hard packed dirt... 250cc it was in 3rd grade... well anway so it pitched vertical droping me on the back pack full of sharp knives... then my friend droped on me... then the cycle droped on him... needless to say I should have been hurt... I was not... the back pack had been cut up badly.. and so had my shirt.. but my all i got out of it was a bump on my head from when it stuck the ground... logic would say i should have been dead or in really bad shape... next happend 3 months later i fell out of a tree house i was working on about 25 feet up in the air onto a pile of scrap wood where where making it out of agine very strange everthing slowed down was very cool tell I hit the ground... agine only damage i suffered was the fact that i was a sore...
later on in 7th grade i was making a pop can jet engine... well it lit and did not burn all the gas and when i looked down the tube i could see a little bit of blue and of stupid me I tryed to blow it out... in the split second time it took for me to think about what i was doing "fuel... fire... Air... crap... agien it slowed down I could see the flames growing shooting up toward my face... I could see the flames start to lick across the lens of my glasses... I closed my mouth and eyes right before the flame hit me.... in the end only thing that got burned was my bangs and my eyelashes... but this is not a low temp fuel that same fuel load launched a pop over 150 feet... can if you put paper infront of it would burn it up fast... and paper burns 451 F. so really i should have been badly burned... few months later where where playing with F grade cannon black powder... we had around 2lb of it sitting on the ground and we had riged up a fuse... and set some old tiles on top of it hoping to pop them up in the air... well the fuse went a little fast at around 1 second it took to burn to the charge... all we had time to do was turn around... and agine everthing slowed down I could feel the the heat from the burning powder hit me in the back I could see the fire pass me it was really crazy... after it was over we checked our selfs out.... I was unharmed not even a burnt hair... but my friend was now hairless on his arms and legs we also had to trim all the singed hair off of his head ended up buzzing it.... well thats for starters I know they all can be explained away but still stuff i will never forget works over iam heading home...
qi is simply the interrelationship between two things, like universal gravitation Fg; I also think of it as a "quantitative resultant manifestation from a conditional qualitative medium between two generators of negentropic fields."

As long as this requirement is met, Qi can exist within that context, as almost anything.

In terms of Telekinesis, I sometimes have trouble, wondering, if I do end up seeing a definite manifestation that may be TK, is it me, or a spirit doing it instead of me? How do I know I am really doing it?

Obviously Ive never been able to actually move anything like that by myself. But I have seen objects move, like a ghost moving something physical, as in nobody in the room w/me exerted this intention. Which actually points to another possible reality; can others within their physical bodies also have the capability to do TK from long distances away? Or what If Ive done it before but didn't know I did? And so on ...

But seriously, in the end when it comes down to consciously generating a telekinetic experience, I have heard that there are people, and Qigong masters who can do this really well. For example, see these: [use babelfish to translate].

I have the book on levitation. Haven't practiced in a while. Lazy. Its hard work, sitting there knowing you are trying to accomplish something but also knowing it will be very hard to make it happen because an understanding of whats going on for me is still lacking. Maybe one day I will.