
Yes and no. Like antibiotics before that were thought to end all bacterial infections this drug will have limitations over time. The flu virus has not needed to evolve those proteins the drug targets because as of so far they are vital to the flu virus and nothing has targeted them before. Only the flu virus outer shell and protein markers have needed to change to out wit any organism's immune system. Once there is a need to change these protiens (the ones the drug targets) the virus will evolve towards that and the drug will (eventually) become useless. Its happened before with antibotics and its happend to other antiviral drugs (such as ones that are used against HIV)
Virii tend to evolve easier then our immune systems, think about it, the organism is less then a billionth our complexity, our immune systems alone are orders of complexity above virii, but they still evolve to battle it, and make it need back up. To self-evolve the immune system would take more chance and diesoffs then it would for the virii to randomly mutate, and gain resistance, to when it just bypasses the organisms defenses at will, see how easy it has been for the flu to come back every year? it has millions of generations in people worldwide, it never stays the same, the small organism is constantly improving, who knows, maybe in 3 billion years, the flu virus will ahve evolved into a highly intelligent being, like ourselves, and have computers, maybe we can trace ourselves back to a similar begining, where we gave squids in the first seas a cold, and they were having the same discussion on thier nuearal networks "ha ha" maybe my cold will evolve intoa higly intelligent being, and here we are, the cold, having taken over the planet, (i prefer to talk in quid, cold sounds like 'snerglebin'), and the flu gets it next....
Viri mutate fast because of a lack of any genetic repair mech. as well as the instability of ssRNA and ssDNA. Actually many viri evolve to become one with their host and become part of the host genome in the end. Believe it or not but a good percentage of our genome is virus based :eek:
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Believe it or not but a good percentage of our genome is virus based :eek:

And we will infect the universe :) , our viral ancestors/parasites demand it of us.
Selfish Genetics ROCKS
i dont think we're the last intelligent life form to evolve on earth, there will be more. humans themselves are a virus, not a mammal. think about it, a mammal moves into an ecosystem, uses it, then moves on so the it doesnt become exhausted if it cant handle it. Humans move into an ecosystem and destroy it, and spread their own creation over the original one. We dont move to adapt ourselves to the enviroment, we just do what we want. I bet we wipe ourselves out before all the current memebers of sciforums are dead. Then maybe our current flu virus will mutate into another intelligent race, like the psyclos from battlefield earth, their whole bodies were said to be made of different types of viral type systems all combining to form an intelligent being. It may be superior. A universal cure would be a human viral system that recognizes the human as the host, but doesnt harm it, it only harms anything threatening it. i know thats what our current system does, but its not adequate by far, there are still greploads of diseases going around that a nano or human bread viral agent could have killed if done right, but then that may be the next step, but oh well.