Cure for most warts


Valued Senior Member
Cure for warts :>

I know this is going to sound insane, but yeah, it actually works.

For many years I had a terrible looking wart on my knee. I was thinking of getting it removed clinically but the operation looked rather painful, so I started researching it, and came across an article that suggested using Apple cider vinegar to remove it.

I was like... yeah right... old wives tale.. until I tried it.

After two weeks of constant application... it was completely gone. I have done more research and as yet to find an example whereby this remedy did not work. I have also seen it work on friends with some hectic warts that they've tried to remove clinically but keep coming back. He applied the vinegar to his foot, and true as bob, it was gone in two weeks.

I know this is a daft topic, but hey, this worked for me, and I think other people would find this information useful. Use it, don't use it... thought I would just share.
I had this area on my hip with these really small warts called ____ (fuck can't remember)

Anyway I found out what they were by looking online.

So I took duct tape and applied and ripped, applied and ripped. The process pulled out the central portion
(the brain of these warts) and then I applied some acidic stuff I found in the pharmacy and... cured.
Alright, listen very closely people. I use to have a wart that would not go away, I tried the duck tape method but it failed miserably. I also tried the apple cider vinegar method (more on this later) but it failed as well. I have however found a cure, or method of treatment, that does work.

Initially I began researching methods of ridding myself of these troublesome warts, many seemed at first promising. Here are the experiences I've had with each:

1. Duck tape
- Supposedly cutting air off to the wart tissue will kill the virus causing it, unfortunately this failed.
- Duck tape does not stay on ones foot easily, normally your feet sweat and the tape falls off.

2. Apple cider vinegar
- At first the idea seemed reasonable, anything acidic should in theory dissolve the wart tissue, thereby freeing the surrounding healthy cells to replace it. Unfortunately like all methods this failed.
- The worst part about this method is that instead of treating the warts it actually helped to spread the virus. Why you may ask? Because viruses thrive on acidic mediums to spread, so if you apply something mild instead of purely acid it will only help the virus to move into surrounding tissues. The treatments you buy over-the-counter are designed not only to kill the cells infected with the HPV virus but also the healthy ones, thereby giving the body a chance to replace all tissue.

So what did work? Not those freeze methods you buy that's for sure, those things are so ineffective as to be laughable, I used one to help me cool down in summer, lmao.

I warn you about Apple cider vinegar friends, this will spread the virus not destory it. Be very cautious. It caused mine to spread from 1 foot to the other (because I'd soaked them in it) and seemed to give the virus ultimate rain over my feet!

Let me explain what will work...

Echinacea & Goldenseal Supplements!

Why you might ask does this work but not anything else? Because the warts are not bacterial, they are infact a disease of the blood. The HPV virus infects your system, and your autoimmune response doesn't recognize it as a threat, therefore you develop warts. As long as your immune system doesn't recognize the virus you'll be suseptible to it. This is what helped me find a treatment that actually works....

So why does it work? For generations Echinacea & Goldenseal have been used as blood purifiers, to help the immune system become more active. Mostly they just cause a temporary increase in white blood cell count and autoimmune response, thus the wart virus that had gone unnoticed before suddenly becomes a target. Not only did this method kill 1 wart, it kills all my warts in a matter of days, and I'd had them for years!!! I had my warts frozen with liquid nitrogen but that still did not work! The only thing that does is treating them for what they are, viruses. That means anything that helps increase the immune response or is known for aiding it will give you a possible way of killing the warts.

Keep in mind the virus is never actually gone, but it's always held in check with the right immune system.

Also don't use the Echinacea & Goldenseal Supplements for more than 30 days, they're only meant to help for a short time, but their effects will become limited if you use them constantly.

So yes, that's what worked for me. Also you should know I also tried alcohol on cotton balls (keeping it on the wart for hours), this didn't work either! LMAO
Not better than Echinacea & Goldenseal Supplements! but certainly better than apple cider vinegar or duck tape.
I had one on my thumb when I was younger, and my knee I think.

I got them nitrogened at the hospital, but they didn't go. The doctor gave me some cream type stuff that softened them and a scalpel to rub away the soft skin. Tried that as instructed for a while and it worked a little bit, but not that effectively. In the end I just hacked it off my thumb with the scalpel then applied the cream whilst it was bleeding. I have a little scar there now, but it went away as it healed.

What causes warts anyway?
I thought it was mainly a thing kids got.
My entire story above illustrates what causes warts :p What are you talking about !!!

Warts = Caused by a virus known as HPV

HPV = Virus, warts manifest because your immune system does not attack the virus.

Therefore anything to increase immune response helps aid in the removal of warts!
I had a wart on my thumb, but I accidently cut it off while I was making a fire. Left a scar and never came back.