"Culture is creating monsters." - Incumbent Pope Francis; Ethics, Morality & Justice

What is that link?

Never mind.. I want the 3 minutes of my life back after reading that. It just looks like this bizarre rantings that 1) Make no sense and 2) Have no purpose or meaning.

What exactly is the point of this thread?

And can you please not advertise your.. ermm.. forum on this site? If you continue to do so, you will be moderated.
What is that link?

Never mind.. I want the 3 minutes of my life back after reading that. It just looks like this bizarre rantings that 1) Make no sense and 2) Have no purpose or meaning.

What exactly is the point of this thread?

And can you please not advertise your.. ermm.. forum on this site? If you continue to do so, you will be moderated.

Dear Bells:

I now understand that placement of a link at the beginning of a Post is not generally well received, including by staffers such as yourself. I won't be placing urls at beginning Posts in future. Hoping this OP is ok this time. You have asked what this link is for. Well, I sincerely consider that it's a good if abbreviated critique of recent national history including that of American culture, certainly including the influence of good, bad and ugly facets of mainstream media and how it is compromised with the ongoing 'expeditions' and 'police actions' in the Middle East (ongoing, since the Persian Gulf 'war'). With the much needed exception of this entire Forum, and a few others like it, there isn't much worthy free press 1st Amendment stuff happening. You are quite right to point out that the link here connects to an earlier forum at another place; while there is an email link (kraziequus@yahoo.com) offered at the beginning of that thread, it is obsolete, along with the inactivation of the standing thread itself. Hope to learn from more detailed responses here, from whomever may choose to read and respond to it in this thread.
What the flock are we doing in Iraq?
Apparently, Backward Baby Bush already knew that the U.N. inspectors had found no WMDs under Saddam's control. But he had to do something quickly to deflect American attention from the true perpetrators of 9/11: his family's buddies in the energy business, Saudi Arabia. The planning, financing and execution were performed primarily by Saudis, with a member-by-marriage of the royal family at the top of the management pyramid.

So he chose Iraq as his scapegoat, since his family had always had a hard-on for Saddam after he failed to roll over for his almost-equally incompetent daddy.

That's how we got there, and that's why we're still there. Because a President with pre-senile dementia couldn't figure out a better way to protect his family and he didn't care what his decision might do to this country. By any rational analysis, he should have been prosecuted for treason.

Imagine if he had threatened to bomb Riyadh and Mecca instead of Baghdad and Kabul. Who doesn't believe that King Abdullah knew exactly where bin Laden was at every moment? He would have had Osama's head delivered to the White House service entrance in a FedEx truck within 36 hours. And we would have saved three trillion dollars (to date), salvaged what little stability the Middle East had, left thousands of good people alive, and not made ourselves the laughingstock of the world.