CT-theory - Part 5


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Under the CTC-thinking process a person takes place in the following processes of the EE-effect :

The CT-theory about Information Places

1. Definition of Purpose - purposeful question . For this we create periodical ROC-1 ("magic tram") with purposeful question . The periodicity can be 1 day/night , then 1 hour , 1 min , seconds in depend on quantity of CTC-symmetry condition .
2. Immersion in the CTC-condition with attaching of the purposeful question . The WTS~1.
3. The CTC-search . The regime of expectation of the purposeful answer .
4. In depends on quantity ("depth") of the CTC-symmetry condition a person expects one or a few ROC-2 .
It's the main principle (scheme) of the CTC-thinking process . As a whole the CTC-thinking process has its variations .
Methods can be : psychological training ; by means of electronic method .
And according to the CT-theory (as stated above about the CT-Mankind ) it's possible method of electronic communication with establishment of Whole CTC-thinking communication field (WTCF) within of Earth-system . It will be the whole common knowledge and we can be ready to this process .
On the another hand we can imagine , that the conception of the CTCA-thinking (which dominates in the contemporary mankind ) connected with construction of human brain . Our brain during the life obtains its asymmetry in connection with asymmetrical principles it technical mastering . The CTCA , as stated above , is based on the logical principles of it mastering . This principle is very difficult and long . We can imagine that this way is long transitions between one information-time pocket (ITP) to another one and ect. . In the thinking-process takes place many ITP-s . Every ITP has it information density . In particular , therefore , the forming of purposeful answer is very difficult .
Under the CTCS-thinking a person goes out on level of its own Mega-pocket and Mega-pocket of the Earth-system too . The conception of "expanded consciousness" of yogi's and another religious schools is not a myth or mystic things , but ancient process of mastering of the CTCS-thinking . That is have a matter with especial biological quantum-processes a power and means of which we don't know still completely .
According to the CT-theory under CTCS-thinking we'll face with conception of the Information Places - IP (localities) . It's especial quantum localities (spaces) in the Earth-system . The CT-theory counts the three types of IP-s : CTCS-IP-s ; CTCA-IP-s and UnGr-IP-s . The CTCA-IP-s has NMF-quantum-parallaxes (Gr) , The UnGr-IP-s - PMF-quantum-parallaxes and CTCS-IP-s is the balance of NMF and PMF in the one space (locality) . The biological quantum processes form these IP-s in the definite spaces . Every space has its correlation of the NMF/PMF . In the CTCA-IP-s and UnGr-IP-s cases , we have domination of NMF-quantum-parallax and PMF-quantum-parallax . That is every IP has information-time memory (ITM) . In particular , the CTCS-IP is the full ITM . The conception of ITM connected with ITP . That is an ITM is a kind of ITP .
As a whole every thing (as the space) has the ITM . The phenomenon of ITM takes place because of braking (GUB-phenomenon) of any object . That is information as if adsorbs in the objects . In the CTCA-IP-s biological quantum processes the ITM is more then UnGr-IP-s because of it has Event(-s) . In the CTCS-IP-s biological quantum processes the spaces is clear from events . The objects are any objects (stone , grass , earth , water , artificial objects ect.) .
Under the CT-version a person after the death has CTCS-IP as the object and can brings almost any information within Earth-system (depends on quantity of CTC-quantum process). We have the facts of clinical death , when persons told about phenomenon of vision of all its life in the moment of death . According to the CT-version , it's ITM cleans in the person's ITP-s and transition in the Earth's Mega-pocket , because of person transition in the CTCS-quantity .
As stated above , initial process of human ITM (for the contemporary peoples) connected with asymmetry of (logical principles) thinking . And human ITP-s is formed , as the CTCA and are basis on this asymmetrical principles of the thinking process .

About Integral quantum process (IQP)
in information-time system

That is we have a situation of symmetry of fixing information : Any information quantum-process is the result of Fixing and Unfixing . The IP-s are objects with properties of information keeping (as ITM) . In CTCS-condition a person don't notice an information . That is a person perceives a world as one whole Object (Integral Quantum-process). This "Object" hasn't another quantum-processes . But in the CTCA-condition a person (as all common peoples) perceives a world as great number of various quantum processes ("broken mirror") . That is the process of logic thinking is a natural process for persons (our Mankind) with CTCA-conditions .Therefore phenomenon of Sleep ("Sleep phenomenon") is the process , when a person approaches to the CTCS-condition and he very often , looking on unknown person or object (or sometimes - situation) , this person knows about these peoples , objects , situation in advance .
The CT-theory affirms , that the people exchange of information during its sleep . The information exchange carries out due to the information-quantum process (IQP) . And what is more : people can definite the behavior of (another) people situating in the IQP of CTCS .
Now we can definite the "Sleep-phenomenon" as the information-quantum process of the symmetrical complimentary temporal compensation . A person can see that in the sleep-process in its dream takes place continual condition of some processes . This continuity caused by IQP . In this connection the IQP(CTCS) of the sleep-process as information-quantum process has its criteria :

n transfer of information
n information-time continuity
n time (temporal) compensation
n EE-effect
n information-time elasticity

That is these criteria are the criteria of Integral (information-time) quantum process (IQP) in information-time system .
Above the last criteria . Temporal compensation , as stated above , connected with symmetry (CTCS) ; a person can be in one place but in another period (moment) in another place (IP) . As notice above the sleep-process is the Zone of integral (information-time) quantum (ZIQ) with its laws . A person can exactly to transfer from one point ( place) to another one in the space of ZIQ . In another cases a person guesses (plans) will transfer to some point , but gets in quite another place (point) . Here , we face with Elasticity of ZIQ - as information-time elasticity(ITE) of CTCS-processes . As since integral quantum-process is more higher for CTCS-processes then for CTCA-processes , so ITE(CTCS) more higher then ITE of CTCA .
Due to ITE a person gets in quite another place because of conception of Information place (as stated above- IP) . Every person's ZIQ has some strong IP . It may be cities of childhood , studies , war , loves - strong emotions (with high Degree of Fixing - DOF or Unfixing -DUF) . Therefore during the sleep (dream) a person finds himself in several places simultaneously (for example within one city a person is situated in several cities of childhood , studies ,ect.) .
In that way under Integral quantum process/mechanism (IQP) in information-time system we have a Zone of integral quantum (ZIQ) with its Information places (IP) and information-time memory (ITM) .
Very often a person faces in its dream or awaking period with ITE of the Zone of integral quantum in faces of its enemies(DUF) . A person want to run away , but he with horror feels as his motions become slower and slower , because of (as stated above) under increase of Fixing (DOF) we get (appears) an Additional braking .
In this aspect in some cases we have examples , when a person notices that simultaneously with deceleration of his motions the motions of his enemy decelerates too (as under effect of slowing down of film stills - high-frequency shooting of a film ) . In these phenomenal cases we have
"We can not imagine the great role and power
of the information-time quantum effects
in the World" .
an action of the WTS (Whole temporal synchronizer) . Therefore a person can distinctly to see motions of enemy , which have slowing down due to the WTS , but under that a person's motions have the similar slowing down (deceleration) and a person can not escape enemy's blow (for example) in time. As a rule the such phenomenal situation takes place , when a person is situated in the super-high fixing-condition (chock condition) . And synchronization of WTS in such situation connected with CTCA , that is a person is situated in the CTCA-condition (regime) as a whole . That is as in this example a person and his enemy have the similar decelerations .
It means , that on the CTCA level (in such information-time quantum regime) the WTS does similar deceleration with similar information-time elasticity (ITE) . That is due to WTS takes place integral quantum-process for CTCA-information-time quantum regime . Such local regimes of persons/animals have every day on the visual/optic , verbal , tactile , especially sexual and emotional levels. That is , according to the CT-theory , the CTCA - information-time quantum regime has only Local integral information-time quantum-processes (LIQ-processes) . On definite level the LIQ-condition have the plants . Especially on micro-level (as stated above) , in case of the "Hiezenberg effect" - in links of "researcher - micro-particles" .
In the CTCS-regime (as stated above) a person/animal/plants have the LIQ-condition as the Integral (information-time) quantum process (IQP) . In particular , in some ancient Asian schools of close fight (khoong-fu , u-shoo ect.) a person learns to cut off its WTS(synchronizer) and turn on WTS(synchronizer) of IQP-level . As a result a person increases DOF (degree of fixing ) of an enemy without increase of its DOF . That is a person tears LIQ condition and goes out on the asynchronization of information-time quantum process (AIT-quantum level/process) .
According to the CT-theory a common person is constantly situated in the LIQ and IQP conditions simultaneously with domination of LIQ-conditions , because of CTCA (asymmetry) as a whole
We can not imagine the great role and power of the information-time quantum effects and processes in the World .
In this case the CT-theory notices a great significance the AIT-processes . The AIT category in the CTCS - CTCA correlation of the information-time quantum processes in the Earth-system and Universe as a whole . The AIT is a predicate of the CTCS in it correlation with CTCA . Every person has AIT-conditions . This mechanism of exit of a person from CTCA-condition takes a great part for thinking-process . Because of a person approaching to the CTCS-condition has a possibility to overcome information-time quantum density (ITQD) of information-time pockets (ITP-s) . Becoming disconnected from CTCA connections a person can get information from another ITP-s and Mega-pockets as a whole .
The CT-theory notices , that AIT-condition/element takes place when a person has prayer , in meditations , and in another religious and psychological conditions . That is , due to that , a person can escape some cause-effect connections . A person enters in asynchronous regime with its enemies, events ( ITP-s) , that is , according to the CT-theory conceptions , increases the information-time elasticity (ITE) of its enemies .
In this connection God is a person which has absolute information-time synchronization (WST) with every information-time processes (LIQ) in the World system .

Information-time quantum-blow (ITQ-blow. Along side with that fact , God has absolute AIT-mechanism . That is a person's AIT , as an information-time quantum potential (ITQP) , too much weaker in order to escape a God's punishment . And in this aspect a person with more stronger ITQP and more stronger WST-potential from ancient times called as magus , wizard ect. . In this connection the CT-theory notices , that a person can strike an information-time quantum blow (ITQ-blow) to another person after some period and on the distance . This person (wizard) enters in synchronous regime with sacrifice and simultaneously strikes ITQ-blow . In a
"Contemporary physics needs in conception
of information-time processes"

whole a sin (against someone) is a bringing in additional information asymmetry in another's Mega-pocket .
In some cases in connection with good WTS-process of Mega-pocket of offender and Mega-pocket of sacrifice the offender feels himself bad (as his sacrifice ) . It's possible on the level of relatives , friends , lovers - between close people . And very often (some people don't suspect) an ITQ-blow quickly returns to the offender's side (ITP-s - Mega-pocket) , but from quite another side (another's Mega-pockets) without interference of God .
As a whole , the transfer of information as telepathy is possible . In particular , communicational "phenomenon of twin" takes place on the LIQ and IQP levels . Due to the LIQ-effect , one person can lift or go bad the mood of another person(-s) .

A person in hypnotic condition cut off from IQP (integral inform-time quantum process) and (as a zomby) is situated in the LIQ-connection with hypnotist. That is we can imagine , that every person can be cut off from IQP very easily . Then in the hypnotic condition a person cut off from its ITP-s and Mega-pocket as a whole and situated in the stranger's artificial ITP on the local integral inform-time quantum level of a hypnotist . As a whole mental illness can be communicated from one person to another one (society) .
After that , we can imagine , that a person (Human being society) balances between madness and reality , if it were not mechanism of the CTC (Complimentary temporal compensation) , which distributes and compensates ITQ-blows and keeps this world from madness .
More then convincing example - Gr/UnGr phenomenon of the Sleep . Under experimental results , a person can goes to mad after 3-4 day without sleep . The increase of Gr-potential compensates critical increase of fixing of information-time quantum of a person . That is as in the example with satellites a person's cycle awaking-sleep it's the mechanism of "entrance-exit" and a sleep is a period of additional braking . We can find many examples of compensation as for example : after Threshold of fixing a person cries or laughs . In pathological cases is created additional artificial ITP "in which" a person cries or laughs constantly . As a whole , according to the CT-theory , a process of add. braking (AdBr) in information-time quantum processes is such :

The information-time principle of LIQ/IQP quantum-processes

exit/entrance ... A Person (IST-Megapocket) <à[ LIQ-level ] <à (Information-time situation as an Object) <à[ AdBr of the IQP-level ] <à a Person ... exite/entrance

That is under this mechanism a Person entering in any inform-time system (as an Object) after this "entrance-exit" has its AdBr in which a Person is linked to the IQP-level . The connections of a Person with IQP-level gives him possibility to link with another Megapockets .
Contemporary mankind in its common opinion thinks , that a thought are burn in one head . But the CT-theory thinks , that every thought is property of everyone at once . In order to see the conception of , in which contemporary mankind it's obligatory will comes , we've to know many another things , but above all to bring this idea of United information-time field . As since , in order to hear another worlds , we should acknowledge our Information-time Unity as methodological basis .
In the practical sphere (as stated above) it's enough to say , that this fact will brings to the contemporary mankind a possibility to connect and interchange of information in its dreams(sleeps).

Contemporary physics needs in conception of information-time quantum processes on the macro and micro-levels for Integral description of information processes flowing in the all spheres of the World and Human being .

In this stage the CT-theory enters the conception of LIQ-phase and IQP-phase of Sleep . That is Sleep-process (as Awaking-process) has two main information-time phases . In LIQ-phase a person connected with the LIQ-persons/objects (relatives , friends , home , own city ect.) - objects of its Megapocket ; In IQP-phase a person connected with unknown Megapockets . In both phases a person connected with Megapocket of the Earth-system . But here we have some differences . In the Awaking-period a person has its quantum-process as LIQ-quantum-process and IQP-quantum-process more separately then in Sleep-period .
The architecture of the LIQ-IQP-processes is such :
-IQP-processes - upstairs ;
-LIQ-processes - downstairs ;
- between these floors we have so-called Mixed information-time quantum-processes (MIT-processes) , consisting of information-time quantum-processes of the LIQ-IQP correlation . According to the CT-theory , the MIT-floor very often impedes to logical thinking-process of persons and animals especially , because of in the persons/animals Megapockets on this level ITP-s have different quantum parameters . As stated above , ITP-s of the LIQ-level have another parameters , then ITP-s of the IQP-level (elasticity , density of ITP-s) .
In the Sleep-period we have almost continuous MIT-process . In reality we have very unstable conditions of inform-time quantum-processes of LIQ and IQP . The Sleep-process is stage of human existence , where we have rapprochement and mixture of the difference inform-time quantum-conditions . Therefore the main task of the CT-theory in this stage is the task of separation and optimal combinations of the LIQ/IQP floors for the achievement of LIQ-IQP-communicative conductivity between these inform-time quantum-conditions .
According to the CT-theory's point of view the Sleep-process as quantum-condition which and approaches and move away us from quantum-levels of the dead . It's not untruth , that a Sleep is a little death . As a whole , a Sleep-process is great generator of different information . As stated above a Sleep is great Zone of integral information-time quantum-processes (ZIQ) . And ZIQ of everyone can be ZIQ of the Earth-system : A Person à Earth's Megapocket à Earth's ZIQ .
"Phenomenon of twins" . In order to see the action of LIQ-IQP mechanism , we should analyse the "phenomenon of twin" more detailed . In particular we know , it's not only similarity of twines on the cell's level (gene's level) , we find the similarity in style of them life . The twins can have illnesses in one time , are situating in the different places . We know cases , when , living in different countries without contact during decades , twins have similar children , marriages , accident rates in one time , similar names of wives and many others phenomenal coincidences . According to the CT-theory it's not fortuity . The "phenomenon of twins" is a phenomenal example of manifestation of the LIQ-IQP mechanism of the information-time quantum-processes in the Earth-system . On the LIQ-level twins , feel similar aches in organisms and so on , on the IQP-level twins have similar deeds . Because of , as stated above , twins have one united Megapocket (IST) (two persons with one Individual Space-Time) . That is twins have united cause-effect inform-time quantum-process (pocket) .
In social aspects LIQ-process takes place and dominates in the family/generic connections. The IQP-process is , as if generic vertical , and takes place as power inform-time generic/nation/race quantum process , which is the social basic of any society . The AIT-mechanism is the protective mechanism transforming LIQ-processes in IQP-processes (to God or to the dead) .

Animal's MIT-process . As stated above , the MIT-processes take a great part in the inform-time processes of any system . In particular , the animals are generally situated in the MIT-information-time quantum-phase :
{IQP} of threat of earthquake {IQP} of threat of master
... MIT(AIT) ----------------------------------------à MIT(AIT) -------------------------------------à MIT ... ect.
{LIQ} of threat of earthquake {LIQ} of threat of master

"The MIT is the dwelling of prophets and crazies"

That is the animals , have strong LIQ-connections . The animals have high AIT-possibility of exit from its MIT-processes to IQP-processes .
On the MIT-level we have the violation of EE-effect . Therefore , in particular , the animals can't find often correct exit and entrance in new situation at once (like a person) . A person can more higher degree of quantum-processes in such situation . The animals have the quantum-
condition in parts . In particular , an ant finds the back way in small parts that is by means of small inform-time quantum parts .
The MIT-condition takes place in the prophet's schools . Very often a prophet special sinks in the animal's condition (MIT-condition) with following exit on the IQP-level . The "foolish in Christ" is constantly situated in MIT-condition , under that very quickly (naturally) transfer in the LIQ or (it's main) on the IQP-level . The MIT(as stated above ) as the violation of EE-effect takes place under mental illness . Sometimes a person with mental illness has one closed EE-effect of one information-time quantum-situation , which connected with repetition of one phrase , motion , emotion or with paranoia complex . Inclination to the closed EE-effect with common MIT-condition connected with drugs , music , dance , some religious conditions ect. .

"Phenomenon of Pharaohs" . On the social level we can notice (so-called here) "phenomenon of Pharaohs" . Ancient Egyptian civilization (as too Chinese...) is the example of social whole inform-time quantum homogeneity on the mental level . It was nation/society - crystal and had very totalitarian condition . Social quantum-processes took place as in the LIQ-direction as too in the IQP-direction . In particular , the children are situated in the "phenomenon of Pharaohs" : LIQ under maximum of IQP . A great religious sense has geometry and religion . According to the CT-theory phenomenon of "art golden section" connected with LIQ-IQP-condition (mechanism) . It's especial correlation between LIQ and IQP different classes of information-time quantum-processes reflected as 1,618... . Proportions of plants , correlation between parts of animal's body are phenomenon of optimal LIQ-IQP correlation in the Earth-system. When , figuratively , correlation IQP : LIQ = 1,618 , we have optimal communicative conductivity (CC) , optimal growth of organisms , information-time keeping . In this sense the correlation of volumes of inform-time quantum-processes should be such . This optimal correlation of the communicative conductivity (CC) we see in the "series of Fibonacci" , as in the principle , which carries out quantum-process under increase of infromational-time volumes . This series is a series of complimentary temporal compensation .

The parameters of LIQ-IQP conditions .The MIT (figuratively) is surface of water between sky and ocean . The parameters of LIQ-IQP conditions are individual for every person (object) : fixing , unfixing , vacuum , devacuum , periodicity , unperiodicity , Gr , UnGr , IST , EE-effect , inform-time elasticity, density, and so on ) . We have three main direction of information-time quantum-processes : LIQ , MIT , IQP and a person is situated and takes part in these processes. And a person is trans-communicator (like the radio) with different frequencies and diapasons .
The Time as a conception is quantum-conditions of information-time pockets (as stated above - ITP) . It's like crystals or honeycombs . Every honeycombs is ITP with its quantum-level . That is the Time as inform-time pocket is conserved . That is , figuratively we can take such crystal and reconstruct either a flow of events . It means , as a whole , that the Time has quantum-process(condition) in the name of production of alternatives of one event .
The simple example of natural quantum-processes is awaking period / sleep period ; strike of heart , breathing .

Relaxation of a brain . The tiredness of a brain in the example of tiredness before sleep .
The clear LIQ and IQP have its synchronic decrease , but MIT increases . At the moment of entrance in sleep the IQP very increase and a person can see different unknown parts of some unknown situation or all situation as a whole as prophets . In the sleep-period IQP and LIQ increase , but as a rule for common person , as constituent parts of the stable MIT-process . The phenomenon of quantum synchronization of LIQ and IQP says us about individual quantum-process of LIQ-IQP interrelation . The abrupt increase of IQP- inform-time quantum (ITQ) - process is "relic" ITQ-process from CTCS-world . As a whole under relaxation of a brain MIT-process decreases at the end and LIQ and IQP-processes increase .

As a whole :

n As a whole , CTCA-process based on the comparative quantum-processes of inform-time pockets (ITP-s). In the CTCS-process we haven't the comparative situation , because we have not individual ITP-s , but have integral inform-time zone (ZIQ of Mega-pocket) of all Earth-system . As stated above we have not EE-effect in the CTCS-condition too . The braking (IB) in the CTCS-condition is much less, then in the CTCA-condition .
n As a whole the mental illnesses are the result of CTCS-world , where a person had not the comparative (CTCA) thinking . Criminals (persons - thieves) are mental illnesses too , because of absence of comparative modus (balance) . In the Earth-system such persons have pathologic combination of LIQ and IQP levels with domination of absence of comparative limits . A "power" of imagination , fancy it's the entrance of painter , thinker (and so on) on the CTCS-level of the information-time quantum-processes . It's the talent/possibility to be turned to the CTCS-quantum-process .
n The CTCS-quantum information-level has the increase of UnGr-potential and very small Gr-potential ; the CTCA-level - on the contrary ... .
n As a matter of fact (as stated above) the Gr is dark side of the UnGr . If in contemporary physics we have the Gravitation as a field of weakness interaction between objects , so according to the CT-theory the Gr is a way of inform-time quantum-opening of Space (matter) in Time . In a depth the conception of Gravitation it's the braking-process of braking Vacuum . It's symmetrical part, which balances of Ungravitation , which is an inertia of the braking process (GUB) . Therefore the Dynamic(virtual) Vacuum , as a conception is constantly situated in the condition of keeping of this balance .
n And namely the process of Sleep as a process of braking (mini-GUB) is a such phenomenal process , when we have the distinct appearance of the different information-time quantum-conditions - LIQ and IQP . That is the appearances of the fundamentally different information conditions with its inform-time quantum(ITQ)-processes of a person as a whole .
n Verbal , tactile , visual , sense of smell is a ways of forming of thoughts , manners in ITQ-processes on the LIQ , IQP , MIT levels .
n As a whole the Gravitation as a conception is a predicate of the Great Universe Braking (GUB).

As a whole the CT-theory , as the theory about Complimentary Temporality , is a theory about coincidence (complimentary) of times (individual space-times) of some system of objects and about such system conditions . That is in every system of objects is a System Key (SK) of Complimentary Temporality . The SK can be natural (some definite system conditions as the Sleep, for example) or artificial . In this aspect , according to the CT-theory a Person/Animal is the Whole system of Complimentary Temporality (WCT) which has its secondary complimentary temporality systems : Sleep , Sex , systems of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes , neural systems . World as a system of objects consists of different information-time quantum-processes .
And every of us , as an object , lives in the complimentary temporality field (CTF) consists of Individual Space-Time (IST) of Earth , IST of the Sun , Universal objects , IST of Information Place (IP) , ITS of our organism, where the sum of ITS of all organs constitutes the phenomenon of Complimentary Temporal Compensation , as the compensation of IST of each organs with result - Time (IST) of a person = 0 (in ideal condition). That is we haven't the conception of a Time at all . The Time appears , when some IST(critic IST) is more then another IST . It means , that the braking or acceleration of some object is more ... . And every sickness as sickness of organ is
About "phenomenon of great cities"

influence of critic IST on the another organs with violation of a human organism CTC as a whole . Such conditions are so-called Uncomplimentary Temporality (UT) conditions which every person tests not only under symptoms of disease .