CT-theory - part 4


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"If we have a God (Gr) , then we have an UnGr (God)"
The CT-theory about Ungravitation

interprets and conceives surroundings and objects in it through the MF-Code . The big and mass objects is frightened him . Combination of mass and form give them an information about name of object . The lack of coincidence between form and mass brought him to horror or laugh .
As a whole here lays the foundation of mechanism of Fixing and Unfixing .
One way or another , the MF-Code works on the subconscious level in the present time .
On another level takes place a Braking-Acceleration Code (BAC-Code) or Temporal (Time) Code . The tasks of the Time-code to notice the motion of the processes/objects (of surroundings) and internal processes (it's more for humane nature). As a whole this is the influence of surroundings-processes on the braking or acceleration sympathetic and parasympathetic neural system of the organism and brain of course . As a whole the Time-Code takes a great part in temporal and energetic processes in the Individual Space-Time (IST) and connects the temporal and energetic processes in organism . The T-Code is regulator of processes of the Sleep-Awaking and UnGr - Gr-processes as a whole .
Here it's necessary to notice that we have the energy which a person gets from food - so-called - biological energy (for construction of organism) . The Energy of process (EP) - as the correlation between Ungravitational-potential and Gr-potential is the EP , which forms by processes of Braking and Acceleration , Fixing -Unfixing , Vacuum-Devacuum . The biological energy is the effect of the EP , for example : the necessity a humane organism in food is consequence of the increase of Potential of the Fixing (in stomachà acid , bile) ; additionally - on the neural level: under the stress the PF of the person/animal increases and takes place a pathological increase of consumption of food . That is we have the NMF-parallax (in Mass) and the PMF-parallax (in Form).
In connection with : a high fixing claims a additional Braking à high food consumption . After NMF-parallax follows PMF-parallax .
The increase of Potential of the Unfixing (Gr -inncrease) à the Sleep . The increase of the Braking (Acceleration) à the increase of UnGr-potential . As a whole , the increase of Gr-potential needs for getting of UnGr-energy in further (for example : Awaking - the Gr-increase for Sleep-period - UnGr-increase) .
The mechanisms of Fixing-Unfixing is a process of acid and alkaline processes in organisms; Vacuum-Devacuum - high and low pressure and vacuum , devacuum processes as a whole .
The following level of a brain connected with complimentary temporal compensation processes , EE-effects . That is with creation of the Information-time pockets (ITP) . It's ITP-level. The more the possibility of a brain to create the ITP-s , the more the development of a brain . That is in this aspect the humane brain is able to create more ITP-s then the brain of animal.
It means that EE-effect of the Human being allows to create the Additional Times (AdT) . Due to EE-mechanism the Humane brain has possibility to place information (ROC-1) and get it (ROC-2) from different information-time pockets .
As stated above the Brain has NMF-PMF-processes in it hemispheres . The EE-mechanism of the Brain connected with PMF-fixing and NMF-unfixing collision under information adaptation . Figuratively , we have a collision of processes of perception and non-perception of some information (CUP) . The parallaxes in Mass and Form is the phenomenon as on the Universe as on nuclear levels . The correlation of Mass and Form we can notice is the correlation between proton/neutron mechanism of the Universe . A parallaxes (displacement) between proton/neutron correlation in neutron direction (neutron star-NMF-parallax in Mass)) is the evidence that the Universe develops in UnGr conception . Most of all , that the proton's parallaxes , which has the (+) charge says us about Universe correlation between neutron parallax (without charge) and proton parallax (PP) . That is the NP as the parallax in Mass says us about phenomenon on the nuclear level . That is the Mass (NP) is negative charge as a whole on the nuclear level . In fact on the nuclear level we have the Braking , which constitutes internal nuclear force . By analogy with this example , as a whole we have as a (-) - Gr and as a (+) - UnGr . That is the Universe-process is the UnGr/Gr correlation without (+) and (-) . And in the Universe the proton parallax is more then NP.
The more the Counter Unfixings process (CUP) , the more a size of the ITP . A strong CUP-process can brings to the choke and loss of consciousness . In more hard cases (under diseases or traumas) a person can loose the memory , and him information-time pockets can be blockaded or destroyed .
As a whole ITP-s constitute information-time Super-pockets (SP) :
[ancient "Mass/Form"-SP ] à [ "Sex"-SP ] à [ "Ego"-SP ] à [ "Nation/race/species"-SP ] à
[ "Operator"-SP/Time-Code] à Death as the Closing of ASO (Angle of Space Opening=0) as a Mega-pocket (Mega-information time-pocket) . A person as a whole is Mega-pocket of the Mankind/species . Therefore , in particular , in the "Sex"-SP one man in middle has nearly 150 millions spermatozoa .
As a whole , as stated above , the Gravitation is the effect of Ungravitation (it predicate) . Here the CT-theory postulates : " If we have a Gr , then we have an UnGr " . The Gr allows to get the UnGr-energy - energy of virtual (dynamic) vacuum . As stated above the Gr as a conception is the Braking . The increase of Braking brings to the increase of UnGr of a system . Here we can notice about "Uncertainty of Heizenberg" (sorry , for my poor English and German once more) , that is about additional energy from virtual vacuum for the keeping of energy balance in system under weak interactions on the micro-physical level .
Ïðîäîëæèòü : ííôîðì-âðåìåííûå êàðìàíû ïîçâîëÿþò ðàñïðåäåëÿòü èíôîðìàöèþ ýòàæàìè , ñîðòèðîâàòü , à ãëàâíîå âûñâîáîæäàòü ïîòåíöèàë ìîçãà (ìîçãîâóþ ïëîùàäêó ïîä íîâîå ñèþìèíóòíîå ìûøëåíèå , àíàëèç , âîñïðèÿòèå íîâîé èíôîðìàöèè â öåëîì . Îáîãàòèòü-ñâÿçàòü èíôîðìàöèîííîé èíòåíñèâíîñòüþ (WI) .

Ýìîö. Óðîâåíü. ---------

Ïîñëå - äàòü àíàëèç ïî óðîâíÿì ìîçãà è ïîêàçàòü â ñðàâíåíèè ìîçã ÷åëîâåêà è æèâîòíîãî , ïðîäóìàòü ñ íèçøèìè æèâîòíûìè âïëîòü äî âèðóñîâ è áàêòåðèé .

In general we can imagine the continuation of genus as the EE-effect . Every cell has its continuation in the future in its potential . Figuratively we come from the Future . That is have its temporal compensation in the future . In reality , according to the CT-theory , every object has a full information , which realizes to day or tomorrow . In the psychological sphere we know about inferiority complexes , which have put in the childhood (mainly) and a person faces with its complexes during the life . By analogy a person's life is the (quantum) jumps from ROC-1 to ROC-2. As a gramophone's needle jumping on the knobs of old plate . As a whole according to the CT-theory a humane life recorded as a information time Mega-pocket . But every person has many variants of adoption its information in the different situations . If to take a detached view our life is a fluent continuous process . And notice it jumps from one occurrence to another occurrence .
We have a law of keeping of energy . According to the CT-theory the EE-effect is effect of rule of the Temporal keeping in the Universe . As stated above , we have the conception of Angle of Space-Opening (ASO) , which appeared as NMF/PMF correlation (parallaxes in Mass and Form) . Under EE-effect the parallaxes are absent and the ASO=0 . It means , that an Object (with ASO=0) is the single quantum whole (with a high quantum homogeneity). A Sufficient quantum Homogeneity (SQH) is the main condition of the EE-effect . If an ASO=0 so a SQH=1 . That is the CT-theory says about possibility of teleportation (transfer) of Object in this scheme .
The phenomenon of Sleep is the "Sleep-SQH" when takes place the NMF-parallax (as Gr-parallax) and in this aspect the quantum homogeneity increases (but not equaled to zero) . It brings to the appearance of a person in dreams in the different information-time pockets (ITP) as in its ITP as in ITP different objects . We can see that the Whole temporal Synchronizer (WTS) don't work in the phenomenon of sleep . And we see the Information(-time) Whole (IW) of the Earth-system. In a dream a person can notice that the increase of fixing of dream-information (for example: the person escapes from enemy , killer ect. or tries to catch up something ect.) brings to deceleration of its action . That is the increase of fixing brings to the increase of braking .
According to the CT-theory the persons can to contact in dream under complimentary ITP-s and SQH-s. As a whole in dreams a person sees relatives or friends because of in result of more frequent contact these persons has the complimentary ITP-s and SQH . On the other hand a person can see an objects (persons) , which he sow one time , but which he very unfixing in result of fear . Äàëåå ðàñøèòü î ðîëè Àôèêñàöèè (â ÅÅ-ýôôåêòå) â ôîðìèðîâàíèè è ìíîãîîáðàçèè èíôîðìàöèîííîãî Ìèðà . Òî åñòü áåç ýòîãî íåâîçìîæíà ýâîëþöèÿ êàê ïðîöåññ . Åñëè áû âñå èìåëè îäèíàêîâûé óðîâåíü ôèêñàöèè , òî ... ïàãóáíàÿ îäíîðîäíîñòü è ñòóïîð. Òî åñòü âñå ýòî - îãðîìíûé ïëàñò .
Now in the CT-theory we face with system of conception as quantum-process , possibility of transfer of objects in the EE-effect , temporal compensation as a whole in the aspects of Gr, UnGr predicates (Braking , Fixing , Unfixing with its thresholds , SSW, WTS, ASO , Individual Space-Time , system of Information-time Pockets , NMF-PMF-mechanism ) .
It was a task to coincide a quantum-process , forming-process , and transfer of information .
It's necessary for application of the EE-effect for information transfer . In particular , we should understand about some principle of such transfer , which we have in the Earth-system nature . We can imagine , that person's (animal's) memory (having its ITP-s) in the Earth-system is surrounded by tram lines . Under transfer or receiving of information by means of word , gesture , thinking a brain (person's body as a whole as an Individual Space-Time) has its definite sufficient(level) quantum homogeneity (SQH). That is imagine this as the ROC-1 . The ROC-2 here is the receiving information .

EE-effect of the "Magic trams"

ROC-2 (receiving inf.) ßà ROC-1(person's brain-IST) ßà ITP-s (person)

As in case of the "Magic tram" a person (ROC-1 under SQH) get into tram and get out - ROC-2 in the New IST ( NIST) . That is a person enters in new quantum condition . According to the CT-theory a person under receiving of information enters in NIST . We can imagine , that an IST, as the individual space-time of person /animal/plant , is the Mega-pocket (MP) - the sum of information-time pockets (ITP-s) , super-pockets (SP-s) . The process of memory is, figuratively,
the occurrence of the "Magic tram" (ROC-2) . A person already saw the tram ¹ROC-1 and it second occurrence as the tram ¹ROC-2 .
As a whole EE-effect in the process of memory is the process of information interchange between objects as between information-time Mega-pockets : {IF-1/IF-2} à {IB-1/IB-2} à NMF/PMF-parallaxes à SQH-1/SQH-2 à ROC1/ROC-2 correlation (contact-mechanism -CM).
That is under the CT-theory every information interchange (as information contact) begins with Individual braking(IB) of every object ; the IB has the result as forming of new NMF/PMF correlation in the every object ; it means the forming SQH-s of every contact object . Every object as information-time Mega-pocket has its super-pockets (and pockets) .
According to the CT-theory the process of memory based :
n without contact - a person uses only its information-time Mega-pocket (ITMP)
n under contact - a person uses EE-mechanism
In first case a person uses EE-mechanism too , that is the ROC-1 contains in the ITMP and under appearance in second time as the ROC-2 . It's very important (as stated above) that between occurrence ROC-1 and ROC-2 the ASO=0 . If : 1>ASO = 1 , it means , that a person has IST . Therefore the process of memory is opening of ASO from occurrence to occurrence . And a person brain (and body as a whole) carries out the function of the opening of ASO uses of occurrence . That is the information-time pockets (ITP-s) are not opening constantly . It very important , otherwise , any person can "read" any information of another persons . On the other hand , if all ITP-s are opening any simple person goes to mad . According to the CT-theory some mentally diseased sees in one person the different persons . It means that the tram ¹ ROC-2 contains besides of ROC-1 many another persons . At that in the tram entered one passenger (occurrence of the ROC-1) . And what is more the mentally diseased often sees a person for the first time . A quantity of another person in the tram is explained by occurrence this person as a whole as a Form . That is due to the Mass-Form Code (as stated above) a mentally diseased identifies a person's form with different persons (friends , relatives , historical persons ect.) as a whole .
That is in the "magic tram" takes place the penetrations of another persons (carriers of information) from another (unauthorized) ITP-s . Very often (in case of schizophrenia) as we know a person auto-identifies with another persons .
Under the contact any object is carrier of information of another object . We already know , that the water has the structural memory (SM) . According to the CT-theory , as stated above , by means of the CM (Contact-mechanism) we have the exchange between ITP-s of the contact objects .
Here we can understand the main principle : the Memory has not the constant opened information-time pockets . Depending on situation (occurrences) in the Individual Space-Time (IST) takes place the opening of ASO from any ITP .
Under the CT-theory the IST should be minimum . The process of minimum IST (MIST) is very important for memory-process . The MIST-conception is the base conception in the communication-processes (as in processes of information interchanges) . Figuratively , before remembering-process the tram is in depot . Very important that under remembering-process a person has identification-function and comparative-function in parallel , otherwise a person goes to mad .
As a whole , under information interchange takes place "semaphore-principle" ITP-s open and close and the "magic trams" don't face .
About the Time , which is not everywhere . As stated above according to the CT-theory the Time is the energy of process for any object , which is takes place under the braking . That the Time is inertia-process . The periodicity : division of cell , the Earth's (planet) revolution ect. are not the Time . An object is the Time as individual space-time . And inside of object the braking or acceleration of object's process is the effect of the Time . And the Time (as stated above) is not the linear process from the past to the future . The Time is predicate of Ungravitation - the energy of virtual vacuum under the braking-process . And this energy is the energy of object's process . And as stated above the UnGr is "the way" not-collision of objects . The UnGr as the Time don't allows to clash and according to the EE-effect is regulator for "magic trams" (information carriers) in the World in principle as an Idea . The Gravitation is the Periodical in its nature . And in its nature is collision-process . The Sun's system is Gr/UnGr correlation - the periodicity of planet's revolution and it not-collision . As a whole the UnGr in its conception is non-realization process , the Gr - the field of realization-process . Under CT-theory in the systems with more high gravitation a possibilities of realization of any process (under definite planning) is more .
As a whole periodical processes in the humane organism have Gr-nature .
As stated above , the Time as a conception and fact takes place (as process) inside of Object .
And the Time has elasticity and density .
[Person's birth (ASO à IST) ] à [ ITP-s à (Super and Mega-pockets)] . We can imagine a person's birth as an opening of ASO (as Form and process inside - individual space-time) . During its life a person IST forms ITP-s , which form in super - and - mega-pockets . A person has its IST , our Earth-system has its IST , Solar-system has its IST ect. The more Braking (GUB) the more the IST- density (energy) . Figuratively we have a few elastic systems , which have information interchange. Every system tries do not open its ITP-s without necessity . Under the CT-theory Periodicity and Unperiodicity take a great part in the information interchanges in the World and transfer of energy.
As stated above the Sufficient quantum homogeneity under (SQH) this correlation is very important condition too . The SQH is the condition of definite electroconductivity of leather , pressure , vacuum/devacuum, fixing/unfixing , braking/acceleration processes and it correlation in the organism . It's necessary for realization of EE-effect and Full EE-effect (FEE-effect) . Under the CT-theory the Periodicity in the EE-effect , which consist of Periodicity/Unperiodicity correlation and SQH increases the probability of information-energy transfer in the planned point . That is the sending information (it carrier) can be unperiodical , but the point of delivery should be in periodical process . A periodical principle of meditations , prayers in various religious doctrines and rituals are mechanism of realization of resolved occurrence in the aspects of the EE-effect . That is by means of EE-effect takes place the increase of gravitational component in the Gr/UnGr correlation as a whole . Due to the EE-effect takes place the transfer from non-probabilistic field to the probabilistic field .
The Fixing and Unfixing in the EE-mechanism definite the vacuum and de-vacuum processes. [ Fixing - de-vacuum processes] ; [ Unfixing - vacuum processes] . According to the CT-theory the EE-effect as the information interchange is not possible without vacuum / de-vacuum processes . In particular , we have a simple example . as stated above : [ increase of Gravitational potential ] à [ Unfixing (flabbiness , tiredness) ] à [ Sleep] . The yawning under this process is the occurrence of common vacuum process taking place in organism . As a whole the Unfixing take a great part in the remembering (fixing) of information . The nature of information Fixing consists of Unfixing . The full identification (as variant of fixing) of information (objects) is impossible . That is in this case a person "don't sees" an object , that is don't marks it . It means that an information is fixing when this information (object) don't coincides with imagination (knowledge) about this object . Every of us had many cases , when couldn't find some necessary thing under the stress condition in a hurry , when this thing was before nose . The stress (as a whole) is especial condition bringing to definite SQH-condition of person . In generally as stated above mechanism of fixing in the EE-effect takes a great part on the micro-level .
About Heizenberg's uncertainty and EE-effect . Under the process of definition of direction (spin) of electron this mechanism acts directly . That is on the micro-level the occurrence of EE-effect very strong expressed and EE-effect is carried out more manifestly . That is the spin will always be such as observer (researcher) chooses .
In this aspect and as stated above the nuclear space is the space of the Spherical standing wave (SSW) , which appears under braking (GUB) in the nuclear (on the level of nuclear) . The SSW (as stated bellow) has not the Direction in a sense . Figuratively it has the sum of all possible directions in this space (nuclear-electron , Earth spaces) . Therefore when we try to definite the location of electron and it impulse simultaneously , we can't do it , because of on this level we can find only ROC-2 as the occurrence of electron due to SSW (which has not direction , but has all possible directions) . The information about mass and velocity as (mv) - impulse takes place between ROC-1 and ROC-2 and here ASO (of electron) =0 . That is information about (mv) should be in the point of braking (in the nuclear) . Figuratively , on the part of nuclear we can definite both characteristics .
* * *
Then in order that to imagine Complimentary temporal compensation - CTC-mechanism with it very important category as the EE-effect we can imagine the process of IST-realization as the reel of film . If the steels to unfold gradual and with step forward , we , figuratively , close to habitual conception about life . A person has the its birth , childhood ,.. middle age and old age , at last , its death . However in realty it's not this process . Under the CT-theory a person do not fixes the its life's time (individual time) as the steels , which unfold gradual and with step forward as in film . Apparently that a person (and every of us) lives its life in this (every) moment , and is situated
as if in definite , certain room (space) . That is in the definite quantum space with individual time process every moment , hour , day , year , life as a sum ; that in the Individual Space-Time (IST) as stated above . That is we have information-time process as Information-time pocket (as stated
above (IT-Mega-pocket-ITMP) . And the process of life consist of small , not a big and big super-pockets - quantum rooms as information-time pockets :

"A Life-process as an ITMP and "quantum rooms" . About structure of ITP-s and Mega-pocket .

"... it's not connected with Time"

[__QP(i)_][__QP(m)_[]_QP(k)___][____QP(g)_____][QP(n)__][_QP(n+1)_][_ ...____][_][_____]
QP( ) - quantum processes ("rooms")
The main task of this scheme to show the life-process as the quantum-processes . That is a person in every moment is the IST which gives rise to QP-s . That is the time "goes form inside of person" in every point of this line . And every QP( ) has its definite braking and acceleration processes , fixing , unfixing and all , as stated above , categories of CTC-mechanism .
Naturally , the person's life is not a line . In realty we have the life-process as a whole as the big information-time pocket - Mega-pocket (as a life of person) , which consists of mini-ITP-s :

(The phenomenon of "BAC-exit" in time aspect of Mega-pocket)

entr/exit...à[__QP(i)_][__QP(m)_[]_QP(k)][____QP(g)_____][QP(n)__][_QP(n+1)_][__________][_][_____][_______][_______________][__][_______________][_____][_________][_____________][ ________]______][______________________][__][_____________][__________________][_____][_____________________][____________________][__________][__________________][_______][______] [___________________][__________________________][__][______________][_Q(x) ][________________][_________________________][__________][______
_____________________][_______________][__________à... exit/entrance

The information-time quantum-processes (ITQP) consists of the ITP-s-processes of different shapes in the one (whole) Mega-pocket (IST=life) . We have not the problem of transfer in time inside of mini-pockets and inside of the Mega-pocket (between mini-pockets-ITP-s) as a whole , because the Mega-pocket is the IST . But we have definite "density" between ITP-s , because of the different parameters of quantum processes of these ITP-s . And just this "quantum density" - information-time quantum density (ITQD) of ITP-s is the main cause of difficulty of remembering-process .
As stated above , we have not the problem of transfer in time , and what is more in time aspect ITP's times annihilate (compensate) each other . By analogy with "NASA's satellites" every person's life (as Mega-pocket) is , figuratively, crossing of solar system . According to the example of the BAC-exit (in case of NASA's satellites ) during of life-process takes place the complimentary temporal compensation between mini-ITP-s . That is according to the CT-theory we have not the "time density" , but have ITQD - the density of ITP-s . That is the phenomenon of person's IST is the whole homogeneous time . And when someone says : "It was a long time ago and I can not recall", - it's not connected with Time . And as stated above (and once more) the Time is not a process from the Past to the Future , but it's the process consists of local information-time quantum-processes (ITQP) . Figuratively , a person's life-process is vials - concentric spheres .
In this connection one of the most task of CT-theory is the task of over coming of the density as the ITQD .
In the pathology of mental disorder we face with phenomenon of paranoia . Under the CT- theory is the result of non-sufficient complimentary temporal compensation (NS-CTC) between ITP-s in the Mega-pocket (read as the information-time Mega-pocket) . That is any event(-s) , occurrence(-s) of any ITP doesn't find its compensation in the IST of person as a whole .
As a rule for such position took place a strong Unfixing of either event(-s) - as the event which lay down in the base of paranoia syndrome . As a whole , according to the CT-theory, we(a person) remember about some event (occurrence) , because of NS-CTC-effect . The asymmetry of the brain thinking-process as NS-CTC is CTC-asymmetry as a whole . In this connection the CT-theory postulates one of the main principle of the Complimentary temporal compensation (CTC):
The CT-theory about CTC-thinking

The CTC-condition (CTC-symmetry) is the natural-system-condition . And contemporary mankind goes (achieves) using logic thinking (deduction/induction methods , comparative analysis ect. ) . Then the CT-theory affirms and postulates that is possibility of another method of perception of truth as the way of information exposure in the Earth-system (at the beginning) . This method called here as the CTC-method of thinking . It means that using CTC-symmetry/asymmetry laws a person (some animals are able) can bring (find out) an information from ITP-s (Mega-pocket as a whole) of the Earth-system .
For justice and it must be admitted , that the CTC-method was intuitive well-known formerly in ancient time . The prophets , wizards , yogis ect. have had and have by some ways of CTC-thinking . If You know about ancient Hindu yogi' method - "Fly of arrow"("Shooting by means of bow") , that You can understand very deep sense and meaning of this conception , which is founded on the work of hypothalamus and thalamus of brain . Under the CT-theory these organs carry out the main functions of humane and animal's WTS (Whole temporal synchronizer) . Simultaneously the neural center (in center of chest, here and bellow - CTC-center) takes a great part in this process too .
That is this organs take part in the processes of CTC-symmetry/asymmetry and help for person/animal to get the necessary information from Information-time pockets (ITP-s) and Mega-pocket as a whole . According to the CT-theory the dispatch of purposeful question carries out on the brain level , the receiving of purposeful information carries out on the CTC-center . The sleep-process is phenomenon of CTC-symmetry of the Mega-pocket . According to the CT-theory before and after life in the Earth-system a persons get across in super-quantum condition . This is nearly full CTC-symmetry . To reach the full CTC-symmetry (CTCS) is not possible . Because of CTCS is the back side (inverse) of the CTC-asymmetry (CTCA) . That is all systems are constantly situated in oscillation process between CTCS and CTCA . And , figuratively as a whole , the process of thinking is search of answer between life and death . In the CTCS-condition a person can have big possibilities to the quantum-transformation that promotes to the receiving of purposeful information . As stated above the phenomenon of Sleep , meditation , some chemical preparation , drugs brings to CTCS-condition .

* * *

About CTC-thinking .

A person during his life is the process of constant transition between information-time pockets (ITP-s) . By analogy with the satellites , a person is constantly situated in the BAC-exit situations of additional braking and CTCA (under transition between ITP-s) . Therefore a humane thinking-process and process of remembrance is difficult . And when someone says : "It was a long time ago and I can not recall", - it's not connected with Time . In the CTC-symmetry (coming near) as in situation of CTC-thinking , a person can recall all information about himself and to know about any process (information) in the Earth-system (within the limits of Earth-system Mega-pocket) at once .
Under the CTC-thinking process a person takes place in the following processes of the EE-effect :

The CT-theory about Information Places

1. Definition of Purpose - purposeful question . For this we create periodical ROC-1 ("magic tram") with purposeful question . The periodicity can be 1 day/night , then 1 hour , 1 min , seconds in depend on quantity of CTC-symmetry condition .
2. Immersion in the CTC-condition with attaching of the purposeful question . The WTS~1.
3. The CTC-search . The regime of expectation of the purposeful answer .
4. In depends on quantity ("depth") .