CT-theory -part 3


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Under the CT-theory the Earth Form is a Form of a parity between PMF as a Gr-Form of the Earth system and NMF - as an UnGr-Form of the solar system (Universe as a whole) . That is under the CT-theory any Form in the Universe is dual and reflects parity correlation between Gr and UnGr in any point .
A collision of two Dynamic flows (DF) constitutes a braking and a form of an Object . We should imagine that every object (stone , rock , person) has its own CTC-process and it matrix as the CTC-program . Every object has its own correlation between NMF and PMF (Gr/UnGr) . These DF stay after its collisions in every objects . In the Human being we can see DF-s in the form of aura and the density of aura depend on density of DF-s . The Cyrillian's effect (aura) which we can see after amputation of sick organ (foot , or finger ect.) is a result of CTC-process . That is a further collision of the DF-s as a constant process .

The CTC-mechanism in the correlation of Human being - bacteria viruses .
Under CT-theory every object has its CTC-program . The CTC- programs which inherit its genotypes of Human being , animals and plants - are a Dynamic CTC (DCTC) . Lifeless nature has mainly a Static CTC (SCTC) ; DCTC in the lifeless nature - processes of chemical reaction ect. The DCTC and CTC of the viruses and bacteria as a dynamic complimentary temporal compensation is one of the great example of the DCTC as a whole and in particular . The activity of bacteria and it correlation with a Human being or animals is clear type (example) of CTC and the activity of virus is the type of DCTC . Of course in the World we haven't more clear CTC , DCTC (and may be SCTC) mechanisms .
So the activity of bacteria is CTC which takes place under realization of vital function (and bacteria division accordingly) . A temporal compensation of bacteria connected with compensation of the person temporal deviations and Gr/UnGr correlation as a whole . Bacteria has its dynamic CTC (DCTC) on the level genetic copies . The viruses in contrast to bacteria have an additional dynamic CTC-program on the level of a person cell . Here a dynamic CTC connected with intervention in the humane cell mechanism .
It's very importance that in the first stage of a sickness the activity of bacteria and viruses connected with removal of person's temporal deviation and constitution of Individual Dynamic temporal symbiosis (DTS). According to CT-theory the DCTC of bacteria is DTS of the 1-st Order ; DCTC of viruses - 2-d Order . For the difference temporal deviations (TD) of a person correspond its CTC-program of viruses and bacteria . That is literally species of viruses or bacteria can define a type of the TD . Correspondingly with DTS of the 1-st , 2-d Orders in the complimentary temporal correlation between objects takes place the Temporal Deviations (TD) of the 1-st and 2-d Order .
In the first and second stage (of a sickness) the Individual Braking (IB) and Individual Fixing (IF) of ill person or animal increase . In accordance with increase of the IF increase the IB . The Individual (Space) Time increases . The DTS of the 1-st and 2-d Orders violates and becomes disbalance. And the viruses and bacteria figuratively eat up the Individual Space Time (IST) of the ill person . In this phase the DCTC violates and destroys . The bacteria and viruses begin "to eat up" the additional Time of the person and it Space : the bacteria on the 1-st Order of DST , viruses on the 1-st and 2-d Orders simultaneously . The heightened IF take places as the increase of temperature , pulse , high blood pressure , a heightened sensibility of neural system . As a whole: IF increases - > add IB - > Individual Inertia increases - > add IST - > UnGr-potential increases - > Gr-potenial decreases .
In the 3-d stage of a sickness the Potential of Individual Fixing exhausts that is takes place the Threshold of Individual Fixing , the IB decreases and the UnGr-potential of a person decreases too , accordingly Gr potential increases . But increases UnGr-potential of the viruses and bacteria(!) The disbalance of DTS increases . The Potential of Individual Unfixing increases . An ill person looses of individual sensibility . The Potential of Fixing of the viruses and bacteria increases . The IB and accordingly UnGr-potential of the viruses and bacteria increases . As a whole it brings to appears the additional Individual Space-Time of the viruses and bacteria ("Strangers") in the dynamic temporal symbiosis of a person and "Strangers". At the end of the 3-d stage the person's IST is over , a person dies .
Of course it's main stages of CTC as complimentary temporal compensation described in the dramatic situation . But this schema was necessary for description of the CTC-mechanism (as a CTC-process ) by means of extreme correlation of the objects in the CTC-process .

Notice : it doesn't means that the More advanced civilization uses a such principle of (D)CTC-correlation . On the contrary , MAC is MAC when it not uses a such principles of the (D)CTC- correlation . However we can imagine that "strangers" - the extraterrestrial civilizations use such principles which accordingly CT-theory named as CTC-attack . It's well-known cases when persons had contacts with CTC-attacks and have problems after that . They have the TD of the 1-st and 2-d Orders , which don't appear as bacteria and virus infections . It appear as psychic sicknesses (DT-1-Order) and sicknesses on the cell-structural level (DT-2-Order) .

"If God chooses a musical instrument to play -
God chooses the drums"

The CT- theory about the Time

The MAC uses complimentary temporality of the Earth-system , it relief , figuratively , it temporal field . Specifically the MAC uses the NMF and PMF of the Earth system , it Gr and UnGr potentials . A difference of the NMF - PMF potentials consists in every point of the Earth . In a
whole a NMF vacuum-processes (Gr-potential) and PFM vacuum processes (UnGr-potential) of the Earth allows MAC selects temporal field in the space of the Earth with purpose of :
1) Temporal compensation of the MAC's temporal losses (TL)
2) Transference in the space of the Earth system
For this purpose the Mac's spaceships often assume forms of the Earth objects , and form of the ball (Earth) as a whole . We can notice that even in alive nature we have the appearances of mimicry and mimeses . That is animals and plants without CT-theory use the CTC-principle, literally, reserve its individual time by means of compensation of a difference with another natural objects . That is took place complimentary temporal compensation by means of protection from CTC-attack from more strong bioobjects . In harmony the CT-theory this simple example shows that animals (person) , plants use this way for preservation of stranger's and its own time .
And as stated above , in order to keep the GUB-impulse - the GUB impulse of the Solar system and its UnGr-potential the NASA's satellites brake (it motions slow down) out of solar system . According to the CT-theory , it means that this appearance is a fact of the complimentary temporal Compensation .

· SGUB(mv1) -----------à EGUB (mv2)
· Solar system

à - transit object (TO)
SGUB - GUB of the solar system .
EGUB - GUB of "empty" - that is a space outside the solar system and not belonging to another star systems .

Gr 1/UnUr 1=SGUB > EGUB (= Gr 2/UnGr 2) - this inequality for not transit objects
SGUB = EGUB = mv1 = mv2 (add. Br) - this equality for transit objects

The inequality between SGUB and EGUB established on the inequality of the SGUB , which is more then EGUB , because of the GUB of the solar system allows to form a hard matter in the solar system (Sun , planets ect.) .
But for the Transit Objects (TO) which come in , come out or cross stars systems GUB-s will be equal . Preservation of the TO impulse takes place because of additional braking (AB) and decrease of TO velocity under leaving of a TO from a star system . Thus , according to the Complimentary temporal compensation law , we have a preservation (compensation) of the Time for TO . Because of under the CT-theory the Time is Inertia under the braking (and acceleration).
The Earth (NASA's) satellites crossed the solar system limits without of artificial braking or acceleration (without of additional turning on of engines) , but under velocity , which was assigned under living of the Earth orbit and in further with constant velocity (engine was cut of) . Therefore it crossed the solar system limits nearly uniformly and rectilinearly (moved as uniform , rectilinear objects) . Due to that we can watch a clear and obvious case of the complimentary temporal compensation .
Due to the CT-theory we can imagine about temporal compensation the times of the objects moving cross different gravitational fields and deep correlation between Time and Gravitation in a
"The World and we consist of spheres"

whole . The CTC law allows to do temporal compensation due to common Universe laws of complimentary of the times in the Universe . As a whole we can imagine that under leaving of the solar (star) system , in order to preserve our individual time , our spaceship should moves uniformly and rectilinearly - UR-exit . If we won't be to use such way , our UnGr-potential will decreases
immediately as soon as we'll cross the limits of a star system . In order to increase our UnGr-potential , we can use artificial braking of our engines or the acceleration (BAC-exit) under leaving of the Earth limits . If to use the UR-exit we'll compensate our UnGr-potential (Time) and if we use BAC-exit we'll compensate and increase our UnGr-potential . If we'll use the UR-exit before leaving of the Earth limits we'll can come into collision with technical problem of additional braking and , accordingly, breach of the technical processes of spaceship under leaving of the solar(star) system limits .
As a whole under UR and BAC exits our mankind collides with technical tasks of the CTC-exit out of limits of a huge (stars) system . Now we can imagine that under the CT-theory the gadget processes of a spaceship can increase or decrease under CTC-exit and a state of the astronaut health as biological process can change depending on programs of the CTC-exit .
Of course in the limits of the Earth-system CTC effect proportionally less and time (temporal) compensation less . Ñâÿçàòü ñ òåì , ÷òî â ìàëûõ ñèñòåìàõ òðåáóåòñÿ , áîëåå ïîâûøåííàÿ ÷åì â ñîëí. Ñèñòåìå ôèêñàöèÿ à UnGr (Acc/Braking) ect.


"Sun and Solar system phenomenon" . On this stage the CT-theory generalize some main stated above conceptions for development of Complimentary temporal compensation positions . For this , we should remind about basic conception - about Collision of the Dynamic Flows (CDF-s) as a base morphological moment of the stars systems creation , and dynamic base of the Universe structure as a whole . A CDF-s principle to lay in the base of the "Tornado model" conception . The CDF-s , as stated above , constitute a Braking of the Universe Objects . The Braking as a conception brings to the forming processes (of a hard matter ). The Braking (the Great Universe Braking) is a reason of allocation of the additional UnGr-potential (energy) from (dynamic) Vacuum of the Universe . The Braking in point of fact is a base of conception about Gravitation . The Negative Mass-Form (Gr) and Positive Mass-Form (UnGr) , as stated above , are the conceptions of forming processes in the Universe . That is the space between Universe objects constituted due to NMF-s . But the UnGr-processes connected with PMF-processes (increasing of a Form).
Now can imagine that the Earth form was created due to the Great Universe Braking (GUB) and CDF processes in particular .
As we can see every system under its forming has own PMF/NMF- net (PN-net) . The PMF-net has its compensation by NMF-net . As stated below as a whole PN-net for most of Universe objects has completed dynamic conditions , which based on the principle of Standing wave (SW) . As a whole star systems (solar system) based on the SW . In particular our Earth system has its SW which constitutes sphere . Figuratively Spherical Standing Wave (SSW) process is dynamic correlation between NMF and PMF and SSW consists of this process . In one phase a SSW is a wave(Process) in the second phase it's a point (Form) .

"We all are the clocks with equal striking ..."
The CT-theory about Complimentary temporal compensation

That is , conditionally , the World (every object) consists of the processes and many many points which constitutes the end of SWW ; another end hard fastened in the point of Braking (GUB). According to the CT-theory our Earth-system (and every atom) has in it center its Individual Point of the Braking (IPB) . And all Earth matter (every atom ) has its own process and
form . That is as a whole the process of the Great Universe Braking (GUB) in the Earth system determines as an allocation SWW under braking of dynamic (virtual) vacuum of the Universe.
As stated above every PMF-net balanced NMF-net . That is the PMF-process , as a Braking process , balanced by NMF-process (process of a Form). On the other hand PMF-process it's a
process of allocation of the Ungravitation (UnGr-potential) from dynamic vacuum in the Earth system ( which has a such degree of the GUB) . The NMF-process in this aspect is Gravitational-process - fixation of Mass from dynamic vacuum in the space of the Earth-system braking (IPB) . That is both processes has balance and natural parallaxes (displacements) on the level of the elementary particles (atom , electrons ect.) and on the macro-levels . One parallax is Form-parallax (FP) , another - Wave-parallax (WP) . The lines on the picture ("Apple"-model) is the lines of these parallaxes . As a whole it's look like an apple .
Figuratively the PMF and NMF processes look like fountain . The UnGr-energy allocates from braked dynamic vacuum (PMF-process) and collects in the pool as a water (NMF-process) . This water is allocated and fixed energy of the dynamic vacuum of the Universe in the Earth-system space .
As stated above , due to these parallaxes (CTC-parallaxes - CTC-P) every PMF-line has its NMF-line . The CTC-parallaxes is a reason of the magnetic and electric processes in the Earth system . In particular , the magnetic field (lines) is the reflection of this process (parallaxes) . The phenomenon of the northern lights is a result of this parallaxes and CTC-P of the Sun . In particular it's the result of the NMF-P .
Under the CT-theory our Earth-system and planets of the Solar system drop its NMF-P to the Sun . And , according to the CT-version , our Sun it's possible the result of summary job of the planets . Figuratively , the planets of the Solar system are the lenses , which inflamed our Sun . One way or another but after collision of the Dynamic Flows (DF-s) and appearances orbits of the planets , then planets , it's possible , our Sun has appeared later . In any events we watch a phenomenon of the double-stars in the Universe as the CTC-parallaxes . That is , figuratively , the "Apple"-model has two leafs of "an apple" remote in space but in one (whole) process of the CTC-parallaxes .
On the other hand we can watch a phenomenon of the "black hole" - stars which explode under CTC-P . According to the CT-theory the phenomenon of the double-stars is a phenomenon of the PMF-parallax and phenomenon of the "black hole" - NMF-parallax . That is a double-star is a process of the CTC-parallax in a Form and a "black hole" - CTC-parallax in Mass (because of a "black hole" as an Universe object has not effective mechanism (possibility) of energy drop in its space (as a result - explosion)) . In this aspect , our Solar system is ideal mechanism of the CTC-P correlation between planets and Sun as the mechanism of keeping CTC-parallaxes of it objects from extreme parallaxes . That is every CTC-parallaxes mechanism has its CTC-balance . And our Earth system has its electroconductivity . A high electroconductivity of some system says about CTC-parallaxes in Mass .
As stated above , as a whole , an electron is a collision of the two micro DF-s (dynamic flows) and it's level of the braked matter when the matter is not fixed completely in the (Earth) system but appears or disappears from Dynamic Vacuum . Figuratively an electron is the end of the SSW , which shows the parallax of a system in Mass . We can imagine that the forms of galaxies - spiral form is a result of collision of the two mighty Dynamic Flows (DF-s) . Gigantic Braking defined allocation of UnGr-energy from dynamic vacuum which began to untwist a spiral back . That is we can notice an elasticity of these processes . By analogy with a Human being (as stated below) the Sleep-process is a braking of a person organism for allocation of UnGr-energy (increase of UnGr-potential ) .
As a whole under the CT-theory our Solar system has its CTC-balance and CTC-interchange and the Sun is NMF-parallax-balance for all planets of the Solar system . This CTC-mechanism can use as a sling (or bow) in order to put out information blocks (packets) or to use for movement of our objects (spaceships) inside or outside of the Solar system . As stated below, we can use a mechanism of CTC-interchange of the Earth-system for these purposes , for creation , for example , of the CT-computer too .
Our Earth has ellipse form due to the CTC-parallaxes and Gr-compensation .
As a whole the Earth-system has a Whole modal complementary temporal synchronizer (WTS) . The WTS-mechanism appears in the phenomenon of equal quantity of the hearts in the animal world . That is the biological objects in the Earth-system live in parallel l times but have the equal individual times . Here , under the CT-theory , the Time (individual time) is a result of Braking - Inertia of the individual braking process (IB) . And IB-process , as stated above and below , is PMF-process (form-building process) as a whole process of an Opening individual Space-Time (IST) . The CT-theory postulates , that so-called below, the Angles of the Space-Time Opening (ASO) in temporal aspect of the Earth-system are equal for biological objects (animals) and different for every object in spatial conception . That the WTS of the Earth system establishes conception different of quantum-process in the Human being and it intensity . That is the conception of individual bases on two main positions :
n The Time is not a flow from the Past to the Future . And a periodicity (for example : the Earth's revolution round the Sun ... in minutes , hours ) is not the conception of the Time but is the Periodicity .
n The Time - condition of the matter (person, animals ect.) which is quantum-process .
n The Time (as Space-Time for every individual ASO) has its Gr-status (condition) and UnGr-status (condition) - different levels (degrees) of the quantum-process . Correspondingly - the NMF-parallax under the Gr-status and the PMF-parallax under UnGr-status .
n The Time is a Packet-information intensity (density) - PII can be regulated by objects. That is the Time (Individual Space-Time-IST) can brake or accelerate and can be reflected as PII .
Conditionally the Time of an Object is series of points , every from which is potential possibility of a new process . The Spherical Standing Wave (SSW) , as stated above , SSW-process constitutes these "points" beginning from the level of elementary particles and ending macro-level (object as a whole ) . Due to the fact , that every biological object is , figuratively, a house (sky-scraper) with much quantity of floors from the micro to the macro-levels with its braking degrees , the SSW - different time-processes (of the Gr-status and UnGr-status) . And we can imagine , that the superposition of these different quantum-processes allow Object to be Whole , as a sum of these processes . That is we can touch and see an Object as physical reality . As a whole the SSW constitutes the Form and organizes the energy of the dynamic vacuum in the limits of a form (as the matter-mass) .
The SSW has internal parallaxes (displacements) between Form and Mass as the NMF - PMF parallaxes .
The different degree of the quantum-processes - distribution of the time in one Object compensates by the WTS of the Earth-system . The Whole modal complimentary temporal Synchronize is in every Object and on the person level . Theoretically , an Object can disappear if process of synchronization for all parts (for one Object) will be equal "1" (WTS=1) . Then we can do an Object invisible and insensible , but to keep as a process with purpose , for example , displacement it to another place .
Under the CT-theory the Awaking period is the process with low WTS and Sleep period is the process with high WTS . It means that in the sleep period the degree of synchronization of

"The CT-theory is already an Object , which has
its own self-dependent category system and Life"

The Author about CT-theory

quantum-process is higher then in the awaking period . As a whole the sleep-period is an CTC of awaking-period . The sleep period is a kind of the PMF-parallax (parallax in Form) , awaking -
NMF-parallax (in Mass) . As stated above and below every individual (person) has its own Limit of Fixation and Threshold of Fixation . Figuratively, by analogy with the NASA satellites the awaking period (Solar system) has its limit ; after - takes place additional (compensatory) Braking . So a person's sleep-period is add. Braking-period in the Person system .
In case of person awaking-sleep mechanism takes place the temporal compensation between different degrees(levels) of quantum-processes as Gr-status and UnGr-status of the Time (Individual Space-Time) . That is in the CT-theory : Mass - Form - Gr -UnGr - conceptions are connected . It's one of the main tasks .
Another words a person falls in the sleep period after limit of Individual Potential of Fixation (Fixing) . The Individual Braking (IB) increases . The information intensity (WI) of the individual space-time (IST) decreases .
As stated above a person can increase or decrease its WI , that is an IST has the elasticity inside itself (one object) as in packet . According to the CT-theory the IST (it WI) can be equaled to "zero" if it'll be preserved the EE-conception ("entrance-exit" ) .
The EE-conception (in the maximum expression) says :
"The IST (as the Time) = 0 under the "condition of preserve of the "inverse action" (in the space)" .
The inverse action (IA) : an Object disappears in one place and appears after some time on this very spot . For this situation - as an indispensable condition the IA needs in one recurrence Occurrence (ROC) . The ROC-1 is a carrier of "entrance" situation and the ROC-2 - "exit" situation .

It means that the WI can be equaled to "zero" in information packet (IP) for an object .
That is the IST of an Object can be temporal autonomously compensated inside of an IP , if an Object did (will do) the inverse action . Literally an Object can disappear inside of one IP in one place and appear after some time on this very spot .
In order to imagine this phenomenon we can understand that this effect appeared in every object in more evident fact . Under the CT-theory the occurrence of any object , for example , the person is the occurrence of physical reality due to the constant process of EE-conception of a high intensity . Figuratively , a person , as if constantly "enters and goes out" from its IP(person body-as information space-packet) with high frequency . That is a person and "is" and "isn't" in one place (it body) and due to that fact the Time (IST) of a person takes place as a whole . But , as a whole , a physical objects (as such) in the Earth-system have not the possibility of full EE-conception but have it in phenomenal cases . The Earth-system object in the Earth conditions have a high NMF-parallaxes (in Mass ) for the full EE . That is has a high degrees of it individual braking . Figuratively the Earth-system objects only lean out a nose abroad and return at once in its information pocket.
According to the CT-theory , we can model the condition of the Full EE-conception (FEE) fir the objects of Earth-system . For this purpose we can notice that Sleep-Awaking mechanism is the natural model of EE-conception (EEC) . In sleep process the Information Packet (IP) looses a fixing packet (FP) . Figuratively , a person , as if , falls out from its IST in the time aspect . At the beginning of sleeping period the Unfixing (NMF-parallax) is very high In the sleep-process we can
notice the leveling between NMF-PMF-parallaxes . Closer to awaking period in the sleep-process
takes place the increase of the PMF-parallaxes and the threshold of individual fixing increases . In the sleep-period at the end we have a maximum angle between PMF-lines . That is under the CT-theory for the FEE - effect we can have a Counter Unfixings process (CUP) .
The CUP is a process of unfixing under NMF-process ("entrance") under parallel process of fixing
"...the World consists of the time - pockets"

(=fixation) - PMF-process ("exit") . That is we have two counter processes : the ROC-1 and the ROC-2 . The reason of this process - an Object has a quantum-process with PMF-parallax , that
is has a quantum-process as a Whole (Form) . By analogy with the Sleep-period , an Object falls out from temporal line of the ROC-1 process and appears in the ROC-2 process as in the inverse action (IA) . That is creation as if an Additional Time for the Object - the Information-time pocket (ITP) , where the Object appears before it appearance in the ROC-2 process .
As a whole this is a very complex , but very interesting conception and process . To order to see it, we should try to be just a little crazy (if You want and can , sorry) . But figuratively , we can imagine EE-effect on the example of so-called in the CT-theory "Magic Tram" :
"Have two trams , which have one route . You get into 1-st tram in stop-X and disappears (in "time-pocket") during period , while the next -2-d tram will be in the stop-X and then You get off in the stop-X" .
The World consists of the information-time pockets (ITP) ... . Every Object has its individual category of the ITP-processes .
If You know about works of Russian Academic Kozyrev , where he finds out the phenomenal effect of appearance of (additional) time under collision of hot and cool flows of water .
According to the CT-theory the Earth-system processes are the processes of creation of Additional Time (AdT) . As stated above the CT-theory accounts for the Time as points , as Information packets (IP) , which have its Information intensity (WI) . That is the Time (in conception) is not a flow (form ... - to...) , but information space Openings (as the SSW-process-spherical wave) of these points . That is spaces are opening , constituting some Whole as a System .
Our World (Universe) as the Earth-system consists of explosion - more exactly - fountains (streams) of the self-dependent time processes . As a whole the common nature of information processes in the systems are reflected in the following scheme :
[ Dynamic Vacuum with DF-s collisions as ] à [ Braking ] à [ a Point of Braking ] à
[UnGr-allocation as] à[ SSW with NMF/PMF-parallaxes as ASO ] à [ Inf. Packet (IP) as an Object ] à [collision of IP-s ] à [ Additional Time (EE-conception) as ITP-process ] à
[ Information-time Pocket (ITP) ] à [ Inverse action ] .

According to the CT-theory , the EE-effect takes place not only in phenomenon of sleep... As a whole , methodologically , we can see , that the EE-conception as the EE-effect is one of category of the more general Complimentary temporal Compensation process (CTC-phenomenon).
Another phenomenal appearance of the EE-effect connected with principle of a Thinking and a Brain activity .
In such a way our (person/animal) brain presents mini Whole temporal Synchronizer (WTS), which has its levels of Fixing and Unfixing , Braking , and Acceleration of the information, which organizes in information-time pockets (ITP) . But in the beginning , according to the CT-theory , the Brain presents an organ which accumulates all signals of the person's body about Ungravitaitonal-Gravitational correlation and it changes . It correlation is very important for reaction of the brain on the different changes . Because of it influences on the further behavior of an individual (Object) . Both cerebral hemispheres are , figuratively , processors for estimation these changes : one hemisphere for Gr-processes , another - UnGr-processes . Accordingly - for the NMF-processes , and another - PMF-processes .
Here it's necessary to notice , that under the CT-theory , the Thinking process of persons , animals in gnoseological aspect was born and based on the information code - so-called here "Mass-Form Code" (MF-Code) . That is , primordial , on the genetic level , a person (as animals)

"If we have a God (Gr) , then we have an UnGr (God)"
The CT-theory about Ungravitation