CT-theory - part 1


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"...the Universe has opened parachutes of the stars , galaxies,.. then in order that not to be crushed about herself ".


( CT-theory )


The necessity of the CT-theory is connected with necessity of a united approach to a problem of the Human being study . There is a great distance between technical and humanitarian sciences on the boundary of centuries and epochs. Today the Space for us is a hostile Essence , the Earth.., Person.., especially the microphysics in a correlation with biology and physiology of a Person are concepts incompatible to absurdity . Today the exact and social sciences about a Human being , Universe and Earth are developing from each other separately .
The CT-theory , which I offer to Your attention is an attempt of association of line physical, biological , anthropological aspects by means of determination of mechanisms of phenomena , with which mankind collides everyday .
Simultaneously it's an attempt of association of macro and microphysics conceptions with a phenomenon of the Human being .
The main morphological problem, which the CT-theory tries to decide it is a problem of establishment of an Individual Space-Time of a Person in the Earth System . For this purpose the CT-Version offers a version about a Complimentary temporality theory (CT-theory), which takes place on the foundation of the CT-Version . The CT-theory determines a mechanism of the mutual relations of the information (Objects - Earth System level) . The CT-Version brings its historical understanding of the mankind development as the societies having several information stages.
As a whole the CT-Version is based on a Version-Ì (Ò), which has a basic morphological character. The CT-Version as a continuation of the Version-M has a main problem - a construction of a practical theory with its experimental directions.
The Version - is not a proof of its rules , but an attempt to go ahead . By work with phenomenon structures and designs it is necessary often to use the extreme meanings and arguments (which , of cause , demand to itself more careful study and estimates ).
Figuratively , I've tried to collect a laboratory model of the ÑÒ-theory, as if a carrier-rocket, to measure parameters of work of it units as a single whole for the future of all us .
One way or another we'll can notice that the CT-Version is very close to some philosophical ideas of Russian academician Vernadsky (the "noosphere") , French philosopher Sharden - a vision of the "Omega"-World as a spiritual and information Whole (Unity) of the Mankind in the future , the efforts of other world-wide philosophers in these directions.
In this connection we've (my colleagues) established the International Public-Scientific Fund of the "COMPLIMENTORY TEMPORALITY" (CT-Fund) , which is called to combine the efforts of the scientists , businessmen for creation of the new technologies of the XXI century and invite of all interested persons to take part in it activity .

The Author is very sorry for his bad English .

"All author's rights on the CT-theory , CT-Fund defended by international laws"


I . The development of main scientific directions of the Complimentary temporality theory .

1.1. The Inertial processes in biological objects and systems.
1.2. Direction of theme: an attempt of gnoseological consideration of systems in link: System - biological objects , as a dependence inertial processes . Inertial processes, as processes of formation of biological objects (biological forms) .
1.3. The Braking. The morphological approach : consideration of biosystems (individual, Earth, as biological system) and biological forms. The Braking in interrelation with temporary processes of biosystems. Morphology of Thresholds of Braking in processes of biosystems and biological forms .
1.4. Gravitational and anti-gravitational processes of biosystems. Morphology of phenomenon processes having in biological systems .
1.5. Phenomenon of Sleep . Morphology of individual space - time. Consideration of aspects of thresholds of fixing and unfixing in biosystems .
1.6. The CT-conferences as a way of information communications
1.7. The CT-theory in development

2.1. Medical sphere :
In the present period we have own developments based on the scientific facts, which confirm our concepts. In particular. An updating of gravitational and anti-gravitational potentials of the person will allow to cure some illnesses, pathalogies, which determine general deviations of physiological and psyhological character. An opportunity of influence on gravitational and anti-gravitational potentials will allow to develop effective techniques of treatment from such diseases as :
n hypertension (hypotonia),
n diabetes,
n some cordiale diseases,
n insomnia,
n violation of erection,
n fatness .
The given morphological approach - attempt of consideration of ways for treatment of Cancer and AIDS, as an illnesses caused by destruction (diviations) of individual space-time of the human being .

2.2. Technical sphere :
-The creation of the anti-gravitational engine . Study of anti-gravitational principles and mechanisms of alive nature (in biological systems) allows to use and to transfer these principles for creation of the anti-gravitational engine. The engine is (conditionally) a contour, which does not consume energy from the outside through the communications, but uses own energy with the purpose of creation of anti-gravitational field (intensification of own anti-gravitational potential) .

2.3. Communication systems
-The creation of the CT-computer .
CT-theory is finding the paths and evidences that all in the Earth System is information temporal Whole .
Under the Version it's a phenomenon of Complimentary temporality (CT) , which is available in every Sys . And we need in a clause investigation in very deep of CT-processes . Knowing it , we can find the clues for many spheres of Systems . The lows of CT allow to understand new mechanisms of transportation of information and comprehension and management of packets ASO-processes (Angle of Space Opening) . Due to CT we can to construct the main principles of apparatus - CT-computer , which can scans the space in every point . CT-theory is a theory about opening of space (-time) in either points of System, has main directions :

n In System every point of System can informs us about ASO (n-1) ; (n) ; (n+1) of System .
n Every point of Sys can be opened for either event .
n All (events) in System are appeared due to complimentary temporality.

-The creation of CT-conference equipment .The mankind gets the way to discuss and decide its problems in the collective dream during a sleep . That is the mankind gets the possibility practically to have period of individual life in 1,5 times more than now . But the main thing that the mankind can take the collective decisions in this period of its life , which is not used at all now. The person can have job in a day , than to analyzes , take decision and manage by processes during a night for next days .

The Leadership of the CT-Fund appeal to another Funds , organizations , business structures, common people with a great request to provide a support to the CT-Fund with purpose of development theoretical and applied direction of the CT-Fund, study and development sciences about Human being and World . It's very importance for XXI century for treatment of people , for development of new technologies , new sources of energy .

In this connection our Fund pays Your attention to the financial structure , conditions of financing and collaboration/participation :

1. Direct fees (without participation/collaboration ) - without limits
2. Direct fees with collaboration - without limits but under coordination with CT-Fund
3. Direct fees with participation - without limits but under coordination with CT-Fund
4. Indirect fees (by means of financing third part) - with definite limits and under coordination with CT-Fund
Our bank account :

"All author's rights on CT-theory , CT-Fund defended by international laws"


Some necessary fundamental aspects of the CT-theory , concerning of a Gravitational and Ungravitational correlation , Form , Vacuum as a Form .

Introduction .
"Hamburger's mankind" . In this aspect we can pay our attention to consideration of the Universe as space of the forms of blanks (emptiness) and forms of the Universe of objects (planets , stars , star systems, gallaxies ect.). As a whole under the ÑÒ, the Universe is mutual relation of the positive and negative forms (as stated bellow - mass-forms) . The form of spaces between objects of the Universe makes space of the negative forms. Objects of the Universe - positive forms. And Universe as a whole - space of correlation between the forms of such resisted(stood) dynamic forms of emptiness and such forms of Universe objects.
According to the CT-theory our mankind develops in logic of nature of feelings and even at the present stage, the mankind has not united of consideration of the World (universe) as a system of correlation of the forms. Our mankind has developed subjective system of mutual relations of Feeling and Quantity (of something) and gedonism : pleasant, more pleasant.., long - longer, it is a lot of much , more ... . That is being in a vector of a combination of pleasant with quantity pleasant, the mankind develops the sciences on this basis of an explanation of the World and finds and constructs scientific logic, which is naturally aplicable up to certain limits. Developping scientific logic inside - in nuclear structure of substance i.e. at a microlevel , our mankind does not finds out that scientific logic, which works on micro-levels.
Thus , developping scientific logic up to planet , Universal scales , we find out, that at this level more work the laws of microlevels . Or else, only the microphysics describes real objectivity of the World-system today and at a level of elementary particles and at a level of understanding of nature of the Universal objects. It is possible to tell , that it is the first science about the description of the World and person was made not by the Person, but from positions of Processes surrounding of a person in the nature. Today the Mankind on a step downwards and on a step upwards is , as if , surrounded by the world , which is alien to human logic, and we stay in space of the artificial world, which built by us. Only on periphery - between Person and these Processes we mark extraodinary appearances and processes , which we name as Phenomena . Figuratively the model of a Person and World is such the macrophysics and microphysics (as objective information about World) on top and from bellow from the contemporary mankind with mankind in the middle (as filling) . The "Hamburger's mankind" (with unknown filling) . That is the Nature (World) and our mankind as if consist of different matter and worlds , elementary particles , elements and processes as a whole .
Nevertheless , according to the ÑÒ-theory , modern sciences have a certain , working model of the Universe design , in which , nevertheless , a person keeps as the gedonistic filling for scientific hamburger .
As a whole the modern science is based on a gravitational principle and considers the universe as some "gravitational machine", which does not allows the Universe to fall to pieces. The scientists undertook attempts of an explanation of the reason of expansion of the Universe in connection with pushing off forces - antigravitation . As attempts of a substantiation of the world were undertaken, but the conception of antigravitation was primitively considered, as pushing off forces between Universe objects. On the other hand under the CT-theory the gravitational principle of the Universe superficial consideration , only photograph of the Universe construction , which does not explain the deep gnoseological system reasons:
-Occurrence of planets and stars
-The reason of condensation of matter ,
-Forming processes ,
- Periodicity,
-Occurrence of life and its systems and subsystems

In this issue we can pay our attention to consideration of the Universe as a space of the forms and empty . Under the CT-Theory the Universe is a space of the positive and negative forms . That is a space between Universe objects (planets , star system, galaxies...) is a space of the negative forms. The Universe objects is a space of the positive forms. And the Universe as a whole is a Space of a correlation between forms of empty and form of the universe objects . According to the Version our mankind is developing from organs of sense and even in contemporary period the mankind have not imagination and consideration (culture) of world as a system of a correlation of the forms . Our mankind have developed from senses to comprehension of a sense as a quantity (a sweet , more sweet .., a durable - more durable ect.) and quality - across . This vector , a tendency has brought us to a matter structure - inside , to a nuclear explosion of a matter ... .
As a whole the contemporary sciences have the model of the Universe construction , but we have not the models more deeper (gnoseological) reasons of the Universe as a space correlation of the forms and empty . ... Under the CT-theory the Universe is considered as a process of a production and processing of the Forms .
The CT-theory gives us the understanding that every Object in the System of Earth has the correlation of its Gravitation(Gr) and Anti-Gravitation (in further in the text - Ungravitation, Ungravitational) . The Gravitational prevails of course (W-inequality) . According to this Version any Form (shape) in Sys is the manifestation of UnGr . And the Version gives us to understand , that in the Earth System the Gr of the Earth , as a Mass , is common imagination about a Gr as a physical reality . Yes , this fact is an influence of the common mass of the Earth on the Objects and Individuals takes place as a whole , but ... . This Version consider the aspects of the Universe as questions about correlation between Form and Mass. In fact we have the space which contains forms (spaces) of Universe objects and forms of empty around these objects . Why ?
Why did the Universe was opened as such spaces ? We see , as a the "black whole" as a appearance of a super-gravitation eventually hasn't the same with stars and planets form . This is a case when the object has as if a "negative" (inverse) form . Most of all , having such a correlation of the spaces (spaces of empty and spaces of the universe objects) we can not explain : what does a way of spreading of the universe objects in the Universe ? Today we more close to the opinion that these objects are spreading after Great Universe explosion by chaotic ways . According to this aspect all objects we'll convert in the black wholes .
That is , due to these tendencies, now we are imaging the Universe as absolutely gravitational machinery and don't admit an opinion about availability of the Ungravitational (as an anti-gravitational) nature in our Universe . Which actively stands against to the tendency of pressure of the universe objects in the black whole . What does a Force ? Which was at the beginning of the Universe and which is not allowing gravitational machinery to press our world in the point today ?
According to the Version an availability of Form of Earth (as its formed Mass) is an availability of Ungravitation (UnGr) . The Forms of Objects , Ind-s are figuratively conquered spaces for UnGr .
Under the Version the Universe has a great Ungravitation potential , which manifests as a Form - in the forms of Universe Objects and space. And according to the Version the manifestation of the Gr in the Universe is inseparably linked with the UnGr . Different gigantic distances between star systems are connected with UnGr as the space forms of star systems , galaxies and megagalaxies. Otherwise the Gravitation of the Universe Objects finally has attracted the Objects each other (one after another) .
The radiuses of orbits between stars and planets (objects) are equilibrium by correlation Gr and UnGr in the Space . Of cause , we can usually think , that this is only a Gr correlation of Masses of the planets and the Star . And it's so . But this is a half of the way. It's one-sided approach , because according to the Version the gnoseological roots of construction of the Universe in this aspect can't be connected and based only on the Gravitational principles . Under the CT-theory it contradicts to the principle of an Opening of a space (see bellow) .
The construction (structure) of the Universe space has took place before contemporary establishment of the planets systems naturally . And the space between planets systems had its structure and configuration at the moment of their appearance . Figuratively like a soup at the moment of appearance its boiling vials . The Form (configuration) of Universe holds the planet (star systems in the galaxies) masses in a vacuum from mutual gravitation .
If it is not so , then , what does the force (structure) has arranged planet systems in such gigantic distances ? And the main aspect : in contemporary science in the theory of the Great explosion we haven't an answer to mechanism of the star systems (galaxies) extension . Under the Version the Universe has the Dynamic Flows (flows of different correlation Gr/UnGr) consist of the Dynamic Forms as an appearance of the Ungravitation in the Universe and the Universe objects extension in the Universe according to the extension of the Dynamic Flows .
Under the Version we have UnGr - forces, which form the distances between Objects . Therefore under the Version we have a symmetry between a Gr of an Object (as a Mass) and , figuratively , the space around of an Object as an UnGr-space(Form) . And UnGr forces in this UnGr-space should increase as we move away from the Object (and therefore the Universe is increasing now) .
Electricity and magnetism as a form of the Gravitation and Ungravitation correlation. In analogous a Gr (electric) field as form has its "anti-form" around as UnGr-field. The Appearance of the electricity is a Gr-UnGr exchange . The appearance of magnetism is a metal phenomenon between Form (UnGr) and Mass(Gr) , when the one pole has its opposite pole in one Object . And this fact brings us to the possibility to feel this phenomenal Form outside of the magnet shapes. As a whole the magnetic , electromagnetic fields is a manifestation of the Form outside of shapes of electric and magnetic bodies . And according to the Version an appearance of electric and magnetic fields is phenomenal manifestation of a Balance between Gr and UnGr , which manifest the objects outside of own geometric forms (shapes) .
That is in this fact we have an Opening of space in a new space Form due to displacement of Gr/UnGr Balance as a correlation Form and Mass (as quantity of a matter). The creation of the alternating potentials in conductor combines electric and magnetic natures and opening a new space of correlation Gr and UnGr in the Form of electromagnetic field .
Evidently all Objects have such phenomenon (not such barefaced as magnet) . Such a mass object as the Earth acts as a magnet ; a big deposit of ferric ore has barefaced magnetic anomaly as an independent Object in the Earth Sys (as a magnet). One way or another every Object as a matter having the Form is a Great Universe Parity between Form and Mass as the correlation of UnGr and Gr . The availability of the North pole is a Ungravitation pole , the South pole is a Gr pole as a Pole of the Mass.
Another words the Universe phenomenon of regulation between Form and Mass (as a phenomenon of the Distances between Mass/Objects in the Universe) is a phenomenon of the Great Universal Parity of the Gr and UnGr . Unfortunately this aspect is still not considered by contemporary applied and theoretical sciences . As a whole the gigantic distances between Universe Objects is a UnGr Form of the Universe and we can watch the places of the Universe Object formings (stars and planets) as the places of Gr and UnGr correlation in the combination of Mass of the matter and it Form .
Figuratively, between these Objects (systems of Objects ) and outside we consider as the Form of UnGr Universe configurations . According to the CT-theory the potential of the UnGr in the Universe is very great (please, see in the text bellow) .
As a whole we should imagine , that the movement of the electrons is a phenomenon of Compensatory Forming of the world (Universe) - overcoming asymmetry between so-called Negative and Positive (mass) Forms (please, see bellow in the text) . Under CT-theory it's a manifestation of Dynamic Forms o phenomenon which is takes a great and fundamental part in the Universe construction . In particular the (electricity) current is a process of transference N-Form

"...the Great Universe Breaking inside and around of us"

The CT- theory about GUB

and P-Form in the opposite directions that is process of establishment of the symmetry between NF and PF. That is an overfall of potentials is a asymmetry of a space . The presence of the Dynamic forms are manifested in the nature of elementary particles . In particular an electron (quantum) has not a constant form but has a dynamic form . The electromagnetic field of electron has a dynamic form too. Literally all objects (matter) consist of the spaces of Dynamic Forms (SDF) .
That is on the micro-level we can see a phenomenon Great Universe Braking of the Universe matter (see bellow) directly as a process of conversation of the GUB as a process of conversation of the Dynamic Forms (CDF-process) from UnGr (dynamic vacuum) to Gr condition of the matter . On this level (in result of Braking) from vacuum appear the dynamic forms . Figuratively , the energy of the dynamic forms as if press out under inertia from UnGr vacuum to our 3-dimensions space . We know about appearances of particles out of nuclear (from the energy of nuclear). In particular - appearance of the electrons , neutrinos, protons ect. Under the CT-theory a nuclear , as a braked matter , under increase of its braking carry out an energy allocation in kind of the particles . The World created from different points of the Braking .
Under CT-theory the World consists of hard and dynamic forms . The Great Universe Braking converts(stabilizes) DF in the HF (hard forms) . However the World filled by DF. In particular , the magnetic (el/mag) field is a semi-stable DF . We can see as a (+) pole push away another (+) pole . And we can watch the phenomenon of the annihilation of a Form between (+) and (-) poles of two magnets under it attraction . World processes consist of appearances and annihilations DF-forms by means of unification . And in particular the phenomenon of the electricity(current) is the phenomenon of Unification of the DF .
Under CT-theory electricity (as a current) is the appearance of overfall in two places , and as stated above the Gr is the appearance of attraction between large and small masses (as a quantity of the braked masses). The electric effects are the direct appearances of the braking overfalls in the medium of the Dynamic Form Vacuum) , and the Gr-effects are secondary appearance of object attractions for masses as sums of micro-braked processes of matter , which is braked in the objects. The electromagnetic field is the form of unification of the braking overfall . That is an el/mag field is a sum of the micro-dynamic forms (NMF , PMF) which constitute el/mag field as a whole under appearance of the electricity current . And this united dynamic form disappearance under disappearance of electricity current (as an asymmetry of the space-time) .
The (+) poles push away as a quantities of a matter (masses) ; the (-) poles push away as energies of the forms which are necessary for a such quantities of a matter (masses) . And attraction of the two magnets is the process of the unification of a quantities braked matter (of the two magnets ) and the energies of it forms. We can notice that the two braked processes and two energies of forms are pushing away . According to the CT-theory this is the effect of Tunneling of braked and forming (TBF) processes . That is under the CT-theory the braked processes (as the forming processes) development in parallel .
The attraction of braked and forming processes connected with mutual claiming : the Mass (as braked matter) claims a forming process(it energy) and a Form claims the Mass - for balances energy of a form by means of quantities of the braked matter (mass) . The cell division is based on the TBF-process - two forms start to act in parallel as two braked processes . Any structure and it development is based on the principle of Unification (and Tunneling) . The Unification-process
connects atoms , cells in one structure . Under this process the TBF- process (as tunneling effect) carries out a spins of the structural elements for Unification-effect . The TBF takes a great part too in the polarization of an Object as a whole in gradient from elements(parts) to the Object as a whole . Due to that it's proved the processes of exchange with energy , information , matter ect. between different parts of an Object (between "Up" and "Down") .
As a whole the CT-theory on the more deep levels considers the braking processes as the

"...any matter ( nuclear , any particles) in the Universe created due to the Great Universe Braking".

complimentary processes as the phenomenon of Complimentary Braking (CB) . The mechanism of phenotypical copies and genetic copy in person' and herbal world connected with TBF-processes in the Earth-system . The spread of leafs on a tree . The one tree has more leafs then another , that is has on the genealogical level more TBF-potential . The Parallel CB (PCB) - is the possibility of one biological form to reproduce . The Form-building processes in the Earth-system and in the Universe are based on the TBF-potentials And Un-potentials . TBF-program is the program of realization of the individual TBF-potential as a structure . The Unification-potential (Un-potential) is the potential of clear Form .
The phenomenon of a Sleep (of the persons) connected with braking process . The individual braking (IB) allows increase UnGr-potential of a person/animal . Persons have equal braking processes - complimentary braking processes of the IB-s .
In particular in the Human being we can watch the "phenomenon of a twin" as TFB-process with equal individual braking (IB). That is the tunneling-process of the equal forms has the equal braking-processes - very (phenomenon) complimentary braking . As a whole we have Complimentary processes of two main kinds : two (some) processes (independent forms) as one (TBF) process and (Unification) processes when two or some forms in result of braking overfalls constitute one form . The CT-theory as the theory about Complimentary temporality processes are based on these processes of combination (unification) of the Earth (Universe) system processes in time and space .
In particular Ct-theory considers the possibilities of creation of the CT-computer and CT-unificator . The main task of the CT-computer connected with possibilities bring of objective information in any point of space and time in a system . CT-unificator is necessary for non-verbal communication (telepathy) between person and animal world .
In this way one braking process don't disturbs another braking process ( and one form - another form) . Under the CT-theory the dualism of the Unification and TBF-processes take a great part in the forming of bioobject structures . In particular the "method of Jackobson" (USA) for treatment of cancer , epilepsy ect. based on the application of weak electromagnetic fields of a person , Earth , (in accordance with growth of a person) . This method allows to correct pathologic orientation of genes on genetic level by means of the magnetic fields . As a whole we can imagine that any disease connected with genetic - structural (immune) violations . We know about unhealthy influence of the electric air-lines which are the causes of the different diseases . Later the CT-theory will introduces the influence of the time-factor (as the Individual Space-Time) between person and viruses (bacteria) .
We can imagine the energy of a Form under nuclear fission . As a whole we can imagine the World (Universe) processes as the processes complimentary unification energetic forms and it tunneling .
The main fundamental principle of the CT-theory : any matter (nuclear , any particles) in the Universe created due to Great Universe Braking from a Vacuum of the Dynamic Forms (virtual vacuum) and all in the Universe as the kinds of the matter are kinds of energies of the braked Vacuum (DF-Vacuum) . That is a matter is a form of the braked Vacuum .