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Is it just me, or do other people get headaches from crying? :bugeye: It's like a pressure within your head, like an overly ripe melon with air being steadily pumped into it. Is that normal?

And why do our eyeballs turn red?

And why do we get short breath from crying? Is it because of the exertion on our tear ducts...or because we expend lots of energy crying, calling for extra supplies of oxygen?
Yeah i get headaches, I assume others do also. It feels like increased blood pressure in the head which could be the reason for the red eyes also. I think the shortness of breath is due to the energy spent crying as you said.

All conjecture as I am too lazy to look this up.
Last time I cried was on 9-11. Before that it was a long time.

By biggest additional symtom was a wavering voice that would last for hours.
Last time I cried was last week.:(

I lost my internship. I went home, cried alone, fell asleep, and woke up pissed off. So now i have to get another job. At which point I did have a job offer but decided not to take it.

I normally get headaches from bright lights or driving to long.
I haven't had a good cry in awhile.

But yeah, I do get a headache if the crying is harshish.
Afterwards one's adrenaline is largely used up and one just has to take a nap. Your mother knew best when she sent you to your room after a tantrum.
Out of curiosity, is it normal to cry one night, then wake up feeling euphoric? :bugeye: Or is it just me again?
Never happens to me but I presume the depression triggers the release of endorphins, natural opiates.