Crop Crucul

Some crop circles are definitely man-made, the "genuine" ones are those which appear without telltale tracks leading to and fro around the circumference. Other indicative features of "genuine" circles are molecular level changes to the actual crop, intricate geometric swirling patterns without breakage to the crop stem, woven stems or stalks, and higher radiation levels inside the circle. Some "genuine" circles have even appeared in fields inside of restricted areas of military bases. So far, these "genuine" circles are still unexplained. If crop circles are a natural phenomenon, there almost seems to be too much of a methodology behind the geometrical nature of the circles. This isn't to say that geometrical patterns don't form naturally, one only has to look at snowflakes or any other crystals to see just as complex patterns. If they are not a natural phenomenon and we can rule out man-made efforts, then we're left with an enigma; something is obviously making these circles. I for one find it difficult to believe that "aliens" are making these large "doodles" (albeit ones that would put my old spiralgraph kit to shame) in the fields of England as well as some 70 other countries worldwide. Many people believe that "aliens" are behind the crop circles, but it seems to contradict the modus operandi of "aliens." Why would "aliens" tend to be so clandestine in almost everything else that they are attributed to doing and then leave a large "Kilroy was here" for all the world to see? It just doesn't seem to add up unless this is merely a form of deception to lure the eyes away from that which one wishes to keep hidden. I am more inclined to view the phenomenon as being a naturally made event under the right circumstances (although why this phenomenon appears to be a nocturnal one seems puzzling unless there's a lunar aspect involved). There is one good theory that states that these circles are formed via electromagnetic currents being carried through the underground water table which flows over underlying chalk beds (in England at least). Just how these electromagnetic currents can produce the patterns in the crops still is something of a mystery though, but it's a start at least. Still, I'd be the first to admit that this "electromagnetic influence" on crops would be quite a feat of nature indeed when it comes to explaining how stems and stalks can be woven together and such as some of the "genuine" circles have had done. Then again, many times it's the simpler theory that proves true, so yes maybe the "aliens" are frustrated artists or perhaps the nightlife back in the UK is incredibly dull indeed.

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited April 09, 2000).]