Crop Circles


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Hi All. I would very much like to hear your opinions on this phenomonon. Whether you think it is ET in origin, an elaborate hoax or whatever else. The significants of Knights Templar, Freemason symbolisms in the patterns etc. I find this phenomonon extremely fascinating. For those who are not entirley familiar with it, the patterns defy complete explanation. I have heard one (and only one) explanation which accounts for the absence of tracks leading in or out of the crops, the fact that the stems are not broken but 'melted' at cellular level and continue to grow for several weeks with the bend in place. The extensive accounts of lights and low hums asociated with the phenomonon, and the apparently short times taken to produce (or time to appear) of these very complicated geometrical patterns. I would like to here from you guys before I put forward this explanation (I can't remember the name of the guy who came up with it, however I shall endevour to do so).
Well I herd that what ever leves thes crop circles is ET becuse Ther is a radeashuni left in the groned after the crop circles is made. (note I am a bad speller)
whats a radeshuni?????

note I am also a poor speller. I choose to blame spell checkers, you miss them when there not available :D
Silly me. I choose to blame not paying attention in class. Just messing with you, though. I screw up on occassion myself, and I have a reputation at work for being the "human spell-checker".

I don't believe crop circles are caused by extraterrestrial sources. I believe they are strictly terrestrial, although as to their origins, I can't rightly say. Off the cuff, I favor the ball-lightning theory, although I really don't know much about it.

Contrary to the current system of belief, crop circles are not a recent phenomenon. They've been called "Devil's Circles", or some other such name, for well over a thousand years. Prior to that, who knows? The shapes are nice to look at, though.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Let's see, aliens built the pyramids, drew the Nazca lines, do cattle mutilations & are now making crop circles? All I can say, boy these artists are sure busy!! But, why do they change their medium ? First stone monuments, then scratched lines, then scaples, & now lawn mowers? Why are these people coming several lightyears, just to make an artistic statement? Are they looking for a blank canvas? Are they bored & just what to see how they can make us puny little-brained earth humans try to guess their intensions? Or are they just getting us ready for first contact? Just wondering.
Hi guys,

i dont think it is as simple as saying who made them..........first we have to find out what evidence the circle holds and them we can start think about who could have made them.

justlooking at some video or a picture and then saying Aliens made it is no good........the key words evidence and facts

[This message has been edited by chucky (edited June 04, 2000).]
It's interesting stuff indeed. I don't think those two guys who claim to be responsible are doing anything other than trying to make aname for themselves. There are too many differences in the effects on the stalks themselves. I wouldn't ascribe it to extraterrestrial graffitti artists just yet, but I wouldn't leave it out, either.
"Crop Circles" ....geesh I've been studing them 4 some time now .....mainly because my dad in maryland some time ago woke 2 find one in his field (studing Qph) at the time tried to make sence of it....all I came up with was facts leading to the posability of the circles being around 4 hundreds of years ....without any records of how they for the 2 people that claim they did it...well here's a few questions for them.... [1] how were they able to do these circles in more then one place at the same time????? [2]"this is posably the most important question of all "were is that fountain of youth".....there's proof of "crop circles" being around before they were even were is it boys....were is that "fountain of youth"???? I've spoke to people that has had the crop circles in their fields in the 40's-50's......that would make these 2 people how old???? you do the math!!!! :)
Ever heard of college pranks? I'm no farmboy, but I guess that after all the hard work is done, after a few Miller's why not leave a design on your neighbor's field? It's a way to kill time. Get the town 'a buzz'. Might even bring tourists to town. Why would E.T. leave a design on a grain field?, when he can just phone home. No, just kidding! Anyway, maybe these aliens are incapable of communicating with us because their language or thought processes are undecipherable? So they go to ART, the real language of the universe? I'd rather they just come out and say "HI". Maybe their shy? Or maybe they're just teases, not enough real evidence but just enough to speculate? Well, I guess we'll see the answer some day.