Crop Circles


There are no accidents.
Registered Senior Member
We've all heard of them, and sceptics using the age old say "They are easily man made". Thus people there are the few out there that wish to say that crop circles, ALL OF THEM, are fake.

There are some variables that people tend to forget about crop circles when being examined.

You can't prove that all crop circles are fake. Certain crop circles have evidence of actual abnormal crop growth, as well as lead inside of the crops. Evidence shows that objects such as flying triangles have been spotted in the skies 1000's of years ago, and it is ACTUAL RECORDS. U.F.O's are not just an invention as some would infer. It is ridiculous to think that so many people will succome to the insanity of actually putting fragments of lead in individual plants in a crop. Maybe a small perceptage, but really, will that many people go to such lengths, just to play some mean prank.

I find it hard to believe. Also for the fact that crop circles themselves have been around for 1000's of years, and the idea that people that many years ago would even bother to make crop circles with such inferior technology and no helacopters to see the design over head is simply ridiculous in my opinion.

There are too many variables, to simply infer that all crop circles MUST be fake.
As it is one form of comunication that can be easily seen from space, I would say the highest probability is they are messages to some inteligence off world.

No, I don't mean the ISS.

hmmmmmmm, then to whom?
Who really knows. One question would also arrive would be to the purpose of them using a planet to communicate with others like themselves, because these messages are not for us, otherwise they wouldn't be on the ground.

So the question is as you said, to whom, and also why this planet being used for it?
The message would be for near orbital viewing.
It would indicate no other means of comunicating was possible.

True... and it would possibly infer that we have a few technological advancements that they don't have, seeing as they need crop circles to communicate. Thus they may be more advanced then us in certain ways only, one being space travel. Or I could be just going through some conspiracy with my tech theory on this, forgive me, I can sometimes jump to that.
did you see signs? i found his Nights idea that they are signs, particularly interesting...

anyways irrelevantly : Bucks county where signs was shot's where i am stayin for summers (boring place :-\)

Yeah I saw that movie, and enjoyed it very much. I forgot though, what were the crop circles signifying on the movie? Could you perhaps recap the theory to me?
Evidence shows that objects such as flying triangles have been spotted in the skies 1000's of years ago, and it is ACTUAL RECORDS
Actually triangles are a fairly recent shape in the sky - usually ascribed to Aurora.
As it is one form of comunication that can be easily seen from space/ The message would be for near orbital viewing.
So any aliens that come into our solar system will know exactly where to look for the circles at the right time (wouldn't want to look for a crop circle in the dark would we)?
And what makes you think a pattern in a cornfield is visible from orbit?
Oli said:
And what makes you think a pattern in a cornfield is visible from orbit?

Because of the superadvanced technology the aliens have, they can see everything, which is why they choose such a baroque method of communication, ....

... hold on, if they are superadvanced, why don't they just use radios? Or lasers? Or something that does't require a seasonal growth! ;-)
Regulus said:
It is ridiculous to think that so many people will succome to the insanity of actually putting fragments of lead in individual plants in a crop. Maybe a small perceptage, but really, will that many people go to such lengths, just to play some mean prank.
What makes you think that each grain of lead must be individually inserted? Students from MIT replicated all aspects of crop fields, including the "strange electromagnetic field" effect. To do the metal spheres, they made a flamethrower-cum-microwave device which seeded the flames with iron filings. It exactly replicated the small spherical objects and the crop damage.
Perhaps Phlogistician aliens use corncircles to communicate because it's too difficult to hold a spraycan to a wall being 3 foot high with tenticles and their concern for being arrested for exercising their "freedom of expression" through the "defacement of public property".
Stryder said:
Perhaps Phlogistician aliens use corncircles to communicate because it's too difficult to hold a spraycan to a wall being 3 foot high with tenticles and their concern for being arrested for exercising their "freedom of expression" through the "defacement of public property".

Yeah, that's it, imagine you have a tentacle wrapped around the spray can, holding it, you'd then have to operate the nozzle with the tip of another tentacle. This might require letting go of the ray gun, or transcommunication device.

Whereas walking round in circles, bending a few stalks with a spare tentacle must be a breeze. Thank you, you've solved the mystery!

I bet they aren't too bothered about being arrested though, I bet those tentacles slip out of handcuffs real easy!
Back up your first logical explanation with a conspiracy theory... that's reasonable.

Though what you are saying about aurora's in the sky is true, that does not rule out their sightings in the sky because as recorded most were seen as individual balls of light in a triangular formation, not one big light. Though it was 1000's of years ago these people weren't stupid, they could tell the difference between one big triangular light and many lights forming a triangle.
It was also recorded that triangles were seen close enough to actual seen the design of the ship, not just lights.

So all crop circles, even 1000's of years ago were being faked.

Please, do explain to me, the significance to all to all of this. The motive, if you will? Care to explain why some surf in old England thousands of years ago would waste his time faking a crop circle out, when back then it was so much harder to replicate?

yep, all of them. Each and every crop circle. Also the idea of extraterrestrials were wild back then too. It was like the 50's, everyone was talking about it, it was just one big huge conspiracy for 1000's of years to come.

Also the crop circles have had evidence of irregular growth and radiation burn.

So it's merely coincidence that certain crop circles, (a hell of a lot of em)just so happens to be the victim of sun spots. Only crop circles, and the fact that it's on circle crop circles, many of em, is just a coincidence. And after it's made too, in that one area. all coincidince.

If you want to talk about conspiracy that is conspiracy my friend. This is too coincidential. Your ruling out too many variables.

And as for your theory on the SuperNatural, here's somehting you may want to look into. They aren't humans thus their advancements aren't replicated like humans, so you can't just saying they are more advanced then us in EVERY way.

It's possible they don't have the technology of implicating radiowaves, but they can implicate space travel. You don't know if we advanced beyond them in certain ways. And if your going to use logic in the sense that they are more advanced then us in every way because they know space travel, that's still not good enough, there must be a reason behind it.

Also the motive behind the crop circles is still unknown. So even if it does sound ridiculous that they are using crop circles as a call card it's quite possible it has another purpose.

Before you once again call me insane, how about actual looking into these records. Keep an open mind.

I ask you, look into this before judging it. Look into more records before judgement.
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Evidence shows that objects such as flying triangles have been spotted in the skies 1000's of years ago
because as recorded most were seen as individual balls of light in a
triangular formation, not one big light
Borrowing from Visitor's book now? a flying triangle does not equal "indicidual balls of light in a triangular formation.
If you're going to give us rubbish "theories" at least try to keep them self-consistent.
Check out the other crop circle threads - there weren't any thousands of years ago (IIRC ToR tried this and couldn't even get away with dating them back a couple of hundred).
And PS, it's "serf" not "surf".
Why were they hard to replicate back then? Piece of rope, flat boards etc. They didn't have to bother inserting any chemicals since no-one would bother checking for them.
They aren't humans thus their advancements aren't replicated like humans
Agreed 100%. I have proof humans exist. ETs are pure speculation...
the idea of extraterrestrials were wild back then too.
is not true either, since it would have been put down to angels and the like. A woo-woo is a woo-woo, only the terms change...
Regulus said:
And as for your theory on the SuperNatural, here's somehting you may want to look into. They aren't humans thus their advancements aren't replicated like humans, so you can't just saying they are more advanced then us in EVERY way.

It's possible they don't have the technology of implicating radiowaves, but they can implicate space travel. You don't know if we advanced beyond them in certain ways. And if your going to use logic in the sense that they are more advanced then us in every way because they know space travel, that's still not good enough, there must be a reason behind it.

Also the motive behind the crop circles is still unknown. So even if it does sound ridiculous that they are using crop circles as a call card it's quite possible it has another purpose.

Obviously, you dont' have a really good grasp of physics. If the "aliens" here have mastered interspace travel, they have to have a fundamental understanding of em waves/fields, which is how communication happens in radio frequencies. To say that a race (or conglomeration of races) that have space travel, and not some intership communication is rediculous notion.
Then his information was incorrect Oli.

King David saw these in the sky, and even if you call them Angels, whatever you like to call them what they saw was still what they saw in the sky, name changes don't change the object.

And as I see it King David did not merely live hundreds of years ago now did he?

You can say what you like but the object doesn't change with the name.

And its not a rubbish theory as you so harshy put it. A board and a piece of rope, it can be replicated, but again you fail to show logic of why it would be replicated.

Don't beat around the bush, answer my question. Otherwise I have nothing more to say to you.

And ET's, as you so put it, do exist, there's no proof of them to have visited here, but for us to be the only organisms in this Universe other then bacteria is a wild assumption, as the probability of that is low.

And I am borrowing this from nowhere. As such, I have not used this forum for anything, I've found my information elsewhere.

And yes, you are correct, I am not very good in physics Squeak, point well taken.

But there could be anothe implication of this purpose of a crop circle. I don't rule that out. If not for communication, then it could possibly have anothe purpose.
It is pretty strange. The "mainstream" resorts to worldwide conspiracy theories to explain crop circles away.
Well what I don't like is when people rule out these variables, and just consider them ALL coincidences. Also when they beat around the bush and don't even care to explain was some man 100's of years ago or 1000's of years ago would just out of the blue decide to fake out a crop circle, with no motive.

As of now we can reasonably infer this, because the idea of U.F.O's were recently endorced after the 1950's. Of course there's obviously going to be fakers out there.

But that many years ago the idea of a U.F.O never existed. Thus the motive of crop circles is something to be questioned, if one is to reasonably infer all should be fake even when dating back to that long ago.
but again you fail to show logic of why it would be replicated.
Don't beat around the bush, answer my question. Otherwise I have nothing more to say to you.
Why do people do anything strange? I don't even know why someone climbs mountains, takes up boxing, watches football etc. Individuals' choices are not up to me to explain. I suppose they were done "for a giggle" or a bet. And then someone else decided it would be "cool" to follow up with some of their own. Logic has nothing to with it - there may be personal reasons JUSTIFYING to themselves why they do it, but that's not my purview.
You can say what you like but the object doesn't change with the name.
You haven't proved their were any "objects" - all that can truly be said is that something was probably seen and interpreted as angels (long ago) or flying saucers (more recently).
Until it can be proved they physically exist then any speculation as to what they are is never going to anything more than speculation.
And ET's, as you so put it, do exist, there's no proof of them to have visited here, but for us to be the only organisms in this Universe other then bacteria is a wild assumption, as the probability of that is low.
Really? Show us, convince us that they do exist.
You can't assign a probability, low or otherwise, since you have no hard data on which to base the calculations. My personal feeling (and hope) is that there is life out there, but I have nothing to back up what is only a gut-based desire.