Crop circles

Hi, odin ...

Tried to look at it ------ got a big, fat blank page!

Supposed to be a joke or something?
I don't understand why crop circles continues to be seen by so many as a mystery.

There was an excellent TV documentary that appeared on the Discovery channel earlier in the year that showed how three people were able to easily create massive circles with a complex design in a few hours overnight.

The tools were very simple, some pieces of timber, lots of rope and I think some measureing tape.

The key to the designs are the furrows made by plows, and the makers of the circles take these as their basic guides.

There really is no mystery.

It was also a mighty odd coincidence that when the foot paths were closed during the Hoof and Mouth thing that crop circles declined in their frequency only to reemerge after the foot paths were reopened.
There was one where the people studying the circles wrote a question. They got an answer in a language used by the Illuminati. They got a few mathematical formulas out of the crops as well.

Not surprising considering this is something they study (mathematical patterns, astronomy, ect)

The article doesn't dismiss them as all man made. Obviously some are but some are questionable. How do you explain the cross over pattern of the crops? Or the so called crystalization? A piece of wood won't do that.

The ones that don't have that are concluded as fakes. The 20% that fit that pattern they can't explain. It's interesting despite what really causes them.


I clicked on your website for the crop circles but a blank page came up , but it's because you have a smiley face at the end of the site address.

just click on the same address and when the blank page comes up just delete the smiley face and click on the address again.

hmmmm, I don't know about crop circles being reduced by foot and mouth disease, because didn't they say that it only affects animals. but then also it isn't a very researched it?
....hmmmmm, kind of weird..don't you think?
Foot & mouth

The reason for the Foot & mouth in the subject is that they close the footpaths so lots of people cannot get to the corn,but a lot of locals would still be able to, because of local knowledge.
just a buy note foot & mouth is about the same as the common cold in humans,if they just leave the animals they get better.
The man mentioned on the site Colin Andrews. Met him once when I used to deliver furniture. Nice guy. Any way see if you can find anything written by him. Website, or a book he seems to be the man when it comes to crop circles.

I still think they are a mystery since the circles that are considered geniune are not able to be made with a plank of wood and some string. To use tools of that kind it would force the "artist" to break the stems of the crop...however a genuine circle has actually got bent stems..the crop keeps growing with the bend in the stem. Biologists say that it looks as if the stem was melted.

The only reasonable explanation that I have heard to circles of that type is that it is being made by a satellite, i.e. a military satellite with the ability to beam a high energy beam...and hence produce the patteren....Also nearly ALL of the genuine circles appear in moments i.e. a farmer might only be away for a short MOMENT and he'll come back to a complex formation. I also saw a doco on how non-genuine circles are made...these were done by hoaxers that claim they can do full on complex patterns etc in short time (I believe they took credit for MANY circles)so they were asked to stage a hoax and it was filmed...anyways a pattern that they claimed they could do in one night was done in 1 night...however they didn't show the fact that the field was surveyed and staked out 2 days prior to the hoax...and it took both of those days to complete the surveying and staking. Also they didn't point out that ALL non geniune circles are geometricaly inferior to a genuine formation....something about genuine circles being elipses.
Somewhere I also read about ICE Circles (Discs) that are rotating and big size...any one knows anything about?
I found a site that explained a possible conclusion for some of the crop circles that aren't done by humans directly (The ones with a higher electromagnetic flux background)

It explained that people sat in a lab with parallel processing computers rigged to a multiple number of satellites and antenna arrays could cause wet or green corn to bend under subatomic manipulation through electromangetic flux.

This would pretty much mean any shape could be made, the corn could be bent into any direction and if you have a compass near a corncircle you might find it not pointing north.
Man Fined For Creating Crop Circle
Source: Ananova (
Publication Date: November 6, 2000

A man has been fined =A3100 after admitting damaging farmland while creating crop circles.

Matthew Williams, 29, of Bishops Cannings, near Devizes, Wilts, appeared before magistrates in what is believed to be the first such prosecution in the country.

For years intricate patterns discovered in fields have been blamed on acts of nature and even alien intervention, while others believe the ornate and crafted "works of art" have been composed by hoaxers using elaborate machinery under the cover of darkness.

Williams pleaded guilty to creating a seven-point star in a wheat field at Manor Farm, West Overton, near Marlborough, Wilts, in August.

The unemployed computer technician, who said he created the design to prove experts wrong, was also ordered to pay =A340 costs by Devizes magistrates.

Roger Jones, prosecuting, said farmer Michael Maude estimated =A3200 damage was caused. "Mr Williams said he created it because a crop circle researcher had said it wasn't possible for humans to create a seven-point star. His desire, he said, was to prove the experts wrong."

Mr Jones said the matter was reported to police by former professor of architecture Michael Glickman, who has been studying crop circles for many years. Mr Glickman, who lives near Devizes, and has written books on the subject, claimed on an American radio show that is was impossible for a human to create the star in a crop field.

Paranormal researcher Williams, who has also appeared on television and radio shows to talk about the subject and moved to Wiltshire two years ago to conduct more research, said he and an American friend created the circle at Manor Farm to prove him wrong.

Williams said he falsely believed the field belonged to another farmer who had previously given permission for crop circles.

Stephen Clifford, defending, said: "Mr Williams says he approached Mr Glickman and tried to persuade him he was hoodwinking us. He said Mr Glickman didn't want to know. Mr Williams shows no malice towards Mr Maude. He has no desire to trouble the court again."
Originally posted by Cris
I don't understand why crop circles continues to be seen by so many as a mystery.

There was an excellent TV documentary that appeared on the Discovery channel earlier in the year that showed how three people were able to easily create massive circles with a complex design in a few hours overnight.

The tools were very simple, some pieces of timber, lots of rope and I think some measureing tape.

The key to the designs are the furrows made by plows, and the makers of the circles take these as their basic guides.

There really is no mystery.

i dont beilieve in ufo stuff,but i do think crop circle as mystery not related to those ufo craps but to our earth itself.the crop circles are easy to hoax out... i presonally have a recording of a hoaxer who has done it millions of times.But Chris,let me tell you something,the crop circles considered to genuine by the hoaxers themselves
have found a common activity.the magnetic field at these places is found to be extremely high,could it be that due to activity of earth itself(magnetic activity)the crop plants are responding that way??think about it.