Crop Circles: Is the glass half full or half empty?

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
While watching another show on crop circles, where they clearly show some of the clearly faked CCs (crop circles for short) something popped into my head.

Now clearly some CCs are clearly amazing and unexplained when studied. But most of them are just plans done up on some hoazers computer and exucuted very well.

You look at some of these CCs and notice that the center of the CC starts on the tractor tire lines, smack dab in the middle, or even slighty off. Then there are the CCs with amazing stuctures, something so AMAZING that it could not of been done by man? Yet... it is easy to see the slightest flaws in these CCs. Such as the slightest circle that is off by just a little or the work clearly just looks sloppy.

Then we get the science involved. All the mutated stalks and what not, with mutated junk bla bla bla....

Something came clear to me on one of the documents I saw. When someone said "Sure, it is possible to create these crop circle ourselfs, but who would have the money and technoligy to do it, within a small social group."

I never rule anything out, but I still like to point out hoaxs and whatnot thur extream tought.

Here is what I have to say: Scientist have found mutated stalks of grain within the crop circle with odd chemicals there that should not be. Is it not possible that there are PRO hoaxers going around with NEW CC making tools?

Most of us already know that 2 men confessed to making ALOT of the crop circles in the UK in the 80s using string and a wooden board. And they revealed their secrets in the early 90s. OK, sure this settled down the CC making down for a while.

But then, CCs started to get crazy.

Stuff so amazing, and so perfectly made.... it was shocking. Either the Aleins are trying to keep up with the hoaxers or it is just human nature to become the best.

With computers these days, it is quite easy to make a AMAZING plan to create a crop circle that will leave poeple baffled. But then, how do they fool the scientific community?

This is where I come in.

String And Wooden boards are pretty simple stuff.... but has anyone ever thought that hoaxers are to go as far as using TECHNOLIGY to thier advantage.

I am thinking..... Somehow, the more pro hoaxers are using some sorta of STEAMING equiptment. They can add almost any chemical they want, and it will alter the chemical make up and even at the most extream the, DNA of the crops DNA before it dies.

Clearly this will really baffle the scientific communtiy.

With this in mind. we still see, then and even now amazing crop circles.

In the early 80s, there where some reported cases of CCs that where AMAZING. Even before the personal computers and whatnot. CCs that where ahead of thier time for a common man. And really, why would anyone else BUT the comman man do this...

There is no profit from making crop circles, unless your government is paying you make them, only to draw attention away from the real ones.

But with the idea of a "STEAMING CHEMICAL BATH" APPLYED to sort of equipment, even scientists can be fooled. Be honest, would you spend alot of money for chemicals and equiptment just to make something that no one knows you have made?

What normal person would go to these lengths for nothing in return?

Somewhere in the world they even have competitions to see who can create the best crop circles. But not even thoes ones have the science to back them up or quality for some of the CCs we(I) have seen.

Really, there is alot of hoaxers out there. But you need to use your brain if you are willing to truely explore the truth.
"What normal person would go to these lengths for nothing in return?"
I assume it is for the same reasons that people graffiti walls with spray paint. Crop circles are art, or graffiti depending on how you look at it.

How funny would it be visiting your circle a few days later with the dowsers, psychics and e.t. fanatics?

I believe the altered stalks idea started with W.C Levengood. I haven't heard anyone reliable verify these findings yet.

Anyway I have yet to be convinced that these are anything but man made.
I've heard of people actually sitting and watching football for hours on end, so go figure how people will waste their time and money.

Certainly, ALL of the crop circles are made by humans. (If we have one explanation, why do we need another one?)

As for "mutations" and "altered DNA", I think you'll find that most of those claims have been exaggerated and are not much of a mystery to mainstream science. (I live in Saskatchewan, where grain farming is our bread and butter. Do you seriously think that the crop scientists around here would not be studying crop circles in great detail if they thought there was ANY chance of those "mutations" or "altered DNA" being real?)
Ill post a scan of a magazine showing info on the the mutated grain stalks later.

There are a lot of video footage showing ufo's flying over and around crop circles, some of it is very impressive.
The movie Independance Day looks quite impressive too. Doesn't mean t'was real footage though.