Crop Circles--Essay-- *A must Read*


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Crop Circles- Through out years, Crop Circles have been questioned as either hoaxes, exterestrial activity, or other phenomenon from beyond the grave. I on the other hand believe the second of the three questions.

Did "Aliens" create these elaborate designs in fields out side cities and farmers fields? I believe the answer is yes. I also believe that the elaborate designs, well some of them anyways are the "alphabet" of creature more advanced then us. But instead of telling us that "they" do exsist in their own language that we can't understand, did you ever think that "they" are trying not to be so advanced.

Take for example, like trying to talk to a 2-year old. Just telling him/her by using word won't make him understand. The child has an inferior intellect at this young age. I know, some of you right now are saying, "The human-race has been around for a billion or more years. We're no 2-year old," but the "Them" the "ET's" we are still only children in the universe.

What I'm saying is this, maybe instead of being so advanced, too advanced for us, maybe they are trying to put things in their lamens terms. "They" aren't using words. "They" are using images. "They" are showing use where to find "them", showing us how to get to "them".

Now, you're asking, "Alright, but why draw on fields and farm crop? Why not just come out and tell us? Expose themselves."
Those are all good questions, and I have a some what vague answer on those questions. Alright, they can't just come out and tell us for the simple and plain reason of we won't understand "them". We would be to afraid. With Hollywood coming out with movies like "Independence Day" and the horrifyingly bad movie "Mars Attacks" the first thing we would do is think invasion protect the earth. "They" know this. The reason why they "draw" on Crops is this. How would you comunicate to someone who can't hear and understand you? You write it down on paper. That's a vague answer I know. But I think that's the reason why it's on crop.

These are my reasons why I believe that some Crop Circles are real, and not hoaxes. I believe there is something out there telling us how to find them. And how to get to them. Thank you.
crop circles thoughts

All are indeed worthwhile thoughts.

Perhaps the genuine circle makers use their minds to form crop circles with & maybe they want us to use our belief in our mental abilities as a means to reply to them.

Perhaps that is all they are waiting for. Strictly avoiding physical contact in order to move our consciousness towards the psychic realm as a means to a truer form of reality.

Maybe they want to challenge us with the possibility that our minds are more than we give ourselves credit for.

Maybe they've been doing it for thousands of years.. and we just never got it. Until now.

And maybe.. these are just thoughts.

- sunbinder -
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